
Build Your Child’s Immune System for School Exposure with ProBugs

As a Mom I’m always concerned about my family’s health. Being in the midst of a flu season that has been labeled in my area as an epidemic, I’m doing all I can to boost my child’s immune system and keep my family sickness free. We try to eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and keep up on vitamins.

ProBugs Probiotic Drinks

When I heard about Pro Bugs Kefir drink from Lifeway I was eager to try it for my 2 year old daughter. It’s made with organic whole milk from grass fed cows free of the Bovine Growth Hormone. They’ve also packed it full of seven to ten billion CFU’s of 10 live and active cultures (friendly bacteria) per cup! Love those probiotics for my little miss. Each serving is high in protein and calcium and they have added Inulin for optimum calcium absorption. And if your little ones are on a special diet its important to note that they are gluten free.

ProBugs Probiotic Drinks

ProBugs is ready to boost your child’s immune systen with four delicious flavors: Goo-Berry Pie, Orange Creamy Crawler, Sublime Slime Lime, and Strawnana Split. With nutrient packed ingredients along with yummy flavors and cute packaging, what’s not to love?

If your kiddo is anything like mine then they’ll appreciate the fun juice bag style packaging and you’ll appreciate that it’s super easy to open AND save for later. As soon as I pulled one out of the fridge she literally flipped out jumping up and down yelling “YUM!!!!”. I thought to myself with a giggle that she’s in for a rude awakening if she thinks it’s a juice bag and prepared for the sad face. She took a sip and her eyes got wide. She said “Thanks Mom!” and ran off. Whew, that was easy! She almost finished the whole bag in one sitting and that’s saying a lot for my little 25 lb miss. I screwed the top back on and saved the rest for later. Wouldn’t you know that the next morning when she was begging for “noms” (food) the first thing she pointed to in the fridge was her ProBugs drink instead of her usual go-to of juice. I actually had to hide them in the back of the fridge so she doesn’t yank one out every time it’s opened. Yay for sneaking in healthy stuff without a fight!

Boost your child's immune system with ProBugs

She likes all of the flavors and even my ridiculously picky 10 year old niece loved the ProBugs drink. It’s filling enough as a snack even for big kids. I would recommend this as a healthier alternative to juice boxes as it is a great way to sneak in some extra nutrients into their diets while boosting your child’s immune system.

For more information about ProBugs, visit http://www.lifeway.net/Products/ProBugs.aspx

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each coupon is good for a 4 pack of ProBugs

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

31 thoughts on “Build Your Child’s Immune System for School Exposure with ProBugs

  • My daughter had the flu and my son has had a couple of colds. I think that they would enjoy the Goo-Berry Pie.

  • My little one wound up with an ear infection last week so he’s been on antibiotics since Saturday. He’s probably love Berry Pie

  • one has been sick most of the year. the others eat much healthier and haven’t been. we would take any flavor. just got some of these at the store this last week…

  • My LO hasn’t really been sick this year – woohoo! I’m sure she would love the strawnana split

  • not yet, hope to keep it that way. probably orange flavor

  • Strawnana Split!
    My kids have not really been sick this year, just sniffles. My 5 year old missed two days of school because she had a low grade fever.
    Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com

  • Yes, we have been sick and I think they would like the Berry Pie.
    Thanks for the chance!

  • Luckily, my kids have been very healthy this year. I think they’d love the orange flavor.

  • No sickness yet, thank goodness…I think she would love Strawnana Split!

  • Strawnana Split and the grandkids are always catching something
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  • my guy has not yet been sick. we are excited to try any of the flavors

  • What a great idea!!!!

  • My kids have been sick this year more than any other year! They would all suck down Strawnana Split!

  • Love this blog Christina!!! Great job!

  • I’m sure she would love these. They are very tasty. So sorry your little one has the stomach flu. All this sickness makes me so sad. We’ve been fortunate so far but I’m sure it’s inevitable.

  • I’m so sorry Corrinne :( Sickness that keeps making its rounds is a vicious cycle. Hopefully this is the last time for a while and you can enjoy the coming spring. My kiddo hasn’t showed a preference to the flavors. I tried the Lime and it was yummy!

  • Thank you! I appreciate it. :) I had a blast doing the review.

  • Yes my kids have been sick already and I think they would like the Strawnana Split flavor

  • My children were sick right after New Years! I think they would like the Strawnana Split

  • both baby and toddler have been sick.
    Lifeway Probugs, Sublime Slime Lime 4 oz.

  • i feel like someone in my house has been sick since the start of the new year. This stuff seems like i could really help, and i think my kids would go nuts over the strawberry split

  • My 19 month old son has a low immune system and would definitely benefit from Probugs!

  • I am excited to try this! Great job on the post Christina! Love the beautiful pictures with it as well.

  • My daughter is constently getting sick since she started preschool in september.

  • Yes, my daughter has been sick a lot since starting preschool this year. Strawnana Split.

  • strawnana split my son would like i think. i am sick of him getting continuous colds.

  • My daughter dosen’t want to eat anything just junk if I would let hre these would be great and my 7 year old has had the stomach flue already.

  • Minor colds, but still wish those had been avoided! ;) My guess is the strawnana Split.

  • My guys have had some minor colds so far this year. I think they’d love the Strawnana.

  • Our son has been sick a few times. We bought a pack of Probugs for the first time last week and he’s loving them. He’s only tried Strawnana Split so far.

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