
Behind the Scenes of our Fisher Price Room to Bloom Baby Nursery

Since we’re not going to find out the gender of our next little monkey until much later, I wanted to design a nursery that is gender neutral but still attractive. Using the Fisher Price Room to Bloom Tool I am able to choose a collection of Fisher Price Baby Gear and pick out the features of the room I’m looking to decorate. Features like wood flooring versus carpeting are available in different shades.

baby gear collection

From there you can see the different designs that could be used on your wall to decorate your new nursery!

Personally, I think the stripes are interesting, yet not too intimidating for a novice painter such as myself. Playing with the different color palette in each collection is fun! Some collections offer fun colors like “Parakeet” and “Charisma”, while other collections have more gentle hues called “Patience” and “Concord Buff”. I’ve had so much fun clicking around the different colors to see how some blues look with yellows and greens and oranges. The different combinations of colors and patterns are endless and you can definitely find something that suits you.

baby swing rocker and glider

To go with the newly painted nursery, I fell for the Coco Sorbet Fisher Price Baby Gear Collection .

In this collection there is a Fisher-Price Coco Sorbet Soothing Motions Glider, Fisher-Price Coco Sorbet Comfy Time Bouncer, and the Fisher-Price 2-in-1 Swing and Rocker. I think these products will come to great use when our baby gets here and I love that the colors are easy on the eyes, will match the nursery, and have the great Fisher Price reputation and quality.

wall paintI set off to my local Sherwin Williams store to get the paint and supplies needed to achieve our nursery look. I was staring at one wall of different paints and quickly found that I was not familiar with terms like Satin, semi-gloss, Emerald, or primer.

My husband tried to help me but it was one of those times where he didn’t want to be the one to make the decision. After speaking with the staff, I decided on our paints and they helped me calculate how much we’d need to paint the room. 

After purchasing everything that was needed, we proceeded to move most of the items out of the nursery and began to paint.

paint on the wall

We started with the first coat of white paint and honestly, it looked terrible! I messaged my friend asking for advice and she assured me it would need two coats. After a few hours of hard work and a second coat of paint, the room had the crisp “Extra White” I’d chosen.

stripes on wall

My husband wanted to make sure we planned out the stripes just right; so he calculated how many stripes, how far apart, and how wide they needed to be. Then we brought out the painting tape! Eight foot tall straight lines can be tricky so we used pencil and a laser level to make some guidelines.

painted stripes
Because of the colors that were used to tint the paint I had chosen, “Colony Buff”, the paint contained VOCs which can be bad for my unborn baby. My husband gladly painted on the stripes for me and he did a wonderful job. I’m so happy with how it looks!

Stay tuned for the final reveal of our Room to Bloom nursery!

We will be having a giveaway with the same Fisher Price Cocoa Sorbet Collection
so you won’t want to miss it. Sign up for our
email newsletter so you don’t miss it!


Disclosure of Material Connection:  The above mentioned product was received for free in hopes that I would mention it on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

118 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes of our Fisher Price Room to Bloom Baby Nursery

  • Pingback: Designing a Nursery with Emerald Paint from Sherwin Williams | Reveal

  • That sounds like a great tool…. I’d liketo try it out.

  • I love how easy the program is to use. I also love how there are so many wall choices. I love the diamonds

  • Too bad you couldn’t get a no-VoC paint. :( But at least it got you out of painting!! :) :)

  • Nice! Those colors are so calm and comforting!

  • Sounds like fun… I live in someone else’s house so I can’t paint or anything like that, so I would love this tool to just dream! :P

  • After reading your blog and looking at the website, I’ve decided to go with pink and brown box design =) Thank you for the inspiration to decorate the nursery room.

  • I was wondering how long it took you to do the stripes. I mean to tape off etc. My dh thinks it would take to long :)

  • I’m watching for the Big Reveal! I love a good Before & After.

  • finally got a chance to check out that website. Thank you so much for the helpful tip.

  • I really love the colors you chose! :)

  • I have to say we love Fisher Price for their quality! We have a bouncy seat they make and love it. I am anxious to use this program with our next baby

  • Wow! You guys really worked hard on that paint job. Your baby is going to have a beautiful nursery!

  • How far apart did you put the stripes?

  • is shopping at Sherwin Williams more expensive compared to a home depot or lowes?

  • This is adorable, the my little snugabunny collection looks very cute also :) Thanks for sharing!!

  • Is the nursery finished yet? I am dying to see how everything came out!!!

  • Still trying to decide what color to go with…What color did you use on the stripes?

  • I think it looks great!

  • wish i could paint in my home but I’m renting :(.

  • What a cool tool. Your husband did a good job.

  • LOVE the stripes. I was not that ambitious and just went with white walls because we were adding so much color.

  • This has definitely inspired me to possibly do a mural for our next baby

  • The walls turned out very well. Call me bland, but I didn’t do any painting or spend any time envisioning the baby room. I’m looking forward to the tiny person soon to come, not the consumerism that goes along with the little one.

  • LOL, it has been years since I have prepared a nursery. Enjoy

  • I like light pink and dark pink stripes with a white picket fence for a girl!

  • I love how you can also choose what flooring since that is a major factor in picking the colors

  • I didn’t even know that fisher price has that feature! that’s definitely helpful. totally love that neutral stripe design.

  • I really like the stripes. You did a great job!!

  • you are awesome for painting the room before the baby came…..it looks very similar to what we did with our entire house before we had our first little one!

  • I would love to see the rest of the collections and what they would look like since yours turned out so amazing!!

  • I LOVE the stripes! We have the Luv U Zoo collection from Fisher Price. :)

  • I wish they had a tool like this for older children’s rooms. That would be so nice. I have a hard time visualizing and this would be so handy

  • It looks like you had another little helper too :) Love the hair shot

  • I like striped walls. In my son’s bedroom I did stripes using the same color, one a flat paint and one semi-gloss. One wouldn’t think it would show very well but it does. It has a great contrast and looks awesome!

  • Looks great. I’m too scared to try any fancy painting with stripes, feel like it would end in disaster.

  • I love the names that go along with the collections!

  • the stripes came out great!!! it is also great that it is a neutral color and you won’t have to paint over that hard work in a few years!

  • If I wasn’t renting I would love to try to do the stripes they are so simple yet look so great in the room. Also, its not really something the child will grow out of. By the way, you are just a few weeks behind me :) I am due with DD #2 in October!

  • I love the stripes!

  • Hahah I also love your son’s little hair sticking up haha

  • I can’t wait to see it all put together!!

  • Not sure I have the patience to do all of that tape. I have a hard time just trimming the door and window frames when I paint lol

  • I had never heard of this tool before. I think I might actually try to take this on for our next one :)

  • My husband is a manager at Sherwin Williams here locally and when we were pregnant with my daughter he used this tool and color scheme to do the stripes in my daughters room. The colors are so pretty I love them!

  • We haven’t painted the kids room because we rent and I don’t want to put the time/money into it if we’ll just have to repaint it to neutral before we move. Can’t wait to own a home or at least rent long enough to make painting worth it. It adds a lot to the room. Love the stripes!

  • Stripes looks gorgeous! Hard work paid off.

  • I had not thought of doing them halfway up but that would be cute too

  • What a beautiful nursery!

  • I have decided that I absolutely have to try this when we get to our new apartment! Thank you for sharing! :)

  • Your husband’s got quite a mind for details!

  • Sherwin Williams has great paints. The color you choose is a great natural color. The room came out very nice. Blessings on your baby :D

  • I can’t wait to see the finished product! :)

  • That is a LOT of painters tape :) One thing I hate about painting is all that tape used and thrown away so quickly… it adds up fast! BUT so thankful it exists, because I sure can’t cut into the ceiling or along trim at all haha :)

  • So out of curiousity, are you finding out before the baby is born or are you waiting until the baby is born? So cute

  • I love redo the kids rooms. My son has blue stripes on one wall and I am currently painting the girl’s room. It has a whimsical tree right now. Next I am painting clouds on the ceiling, then monkeys!! Great blog post!

  • What a great husband!!! This is definitely a great resource, but not sure I could talk my hubby into stripes even though I love them

  • I think the room looks great!!

  • I love the softness of the cream color and the new design studio from Fisher Price is really fun to play with!

  • Cute idea! I love that design website too!

  • I like the stripes and I like it that it is a neutral color. I always went with a solid color for my kids, but this way it doesn’t look plain.

  • What a fantastic transformation! It looks wonderful

  • Adorable! Love the stripes. It looks so welcoming and could easily go boy or girl.

  • Were you worried about the paint bleeding through at all? That’s what’s keeping me from doing stripes. Maybe I’ll just go crazy and do argyle!

  • I am not very good at visualizing projects. This tool would be great for me. Love the stripes in your room. Can’t wait to see it finished.

  • Those stripes look awesome, I wish I had the patience!

  • I would never have patience to do stripes, looks like it turned out great.

  • Looks so professional – great project!!

  • I am always afraid when I do stripes that the paint would bleed through the tape. Yours looks great

  • Go hubby for calculating those stripes out just right… it paid off bigtime!!!!! They look awesome, very professional :)

  • i love the stripes and te color combination-

  • Great job with the pre-planning of the stripe placement! I would have done the same thing. :)

  • I tried the room to bloom tool and I couldn’t get it to do stripes. I keep imagining how cute it would be to use starch to put some fabric on the walls in my kids’ rooms to brighten it up. Rental white just lacks a certain element of excitement!

  • That’s really interesting doing it on your computer like that before you actually buy the paint.

    The stripes look awesome!!

  • i never knew about this. I wonder if it allows you to mix in a nursery with a older childs room on into the parents room

  • The stripes are so adorable…. well done! I may just have to steal the idea haha

  • Love the stripes!

  • nice paint job. i really like the color

  • I love that you can theme the entire room through the website

  • Love it! And I love that you are waiting to find out if you are having a boy or girl. My husband and I also decided to wait to find out if we were having a boy or girl. We picked out a pretty green color that I love that works well for both boys and girls. I like the idea of ‘gender neutral’ – once our daughter was born we were suddenly flooded with pink gifts from well-meaning family and friends, but I often buy items from the boys section for her because I just like them better. There is no reason why a little girl can’t wear a dino t-shirt!

  • That’s a really neat tool! I never knew about it, but it would have been helpful a few months ago when I was planning my little one’s nursery!

  • Oh it’s not just that color! When the white paint is tinted VOCs are added. I painted the white! =)

  • What an awesome tool! Wish my husband and I used this for our sons nursery…it was more than a month long project…we did stripes (pale yellow & green), solid pale green on bottom, with a jungle print border seperating the top and bottom.

  • Wow, I love how you can theme an entire room this way!

  • I like it! WTG hubby for doing the painting! ;-) We all know that you chose that color on purpose so you wouldn’t have to help! LOL Don’t worry your secret is safe with us! :-)

  • There are some good design ideas there! I love all the colors, too!

  • Ooh, I hadn’t thought of that! I was just picking from the Room to Bloom tool. =)

  • Whew! I think that would be harder! At least I got to sit on the floor with the laser level while my husband did the taping! Thank you, we like it, too!

  • Our textured ceiling made it impossible to tape so my hubs had to be very careful getting the top of the wall with a brush. We both did our fair share of complaining and unsticking and re-sticking the tape on the walls and trim though!

  • Thanks! Nurseries are fun, but I enjoy redecorating any room! Congrats on #7!!

  • Oooh! I just recently saw that idea somewhere before! I would love to try it, too!

  • Thanks! I definitely recommend the laser level and a patient partner with some good painters tape!

  • I picked the stripes because on the Room to Bloom tool it looked to be the least intimidating pattern! It wasn’t all that bad with my husband’s help.
    I like how the Colony Buff color came out, too!

  • Love how the stripes turned out!

  • I can’t wait to see the final reveal! Y’all did a great job with those stripes. Vertical stripes are so hard to get right, but yours look awesome!

  • how amazingly fun to design and create! i think the stripes look awesome and will grow with your little one more easily than a straight up nursery theme. love it!

  • Great job you guys!! I can not wait to see the finished look ;=) Congrats on the new baby!

  • Those stripes are to cute. We didn’t find out with any of our babies and it is so fun being surprised

  • That is great that you striped your nursery walls! We just bought a first home two weeks ago and did the same thing in our living room, only we used very bold flat blue paint and striped it with the same color blue, just in high gloss finish. It turned out fabulous!! So did your nursery stripes! I look forward to seeing what else you choose to put in there (and what you’re having!)

  • Painting can be much more difficult than it looks. I’m impressed with the stripes but know that is nothing I could accomplish (without a professional). The Colony Buff is a nice color, very warm and inviting.

  • I really love the stripes! The colors you chose make the room soothing. I am treasuring baby #7 and have yet to decorate a nursery. Perhaps some day when I’m a grandmother.

  • I LOVE the stripes! I want some for my sons room.

  • Love how the stripes turned out, your hubby’s extra work in calculating how many and how far apart paid off, they look awesome!!!

  • This tool is too cool! I’m a very visual person so getting to play around with the colors and designs is perfect for me. Thanks for the recommendation!

  • Nice! I’m looking forward to seeing the completed pictures.

  • Wish I had the patience for the stripes! But they look great!

  • Oh myy! This looks really good. I would love to do stripes in our next child’s nursery but I can’t even tape the trim and ceiling without complaining.. haha :)

  • Looks like you’re doing a great job!

  • I think the stripes look wonderful. I have thought of doing horizontal stripes in my sons room but have never taken the time or patience to try it :)

  • I wish I had my own home so I could get creative with the painting like this!

  • This is a great tool! I will use it in a year when the twin babies move out of our room!

  • i always wanted to do stripes but never had the patience to tape everything off and make sure it was all straight. yours turned out great!

  • I think the stripes turned our very good…I would have only done them halfway up for my self, but thats just me =)

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