
Appliance Art : Chalkboard and Dry Erase Panels : Mom Must Have for the Kitchen!!


Do you have kids? If so then you need to check this out! Appliance Art offers two products for the kitchen that are a Mom MUST HAVE!!

Appliance Art : Color Your Appliance World!

I recently visited my sister in law out of state and during our visit we had a short stop at her mother’s house. While visiting I noticed that her dishwasher had a decorative panel on it, the dishwasher no longer looked like an appliance in the middle of the kitchen but more like a piece of “Art”!

Out of curiosity I took it upon myself to check out Appliance Art online and I came across two of their products that would be a perfect fit in any home with children! (Including mine!)

Appliance Art : Let your child's creativity flow with a dishwasher dry erase panel! Appliance Art : Let your child's creativity flow with a dishwasher chalkboard panel!

A lot of time is spent in the kitchen cleaning, cooking, socializing and the last thing that you want is your kids getting under your feet, getting into the dishwasher when you are trying to put dishes away and nagging you because they want something.. or they are bored.

Here in our house there are magnets on the fridge and a bunch of little pieces that get thrown everywhere, how awesome would it be to hand your child a piece of chalk or dry erase marker to let them flow their creativity all while keeping occupied in the kitchen?!

Appliance Art offers both Chalkboard Panels and Dry Erase Panels that you can place on your dishwasher or fridge!!!


I think I really like the Chalkboard Panel, though the dry erase board is cute too…

You have to see all of the uses for these Appliance Art Panels!
Man I need one, or two… like yesterday :)

Get 20% off of any purchase at Appliance Art

Promo Code : July20yea

Expires 7/31



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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

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