
Almost Half Way!

Hello! I wanted to make a quick post to let you all know that this week we had our Fetal Anatomy scan done. Everything looks perfect for monkey number two! The ultrasound technician measured baby at 18 weeks 4 days and weighing about 9 ounces when I was exactly 18 weeks pregnant.


We are gearing up to leave Texas and had a little photo shoot at a great mural here in Austin. I thought I’d share our family picture and the picture of monkey number 2 with you all!

I know this is about the time when many parents find out the sex of their baby but we’ve decided we’re going to wait! Feel free to ask questions, if you like!


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

5 thoughts on “Almost Half Way!

  • Such an exciting time. We’re expecting our first and I’m nervously awaiting the scans.

  • Thank you! I think we’ll do a Gender Reveal Party later in the year with our friends and family. So we’re not waiting until birth, just not finding out right now. =)

  • Yes! The corner of S. 1st and Annie St. there is a little shop and this is on the NW corner.
    There is SO much to do in Austin, and we really love it here. I’ll miss the city, but like you mentioned not the heat! With B I was pregnant all through the summer of 2010, so I know what you mean!
    For inexpensive (FREE) stuff to do in Austin you should check out http://www.freefuninaustin.com/
    In the summer I love taking B to the splash pads around town to cool off. We go to Zilker Park where there’s a neat playground. There’s a children’s museum downtown. We also go to the Farmers Markets (just got back from one this morning!) where they often have breakfast tacos, live music, and nice people. If you’re into cycling or rollerblading there is a Veloway across the street from Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Ah! I could go on and on, there is so much variety in the fun stuff to do here!

  • Congrats!! I have 5 kids, and I could never wait to find out what they were!!!

    Do you know where you were in Austin for that picture?! That is awesome. We moved just outside of Austin, from Seattle, in April 2011. I spent summer with the +100* for 90 days or something, pregnant. It was not fun! Needless to say, we haven’t actually SEEN much of Austin. I take the kids in for their orthodontist appointments, and my DH goes to the VA for appointments, but that’s about it right now.

  • Aw, congrats on a healthy monkey! I wonder sometimes if I had another child if I could stand not knowing the sex but I wish I could because I love surprises.

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