
After Christmas Decorations | Decorating for Winter

We took our Christmas decorations down yesterday, this bums me out every year because our house always looks so bare!

I sat and pondered today about what kind of decorations could be put up for winter, not so wintery that they scream Christmas, but warm and cozy enough until it is time to decorate for the next holiday.

Pinterest is always the method to my madness and here is what I found today


Photo and Craft Instructions by Craft Goodies

I saw this little guy and thought “How easy and cute!!”. You could replace the wreath hanging on your door with this perfect little snowman and leave it for months to come.


Restoration House is the creator of this great décor! You should see what else she did with her mantle. I saw these light up battery operated twigs are our local discount décor store for a couple bucks. This could be so easy and affordable to make! Just love the warmth feel that it brings.

Pinned Image

This came from Providence Interior Design. You always see candle creations for winter made with pinecones, twigs or fake snow. I’ve never seen an arrangement done with acorns before! The white candles and acorns make this so pretty.

Here are some other ideas to get you through the winter months

– Move around your furniture to fill bare spots

– If you have a smaller tree, repurpose the tree and decorate for different holidays all year round

– Bring some greenery into your home, white plants will bring a feeling of winter

– Bring some big cozy throws out and put them on your couch

What ideas have you found for decorating the home after Christmas? 

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

21 thoughts on “After Christmas Decorations | Decorating for Winter

  • I love that snowman! I collect snowmen and lots of them out at Christmas. If I could I’d keep my lights up all yr round but I live in an apt so I have to take them down. Thanks for sharing.Gave me some good ideas.

  • Wow! I love these ideas! I love Christmas and after Christmas Winter Decor…I love the tin with the lights and pinecones!

  • What great ideas I luv the snow man and the light up porch pail. They do seem very festive without a Christmas thought. The only thing I’ve ever done was clean good, move things around (after the tree) and put out the new gifts such as photo frames, candles and things the kids made while home for the two holiday weeks.
    Gladys P

  • Love these, I will definately be using some ideas next winter

  • I love the snowman

  • I love the Snowman! Super cute ideas, I’m loving Pinterest here lately. The candles are nice too.

  • I always decorate for winter and it keeps the kids and my spirits much higher I think. We put lights around the door and decorate with penguins and snowmen. I love that snowman on the door. I think I will have to look him up and see if I can make that little guy. Thank you for sharing!!

  • what a great idea..gonna try this idear out:)

  • such beautiful ideas!

  • Those are all great ideas. My friends family has snowmen up all of January and it is super pretty and doesn’t leave you feeling like the house is empty.

  • Beautiful ideas. I love Pinterest! I get so many crafting ideas from there. My son is getting married so I’ve started a “wedding” board with all the great ideas listed there.

  • @sarah i like that idea with the paper whites because personally after christmas i try to push spring lol

  • i have found that keeping some of the winter decorations that are not related to christmas still keep the home very festive and fun. i like to move them to different rooms and keep the wreaths up as well.

  • Great ideas thanks for share

  • I love the christmas ideas! I am already thinking of what to do for next year. I like to do themes for my christmas trees, you got my brain working.

  • I like to get paper white bulbs to bring spring inside early.

  • these are all good ideas. Love the snowman!

  • I especially like the candles. It’s a beautiful idea.

    As for me, I’m not that into doing it. It was an accomplishment that we had a tree this year.

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