
Back to School : How I Spent My First Day With An Empty Nest

This morning, I was talking to a girlfriend at the gym about life at home without the kids. Last week, our kids went back to school and for the first time, my house has been quiet. I just sent my little one off to Kindergarten! *insert tears here*

Back to School : How I Spent My First Day With An Empty Nest

There has been some adjusting to life at home without the kids and one of the biggest freedoms has been to run my errands alone, no whining, no begging for treats and song choirs of “I have to use the bathroom” every 10 minutes.

A lot of errands have been sitting on the back burner for some time, mainly for the reason above. So once school started, I packed up my bags and headed out to Target! 

Back to School : How I Spent My First Day With An Empty Nest

I walked inside, grabbed my iced coffee from Starbucks and went along my way. I could seriously hear the angels singing for me!

Back to School : How I Spent My First Day With An Empty Nest

My list of things to do has been piling up, which included filling prescriptions, getting birthday supplies for Andrea’s party this weekend, printing out photos for all of the upcoming school projects, having some “me time” to shop for new workout clothes and grab a few groceries. You know, all of the things that kids DREAD shopping for.

I knew that all of this shopping could be done at Target, and then some.. What I didn’t know, is that the Target Pharmacy has now changed over to a CVS Pharmacy! My two stop trip just turned into one. 

Back to School : How I Spent My First Day With An Empty Nest

All over the country, Target has transitioned their pharmacy into a CVS Pharmacy.

We have used the CVS Pharmacy for years and love many of the rewards and features that they offer. One of the most rewarding features is the ExtraCare Rewards and Pharmacy and Health Rewards program. Patients can earn $5 in ExtraBucks Rewards for every 10 prescriptions filled. I can also earn rewards just for doing things to stay healthy, like getting immunizations or choosing email refill reminders.

I also love how they make getting your refills easier!

Back to School : How I Spent My First Day With An Empty Nest

With the CVS mobile app, it will not only notify me when prescriptions are ready to be picked up, it also makes the refill process easier.

Here are some of the additional tools available through the CVS Pharmacy app:

•  Apple Watch App Integration: The CVS Pharmacy mobile app is now Apple Watch compatible, to help notify customers when prescriptions are ready, and make it easy to refill prescriptions and check information at a glance

•  Scan Paper Script: This tool enables customers to quickly and conveniently start the prescription fill process by capturing a photo of their written prescription through the CVS Pharmacy mobile app

•  Insurance Card Scan: Customers can easily share new insurance information with their pharmacist by taking a photo of their insurance card, instantly updating data across our store systems

•  MedRemind: This tool helps customers stay on track with their medication schedules by enabling them to customize reminders to take their prescriptions at the right time and notifications to caregivers when a dose is missed

My friends tell me that it will take all but 10 minutes to get adjusted. While I miss my babies being gone, hearing their laughter and listening to their stories, my trip to Target this morning was pretty amazing. 

Disclosure: I’m proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy on the CVS Pharmacy Difference Campaign. All opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at CVS.com or with the appropriate manufacturers.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

15 thoughts on “Back to School : How I Spent My First Day With An Empty Nest

  • I love that CVS is now in Target stores. It makes filling prescriptions so much easier.

  • I just sent a little one off to kindergarten too. Such a bitter sweet moment. I wish I had thought to take a mom-cation to Target after dropping her off…such a good idea! And I love that CVS is now inside to make my life easier!

  • I love back to school time. The house is so quiet all day and I can clean up without kids making a mess behind me. I will have to check out The CVS Pharmacy mobile app.

  • I will have to check out the CVS Pharmacy mobile app. It looks like it makes things so much easier.

  • Looks like you had a very productive day! My nest is not empty yet so I’m not sure what I’ll be doing with my free time! =P

  • I spent the first day back to school running errans as well. Sometimes it is nice to be able to get things done alone.

  • I love that they now have a CVS in Target! Definitely makes things more convenient and easy. What a great idea.

  • I am all for one stop shopping! Love that I can get more done in fewer trips!

  • My daughters start school on the 29th of this month. That means on Monday! They’re both ready for school though and I’m happy they love school so much. I’m looking forward to some alone time as well. It’s nice to have them home, but it’s nice to get some alone time as well.

  • I remember the first day of school for both of my boys. I had heard that CVS would be in Target, that’s a great way to pass tie while waiting for your prescription if you’re a Target shopper.

  • We homeschool and while we love it there are days I am jealous of those of you who get to run errands alone.Oh Target and Starbucks someday we will be together!

  • Sounds like a great day!! I know it had to be hard to send your kiddos back to school, but it sure looks like you made most of the time you had! :)

  • More and more and more convienient this world is becoming! Lol this is amazing. Glad to hear your trip was fabulous and I will be joining you in about 3 years!

  • It’s great that CVS is now inside Target and I am loving their app. How awesome is it to be able to scan the paper prescription?

  • I LOVE it when the kids go back to school! It’s the perfect combination of getting some alone time while still knowing that they’re coming back!

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