
Blooper Shots from Recent Photo Attempts Product Reviews

Getting your kids to cooperate for a picture is hard. Getting your kids to cooperate for a picture when you need them to model something is even harder.

When we bring you a product review there are a few pictures included with use of the product.. what you don’t see is all the fun that goes into getting those pictures. Often times it can take 20-50 pictures just to get 1 that will work.

Here’s just a few that I would like to share with you…

 pillow racer

Andrew… say cheese! No Andrew, that looks like you are going to the bathroom. Can we try again?

boy on fireplace

Alright Andrew.. a little better but now you look like you are hanging on for dear life

sitting on fireplace

Stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down.. I can see you are getting antsy now.
Perhaps this review will have to take place tomorrow.

eating in highchair

Andrea! Does it really taste that bad?

easter picture

I know you think that your appendages are fun to hold onto, can we take our hands off and smile please?

group shot fail

And of course we have the runaway toddler, while the other is trying to hold her in place.

There you have it..

Just a few bloopers from some of our recent photo attempts.

We have some great ones for you next week so stay tuned!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

10 thoughts on “Blooper Shots from Recent Photo Attempts Product Reviews

  • Ha ha, that’s too funny!

  • These look like 90% of the pictures of my kids LOL, i guess you just learn to go with the flow. My Mom is already talking about putting together an album of the best ones to show at their wedding rehersal dinner. We’re so mean LOL

  • Too funny! I love the look on her face in the high chair!

  • Cute post! I definitely know what you mean about the 50 pictures for one decent one! Mine half the time turn out blurry, and I’m sure I look like a crazy person trying to get my kiddo to smile.

  • That is too funny! My kids are the same way #3 is always looking away #2 is always making faces and #4 is off running while #1 is the perfect child sitting there smiling =)

  • hahahahaha! I have a lot of the runaway toddler ones. Ah, photographing kids is challenging but so worth it when you get a cute shot.

  • You should let us make up captions for the photos. That would be TOO much fun!!!

  • He he these are cute! I always complain to my husband because I CAN NOT get good pictures of my kids, especially my 2 year old. She will not sit still or smile, most of the pictures of her are funny faces or a blur!!

  • Love these!

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