
Celebrate the End of Summer with a Popsicle Party

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Popsicle. Opinions are my own.

Earlier this Summer, I announced my participation as a Popsicle ambassador and it has been nothing short of amazing. We have always been a Popsicle family, my kid’s wake up in the morning asking for Popsicles and go to bed asking for a Popsicle. We always make sure there is a stock pile in the freezer of all of our favorites.

Sadly, Summer is coming to an end. So many memories were made and cherished. But we couldn’t let Summer go without one awesome good bye.

One of the biggest icons of the Summer is Popsicle so it was the perfect idea to have an End of Summer Popsicle party.

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

I called every kid on our street and invited them over for water time play, Popsicles and fun. Some of our favorite Popsicles were shared with our friends.

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

My favorite popsicle is the Popsicle Push-Pop, so of course I had to include some Spongebob Popsicle Push-Ups. I think these were the quickest to go! It didn’t help that I had a few before the party started.. shhh!

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

We went shopping for our Popsicle party and it couldn’t have been a more perfect time. Everything from the Summer was marked down on clearance! Slip and slides, water guns, baby pools, water balls and more. A Popsicle Party to celebrate the end of Summer was so easy to do and it was such a fun way to bring all of our friends together.

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

Who doesn’t love bubbles? Bubble wands, bubble makers and bubbles in the baby pool. The kids got a kick out trying to catch the bubbles and shoot them down with their water guns.

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

And did I mention that these bubbles were indestructible!? The kids were able to catch them, squeeze them and bounce them around. They were really cool!

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

Our neighbor friends have just welcomed their newest baby girl into the family, it was so nice that they took a moment from their (newly welcomed) hectic life to come outside and join us for a sweet Summer time treat.

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

I think the Popsicle Air Head flavors were a huge hit, specially with the boys. They loved getting all blue and messy. I have to admit that it made for some cute pictures, who doesn’t love a messy little kid?

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

But messy is fun when you have an excuse to get into the baby pool to wash off!

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

I filled up a huge bucket of water to use as a quick filling station for the water guns.. or a cooling station as it turned out.

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

How to Celebrate the End of Summer with @popsicle  Party #sponsored #popsicleparty #popsiclemom

We had such a great time and all of the kids thought that having a Popsicle Party was the coolest thing ever!

Having a Popsicle Party is affordable, fun and it has become a new tradition to celebrate the start of a new school year and the end of Summer. We will definitely be doing this again.

Stay tuned next month for some more fun ideas with Popsicle!

Visit Popsicle on Pinterest for lots of fun Popsicle Party ideas.


One lucky reader is going to win a $25 Target Gift Card AND 10 Free Product Popsicle Coupons

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

152 thoughts on “Celebrate the End of Summer with a Popsicle Party

  • Pingback: Summer Activity List for Kids {FREE Printable!} -

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  • Pingback: Summer Has Closed It’s Door – Our Memories in Rewind -

  • Pingback: Popsicle Stick Crafts – Thanksgiving Turkeys and Sleigh Ornaments #PopsicleMom -

  • One summer, I went on a road trip from California to New York and back.

  • Playing outside all summer with my daughter- volleyball, kickball with all the neighbor kids!

  • having barbecues with my family

  • fav memory was our trip to Carowinds amusement park this summer

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • Thanks for the giveaway…took a scuba certification class this summer with my daughters, had a blast !

  • My favorite summer memory was re-connecting with an old friend.

  • going to the beach and having fun

  • Going to the beach with friends

  • Having BBQ’s is one of my favorite summertime memories.

  • My favorite summer memory for this summer was my granddaughters 1st birthday!

  • This summer it was finding out my daughter is expecting my second grandchild. :)

  • Whenever the ice cream man would come through our neighborhood, I would run all around screaming, “get the money!” I loved my fudgicles!

  • going to the beach

  • The bbq I had on the fourth of July.

  • Watching my grandson compete in little league all star champions tournament.

  • Nature walks with my grandson

  • I remember playing in the sprinkler in the back yard of the family home.

  • picking strawberries from our backyard.

  • Teaching in the Czech Republic

  • My favorite memory was going to our family reunion in Michigan

  • My favorite summer memory is camping with my family at the lake

  • My favorite summer memory is swimming in the pool with the kids

  • My favorite summer memory was watching my daughter receive grand champion at the state fair.

  • Watching the kids learn to swim

  • family camp at Long Beach WA! we had a blast!

  • My favorite summer Memory was spending a weekend at universal studios and staying at their hotels.. It was alot of fun

  • Watching my nieces play at the local waterpark for the first time.

  • My favorite memory from this summer was taking my kids to Seaworld San Antonio and riding all the roller coasters with them
    annabella @ centurytel dot net

  • My favorite summer memory was our beach vacation.

  • My favorite summer memory was taking my kids to the beach.

  • My favorite summer memory is hanging out at the beach with my boys.

  • I miss swimming in my cousins lake with his family.

  • My favorite Summer memory from this past summer is seeing my kids enjoy summer camp.

  • My favorite Summer memory is of weekends at my cousin’s farm and campfires out in the field.

  • I enjoyed when I was a kid and we would all run through the sprinklers or go swimming and having bbq’s and ice cream.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  • Favorite summer memory was spending a week with my husband and two of our friends (another couple) at Torch Lake, Michigan! Most beautiful lake I’ve ever seen and quality time with the hubby was great!

  • My favorite summer memory teaching the kids to swim at the pool & beach that was so amazing. love my water babies!

  • Spending time at the waterpark.

  • My favorite is when we took the grandsons camping for the first time! We had a blast!

  • My favorite summer moment was watching my youngest childs face when he saw the ocean for the first time.


  • I use to love chasing down the snocone man.

  • My favorite summer memory is heading to the lake with my cousins and grandma!

  • Spending the summer with my family (mom n dad and bros and sis n nephews n all) and visitng my hometown! Great quality family time

  • Going to the water park with my daughter, she had a blast!

  • My favorite summer memory is learning to swim… was very hard and challenging to me but my coach made me feel good about it

  • Labor Day bbq with friends and family.

  • Taking a 5 day trip with my family down highway 1 in Cali, and those who are from Cali would know why
    pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

  • I always loved catching fireflies at dark.

  • going camping

  • Going to our family reunion and seeing people I haven’t seen in years. Such fun!

  • My favorite summer memory was simply sitting at the pool with the kids and their friends.

  • going to the beach it was my sons first time

  • Meeting my favorite band, Daughtry.

  • Watching my son learn to slide all by himself!

  • Camping with the kids!

  • staying out till dark to catch lightning bugs

  • going to San Francisco with my husband

  • My favorite memory is going to the beach, bbq and bonfire at night

  • Mine is going camping with our family at the lake

  • My favorite summer memory was surprising my kids with a nearby pool park pass for the summer. They were loving it. We only had a chance to go every now and then, but it was still worth it.

  • Going to the baseball game with my family

  • My favorite memory is taking my son to the beach for the first time.

  • My favorite memory is climbing through Gooseberry Falls with my husband.

  • going to the beach with all my friends

  • favorite Summer memory is graduating from college

  • My favorite memory from this summer was watching my daughter learn how to swim while we were camping. Thanks for the chance.

  • My favorite memories are of the cook out end of summer party my son had for us. Lots of family and lots of fun had by all. Good food and lots of memories

  • I love our back to school pool parties.

  • our week long family trip to the beach

  • Seeing the ocean after our cross country move (CA to VA)! The boys were soooo excited to finally be out of the car, lol!

  • By far it’s been this summer :) My daughter is now old enough to actually enjoy and we took her to the beach for the first time, watching her play in the ocean for the fist time is one memory I will never forget!

  • bringing my son to visit my dad fir the first time in 5 years

  • I loved moving into our new home!

  • Spending the day at Wild Waves with my daughter.
    Thanks for the chance.

  • Our first date!

  • When my husband took me out horseback riding and we had a picnic and he proposed.

  • I went to a concert on my birthday. It was for one of my favorite bands, and it was awesome. I got to meet the lead singer.

  • I enjoyed celebrating my nephew’s first birthday.

  • I had some baby showers and those were fun.

  • hanging out at the pool

  • hanging at the pool!

  • It would have to be from this summer. We were finally able to take our girls to the beach. I will always remember them playing in the waves for the very first time. They had so much fun and I’m so glad we were able to do this. thank you!

  • my fave is going to the beach

  • favorite summer memory was all the times hanging out at the pool

  • Lots of pool days!

  • wow too many graphics or something on this site. Computer crashed 3 times trying to post this!! Memorable summer memory was helping a dropped-off mother cat and 3 kittens not drown in a summer thunderstorm.

  • My favorite summertime memory of my childhood is being outside playing chase, tag, and kickball all day until the street lights came on at night my parents would have to force me to come in

  • I don’t have a favorite memory this Summer, but my favorite all-time memory is going to the pool with my twin sister and dad. We would swim all morning and most of the afternoon.

  • The first image that comes to mind is of my kids painting themselves with muck at the lake.

  • My fondest summer memory is playing with my cousins – running through the sprinklers, diving on the Slip ‘n’ Slide – anything we could do to stay cool!

  • swimming with my daughter

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  • Going to the beach and watching the dolphins was my favorite memory

  • My favorite memory was a trip to the beach.

  • Gardening with my son was really fun this summer.

  • My favorite summer memories all involve camping with my children when they were still kids! We spent so much time just laughing.

  • My favorite memory this summer is my youngestdaughter graduating.


  • Camping at the beach is my favorite summer time memory!

  • I remember heading down to Lake Gaston in North Caroline for a weekend of BBQ’s, swimming, boating and lots of other fun activities.

  • My favorite? There were so many good ones but watching my daughter learn to swim was priceless!

  • Camping with my family – I loved every minute!

  • One of my favs is my youngest son first trip to the beach, he was about 14 months old and kept running back to the water! He loved it!

  • My favorite summer memory is when I took my kids to the beach to collect sea shells and go in the water.

  • Camping and swimming with my family!

  • favorite summer memory is camping with my folks in an RV so many things happened i would need a book to write it all down but summer is awesome!!

  • My favorite memory is a family trip to Cuernavaca Mexico.

  • My best summer memory is of watching my daughter jump off the diving board into the deep end of the pool for the first time.

  • Going to the beach on the Mississippi Gulf Coast with my family.

  • I have several, but the most recent was this summer spending 3 weeks in a hotel w/my 17yo son, he was competing in something that he loves doing and even though he didn’t win, he grew from the experience and is making wise decisions towards his future as a result! Even though it was tough being away from the rest of the family for 3 weeks, it was a good bonding time for us.

  • My favorite summer memory this year is swimming and playing in the pool with my little grandson.

  • Camping with my family and traveling in a station wagon to get to the various campgrounds.

  • campfire with loved ones…

  • Going to the lake.

  • My favorite summer memory is sleeping outside when it was too hot in the house.

  • Watching dd learn to swim in her swim classes! She did so much better this summer than last summer!

  • My favorite memory is running in the sprinklers.

  • Watching my son overcome his fear of the pool! Now he loves to swim!

  • We had an awesome picnic on the July 4th at my brother’s farm.

  • Spending fun times with my grandsons.

  • this summer i went to the beach for 2 weeks with the family, it was amazing!

  • My favorite memory was attending a family reunion in july.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  • We had a pretty rough summer… wasn’t that fun with all the bad medical things going on in our family. But the best part of the summer was getting to see my 19yo nephew for a few weeks when he came in to surprise my mom for her 60th birthday.

  • Potty learning

  • My grandchildren came to stay for a week and we did something fun everyday.

  • Visited my sister who is pregnant and due in October

  • My favorite summer memory is going to the beach for the 1st time with my grandsons!

  • Fishing with my Dad and brother many times during the summers. These times are some of my fondest memories.

  • We had great fun at our summer camping trip

  • thanks for sharing the pictures – I’m thinking we all have photos of popsicle stained mouths. Blue seemed to come out so much easier than cherry red. This year we really enjoyed our visit to the restored Jersey Shore areas after going thru Hurricane Sandy

  • going fishing with the family

  • Hi! :) How way too ridiculously happy I was that someone dropped out of this one fall semester class that I really needed… :) Sure, it’s something to be happy about, but the little dance I’m pretty sure I did was arguably over the top… ;)


  • mine was watching my kids at swim team

  • My favorite summer memory is with my son, going swimming, taking walks, and playing outside!

  • What a great idea! That looks so fun. :) And the pictures are just too cute.

  • schucking corn for the grill with my dad outside while listening to oldies music :)

  • Going to the beach with my cousin is my favorite summer memory!
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  • my favorite memory this summer was going on a cruise with my wonderful family

  • Going to the lake with my family was a lot of fun!

  • My fave was watching my grandson learn to water ski

  • Going to the theme park

  • My favorite summer memory it going on camping trips.

  • visiting Sea World

  • my fav summer memory was passing my registry test

  • going to the lake every summer

  • Having my sweet baby boy. :)

  • Playing at the spray grounds is my favorite memory. Or swimming too

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