
Big Bellies : Did My Son Just Say That?

Big BellyToday was my first moment of embarrassment from something my son said…

I knew this day was going to come and you don’t realize how happy and lucky I am that this day came in the car, not face to face with a stranger.

This afternoon my husband, son, daughter and I all went out driving around, stopped at a few places to eat and shop, then it happened.

We rolled up to our local electronics store and just as I was getting out of the car my husband and I hear “Big Belly Mommy”, my husband and I turned around and said HUH? “Lady has a big belly!” my 3 year old said, I about died and my husband could barely bite his lip trying not to laugh.

My husband and I turn around to see a rather large woman walking by, we just couldn’t believe our 3 year old just said that! Where did he learn this!?!

Granted it wasn’t funny that my son was saying that lady has a big belly and I’m not skinny by any means myself, but to hear something like that come out of his mouth with his tiny little voice made me laugh, rather hard.

Now of course because he saw us laughing, on the way home in the back seat my husband and I hear “Big belly at the store mommy” and then he giggles.

Looks like I have a new lesson to teach my son and something tells me this won’t be the last thing we hear!


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

11 thoughts on “Big Bellies : Did My Son Just Say That?

  • LOL At least she didn’t hear him! I would feel so bad.

  • My daughter just did this the other day. I remembered your post when she said this and i couldn’t stop laughing!

  • Oh wow! I haven’t experienced this with my kiddos yet…LOL! Good thing it happened in the car like you said.

  • Too funny! You can’t fault a little one for stating the obvious! You know what they say….”Out of the mouths of babes”!

  • Hahaha. I DREAD the day my daughter becomes brutally honest!

  • This is so funny…. the things the kids say. Thanks for sharing. We can all learn from this that its time “new lesson to teach”.


  • I was at a restaurant with my 5 year old (he was 4 at the time). Our server was a larger woman. My son said “Mommy, does she have a baby in her belly?” I couldn’t believe it! That was the first time my son noticed a physical difference in people. I don’t think she heard him…I hope not. I was mortified! I’m a new follower from the hop. Stop by…I just opened up my Monday Morning Blog Hop on http://www.mama-press.com

  • Oh my! Too funny! Thanks for the giggle! I would love it if you would stop by my very first blog hop debuting today and share one of your great posts!

    Have a great day!

  • We had to have that talk with our son in kindergarten. He kept asking his teacher why she was so fluffy…I don’t think she understood what he was saying, but since he said it to anyone big, including me, we did.

  • LoL!! My oldest did that a few months ago, we were at McDonalds and he said, “Mommy, that man is really, really fat. Mommy, why is that man so fat? He’s hhuuumonegugomous” Oh.my.goodness. The guy was walking by and as soon as I realized what he was starting to say I was trying to talk over him so the guy wouldn’t hear (or maybe wouldn’t understand 4-year-old language :/) He’s done it a few times since, but I can usually stop him before he gets it out and remind him that it’s not nice and it’s not something we should talk about. Gotta love little kid blunt-ness and honesty!

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