
Ballet Cat – Kids Book Series Giveaway!

I partnered with Disney-Hyperion to offer this giveaway. All thoughts are my own.

How do you nourish the love of reading in your home? For us, we love to bring new books into our home library. Fun, relatable characters who the kids can attach to are always what we like to go for.

Ballet Cat - Kids Book Series Giveaway!

The latest books that we have picked up are the Ballet Cat books for kids. Geared for ages 6-8, these are perfect for new readers. Both of my children were late talkers and my youngest is currently in speech therapy. Getting her interested in reading at a young age is super important as I know it will only help her as she gets older.

Ballet Cat - Kids Book Series Giveaway!

Ballet Cat, series by Bob Shea, was released into stores this week. We love both of them! Here is a little bit what each book is about…

The Totally Secret Secret

Ballet Cat and Sparkles the Pony are trying to decide what to play today. Nothing that Sparkles suggests–making crafts, playing checkers, and selling lemonade–goes well with the leaping, spinning, and twirling that Ballet Cat likes to do. When Sparkles’s leaps, spins, and twirls seem halfhearted, Ballet Cat asks him what’s wrong. Sparkles doesn’t want to say. He has a secret that Ballet Cat won’t want to hear. What Sparkles doesn’t know is that Ballet Cat has a secret of her own, a totally secret secret. Once their secrets are shared, will their friendship end, or be stronger than ever?

Ballet Cat - Kids Book Series Giveaway!

Dance! Dance! Underpants!

Ballet Cat is getting her friend Butter Bear ready for her big ballet debut. “Leap, Butter Bear, leap!” Ballet Cat prompts. But Butter Bear would prefer to just point her toe. When Ballet Cat keeps pushing, Butter Bear gets hungry, then thirsty, then sleepy . . . The bottom line is that Butter Bear would rather do almost anything to avoid making a big leap. Why? Because her bottom is covered in silly underpants! This second entry in the Ballet Cat series will have beginning readers rolling on the floor with laughter.

Ballet Cat - Kids Book Series Giveaway!

Ballet Cat goes everywhere with Andrea, bed, the car and even to the dinner table. It’s the perfect princess cat for our little princess! 

Learn more at the Official Site

Visit the author at BobShea.com

Follow Disney Books on Twitter and Instagram


Want to have a Ballet Cat of your own? We are giving away a prize pack of the same books and plush that we received!

Ballet Cat - Kids Book Series Giveaway!


One winner will receive a Ballet Cat prize pack, including the following:


Plush Ballet Cat by MerryMakers Inc.


a $50 Capezio.com gift card to accessorize your little Ballet Cat!!

To Enter : Fill out the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

14 thoughts on “Ballet Cat – Kids Book Series Giveaway!

  • I am excited about Dance Dance Underpants! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  • My daughters would love the Totally Secret Secret book:)

  • I think the Totally Secret Secret would be really cute.

  • My daughters would love the Totally Secret Secret! they are very into telling secrets right now, so this would be the one they would love to read the most!

  • My daughter and I would like The Totally Secret Secret book.

  • Dance! Dance! Underpants! Looks cute.

  • I am excited for The Totally Secret Secret.

  • My oldest loves books, and she’s recently taken a liking to dance. I think she’d love these! The Dance! Dance! Underpants!! looks great… it would be fantastic to read it with my girls. :)

  • I’d be excited for either! I’m intrigued by The Totally Secret Secret, though!

  • My daughter would want to read Dance! Dance! Underpants! first. They both look like they have cute characters. I like stories that get my daughter interested in reading.

  • My nieces would like the Dance Dance Underpants.

  • Dance! Dance! Underpants!! My daughter would love both :)

  • My Daughter would love The Totally Secret Secret.

  • My daughter would like The Totally Secret Secret!

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