Gluten Free Butterfinger Bars Recipe

halloween candy recipe

I want to start off by letting you know that I had to change up a couple of the ingredients. My husband has an allergy to gluten and to nickel so it’s nearly impossible for him to enjoy sweets like he used to.

Most people have never heard of a nickel allergy and it wasn’t until he visited a dermatologist that we learned what was causing painful, itchy, dry, cracking sores on his fingers and hands. Nickel is a metal in the environment. Maybe you know of someone who has a reaction when they wear certain jewelry, or maybe even the button on jeans bothers their skin. This is similar to that only it’s an auto immune response from nickel he eats. Nickel is high in foods like nuts, beans, soy, and some fish. The list of foods with nickel seems very odd when you look at it and coupled with a gluten allergy it’s been hard for him to enjoy food.

With nickel though, not everything causes a reaction. We’re not sure of the reason, but he had to cut everything on the list out of his diet and slowly try things again to see what triggers it. It’s painful and sometimes disappointing. He has found that regular chocolate (because of the cocoa bean), peanut butter, pineapple, and soy definitely give a bad reaction.

Now that I’ve given you a little insight on the ingredients I chose, I’ll share the recipe that I found on Pinterest with you!


halloween candy recipe

What You Need :

1 lb. candy corn
16oz jar peanut butter (I used crunchy almond butter)
16oz pkg. chocolate candy coating (white chocolate is what I substituted)


halloween candy recipe


How to Make a Homemade Butterfinger Bar:

Melt the candy corn in a microwave on high for 1 minute. Stir and continue cooking in 15-second intervals until melted, stirring after each interval. Stir in peanut butter.


halloween candy recipe 

Spread mixture in an 8×8 pan lined with parchment. Cool completely. Cut into squares. Dip in melted chocolate candy coating. Lay on waxed paper to set.

halloween candy recipe 

These were pretty darn good! They didn’t quite crunch or flake like the inside of a real Butterfinger, but they were nutty, sweet, and the bit of white chocolate added a certain amount creaminess.

With only 3 ingredients it’s so easy. Go ahead, make some today!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

22 thoughts on “Gluten Free Butterfinger Bars Recipe

  • Wow I just expected a recipe and learned something about nickel allergy. That is something I dont think I have heard of . Thanks for that extra info.I think this is an interesting recipe as I didnt expect candy corn to be in it either,and gluten free too . I cant wait to make some of these for the kids.

  • Interesting! Might need to try these

  • This looks amazing!! I’m going to have to try this with the family! Thank you for sharing!

  • Regardless of allergies this recipe looks delicious! A must try!

  • so yummy! i love butterfingers

  • Oh man, that sounds good. And yay for gluten-free!

  • I also just wanted to add that I had the whole family try them out last night and they LOVED them!!! So gonna make these for the holidays!!! After Holloween clearance shopping for candy corn here I come!!!! I really love this reciepe!

  • this looks really good :)

  • Good luck to your daughter! This allergy is often more aggravating than the gluten allergy he has. By grossly reducing the nickel in his diet he doesn’t get reactions like he used to by simply touching metal objects made with nickel (utensils, door handles, tools, etc…)

  • I made them!! I used Skippy Extra Crunchy PB & Brachs Candy Corn, For the Chocolate I used Toll House Milk Chocolate Chips. Let me tell you mine came out really crisp and resembled the inside of a Butter Finger. This is what happened by compleate accident.
    I turned the Micro wave on for 1 min and that did nothing, I was in the middle of breakfast cooking too, So I set the Micro wave on for 2 min and holly cow…I turned around and it was all fluffed up like milk does when boiling…I ran over with the mits got it out and hurried to get the PB in it! Sugar hardens FAST…So if you want crispy here is the trick!! Thanks for this me and the kids had fun before school making it!

  • Chantal, this is a wonderful recipe. It looks delicious too. I have never heard of a Nickel allergy. I’m going to make an appointment with a dermatologist because my daughter has these reactions when wearing certain jewelry and very itchy and dry skin on her hands. Thank you so much for this recipe post because I’ve gotten twice the info .
    Carol L

  • Thanks I love this I pinned it and am gonna try this with the kids tonight!!!

  • These sound really good! Thanks for sharing!

  • These look delicious and are gluten free. Thanks for the recipe.

  • Never knew nickle was in food. Interesting! Those look super yummy and you are such a sweet wife to make those for your hubs :)

  • This recipe looks delicious, I will have to try it as I am a huge fan of butterfinger bars, I wonder if it’s tastes pretty close?

  • This sounds YUMMY! I’ve never made or tasted anything,gluten free. Worth Trying!

  • Yum! I can’t wait to try this!

  • Sounds delicious!!! My husband loves butterfinger so I’m sure he would love this!

  • Definitely different. They look pretty good. I used to love Butterfingers as a little boy and still do although I don’t eat them as often. Bart Simpson was a poster “cartoon child” for the candy bar. Every once in a while I will pick one up at the store and mash it into some ice cream.

  • These sound really good!

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