
Achieve Your life Goals with a Life Coach


This is the latest picture that has been taken of me, probably the last one before I turn over another birthday.

My birthday is this Sunday and I’ve been reflecting a lot over the things that I have accomplished in life and things that I would still like to accomplish.

The biggest challenge this year is losing my job and trying to build a small business with my blog. Exciting YES! Scary YES!

I recently heard about life coaches and how they aren’t really a therapist, but a guidance to help you achieve goals quicker that may have otherwise taken years and years to complete.

“Of all the things successful people do to accelerate their trip down the path to success, participating in some kind of coaching program is a the top of the list.”Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Life coaching is a one on one personal coaching relationship with someone who may have had the same goals in life or the same direction, they work to keep you motivated, give you accountability, all while keeping you focused to make new progress week after week.

Have you ever taken a new direction in life with the help from a life coach?

Not only do I have goals with my small business, there are goals with other areas of my life as well such as losing weight, becoming more organized in life and in the home, to travel more and to start living life more fully, not so much day to day and just to get by.

It’s funny how these kinds of things run through your mind when another age is right around the corner.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

14 thoughts on “Achieve Your life Goals with a Life Coach

  • My birthday is right around the corner and I have been thinking about my goals for the future. It just seems like I don’t manage my time very well. A life coach has never crossed my mind, but what a great idea. Thank you for the great post and good luck!

  • I have never had a life coach, but it is definitely something that I can see would be beneficial to accomplishing different goals. Something to look into . Thanks for sharing

  • I’ve never had a life coach, but it sounds like an interesting idea. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors!

  • i’ve been pondering the idea of a life coach lately too. i suffer from fibromyalgia so that clouds everything … limits my true potential, which is frustrating. I also have $60k in debt from a college education that I find interesting, but dont want to work in because i’ve discovered it’s too stressful. Yet, I have NO idea what I could do! I know my strong points and skills… I’m just drawing blanks. Thanks for this post :)

  • Happy early Birthday! I’ve never thought about having a life coach. I was too busy to even stop to think about it!

  • No, I’ve never used one, at least in part because of the cost.

  • I never used a life coach before, but I’ve heard that other people have had great success in helping them get their life organized. Best of luck to you as you venture into new territory!

  • Never had a life coach myself. But it sounds interesting.

  • I live 40 miles west of Nashville. Cool! :) I’m not a life coach, though… could probably use one! Haha

  • Never had a life coach myself. I do have a mentor at work, but that is part of a leadership program I am a part of. Good luck with your blog, so far your doing a great job at building it up.

  • Love your blog! Thanks for all that you do!

  • Well I think that is a great idea. Do you need any kind of certification to become a life coach? After having my last baby, I realized what I needed most in the hospital was a Doula since I had no family or friends in town to stay with me while I was in the hospital. Its something I’ve thought about doing myself, although I’d have to research it to see if I’d need to take classes or get any kind of certification to be a Doula. Doula’s dont deliver babies, they are just their for support for mothers before during and after delivery and its something I thought I could totally do having known what its like to need some for a service like this. Maybe you should look into something like that?

    After my little one is grown and I’m not nursing anymore I think this might be something I will pursue.

  • Birthday’s are always a time of reflection for me also. Love that picture of you and monky #2. :) Sent you a message!

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