
Help the Environment & Be a Backyard Superhero!

This post is sponsored by OPEI. As always, all thoughts are my own.

All winter long my children’s “I’m bored” whines have been met with suggestions of activities, and constructive books to read. It seems that time in the house spent cooped up is the perfect time to grasp the reigns on learning, and reel them on in. After all, where can they escape to?!?!

Help the Environment & Be a Backyard Superhero!

And then….

The warm weather of spring comes upon us, followed closely by its predecessor… summer.

Suddenly the children that have been stuffed up in the house so many days over the last few months are chomping at the bit to get out the door and outside to play.

Help the Environment & Be a Backyard Superhero!

BUT WAIT! What about all that learning?

It doesn’t have to go out the door as well.

In fact, it’s the perfect time to boost learning to the next level!

Help the Environment & Be a Backyard Superhero!

Scholastic and OPEI (Outdoor Power Equipment Institute), have partnered together to create lessons and activities that challenge your students and their families to begin playing an active role in the green space around their communities! This program inspires them to spend time outdoors learning backyard science, and how to play an active role in their environment.

How are they encouraging this?

By providing you all the tools you need to implement this program with your children, right in your own backyard!

On the Scholastic site, you’ll find sections for both parents and teachers. There is also a section to enter your child into the “Be A Backyard Superhero Contest”.  

Help the Environment & Be a Backyard Superhero!

How does the contest work?

After allowing your child to read the free e-book about superhero TurfMutt and the Outdoor Powers, encourage them to write their own short essay (150-200 words) about how they are a “Backyard Superhero” just like TurMurff and the Outdoor Powers!

On the website you’ll find colorful character cutouts they can use to illustrate their stories! The goal is to get your child to be creative in their story, and use what they’ve learned from the lessons and activities on the site.

More Contest Details:

Contest is open February 16, 2015 – April 13, 2015.

Grand Prize (2 winners): A $5,000 grant from OPEI to improve their green space.

Runner Up Winners (100 winners total: 50 grades K-2 and 50 grades 3-5): A free book from Scholastic!

Soo… not only will your child get to play outside… they’ll get to; learn, help the community and the environment, AND have the chance to win awesome prizes!

What are you waiting for?!?!

Go get signed up today!

What’s your favorite way to help the environment?

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

One thought on “Help the Environment & Be a Backyard Superhero!

  • This exactly what I’m going to have my son do over springbreak! (does that make me a mean mom?) Thanks for sharing!

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