
Behind the Scenes at Applebee’s Headquarters | Bloggers Summit


If you haven’t been to Applebee’s lately you should check it out, specially if you are trying to watch your waist line!

There are great tasting options all under 500 calories alongside a mouth watering Weight Watchers entrée menu.

Applebee's 550 Calorie Menu Options

This coming Monday, February 20th, there will be 3 new entrees featured under the Weight Watchers menu and today I’m taking a trip down to the Applebee’s headquarters here in Kansas City to get a Behind the Menu look!

10 other bloggers and I will get a behind the scenes look at the Applebee’s brand, how dishes are made onto the menu and an unveiling of the new entrees!

Applebee's Weight Watchers Menu Options

I’m excited to bring you fun coverage from this bloggers summit and can’t wait to tell you all about it. Be sure to follow me on Facebook for the latest updates!

Don’t forget about my $50 Applebee’s Giveaway that is ending on 2/24!

Connect with Applebee’s for the latest updates on the company and menu!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

14 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes at Applebee’s Headquarters | Bloggers Summit

  • Hi Katherine,

    I tried to email you in regards to your comment but it failed on delivery. I would recommend posting this on the Applebee’s Facebook page as it will be directed to another area of Applebee’s that can help you with your complaint. I’m saddened to hear about your experience :(

  • My boy friend and I went to applee’s on 2/25/12 at 8pm the service there was terribly horrible the food was over cooked and burnt I couldn’t believe my eyes we order some boneless wings what we got was a plate of over cooked pieces without any sauce on them we brung this matter to or waitress who apologized for the chef not doing his job so she took the plate back after waiting 20min she comes back with the same plate we ask for new ones because of the time fram it took her to bring our order she then said no were not getting new ones because we should of told her when she was standing there now I’m upset but we let it go and did not complain 20 min later she comes with our dinner and both plates of food were burnt now we ask to speak to the manager who came to the table and this is what he said he did not care if we wanted to make a complaint go to the web if we were not happy with the service at this time I am out raged about this no one should be treated in such a manner

  • Yum! I haven’t been to Applebees in a REALLY long time! Will need to try them again!

  • looks so yummy! Hope you have a great time and bring back lots to share.

  • Is that grilled portabella mushroom I see beside that steak?! YUM!

  • That is really cool! I hope you had an amazing time!

  • I’m glad to see them offering healthier choices on their menu.

  • How fun! Have a great time. I’ll have to check out Applebee’s soon. :)

  • Those pictures make me want to go down to Applebee’s right now and have a great lunch. Mm…

  • Thanks for sharing the news that there will be 3 new entrees added under the Weight Watchers menu at Applebees! So excited…I’ve lost 32 lbs since the end of August of last year following Weight Watchers and have around 15-20 bs more to lose to reach my goal weight. Eagerly awaiting your shares.

  • I should’t have clicked at lunchtime :)

    Now it’s my head and I’ll probably be there over the weekend till the craving is satisified!

  • Those pics are looking really good! Mouthwatering!! Have a fun day!

  • It’s a tough job but somebody has to do it. Taste all those meals. Have fun!

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