
The Best Way to Save For Your Child’s College Fund

I always chuckle a bit to myself when I hear someone speaking about how expensive babies are. They aren’t wrong. Babies do cost a lot of money, but it certainly doesn’t end there. In fact, it seems as if the older children get the more expensive they become! Now that Andrea and Andrew are both in school, it seems there is always something to budget for. Once we’ve purchased their school clothes and supplies… it’s already time to start thinking of the holidays. Then, when holiday ends, it seems the next is right around the corner!

The Best Way to Save For Your Child's College Fund

As much as I struggle to plan, I often feel that I’m scrambling to keep up with the fast place flow that is life with kids. Despite how overwhelming it can seem, my husband and I know that planning for the holidays, activities, and school expenses doesn’t even begin to touch the things that matter most to us. While we want them to have fun and enjoy their lives now; we also want to prepare them for the future so that they won’t have to stress about some of the things that will later come up.

The Best Way to Save For Your Child's College Fund

College is one of those things.

Planning for our kids’ education is one of the most important. That trumps most of the other things that we get caught up in during the day to day routine. Regardless, we’re determined to not let the expenses of a college education catch us off guard years from now. Instead, we’ve decided to start saving now, while they’re young, to best set them up for success in their future education!

The Best Way to Save For Your Child's College Fund

There’s a lot of information out there around saving, and things can get confusing quickly. Luckily there are places like Country Financial who are fully devoted to helping make saving for your children’s future seem simple. Their 529 plan not only allows parents to save; grandparents, corporations, friends, and tax-exempt organizations can all make contributions to your child’s 529 plan!


If you find yourself overwhelmed with planning and saving for your children now, do yourself a favor and make planning for their future easy! Check out the Country Financial website to learn more about how a 529 plan can help you plan early and well for your child’s future!


Disclosure – This post was sponsored by Country Financial. All thoughts are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

11 thoughts on “The Best Way to Save For Your Child’s College Fund

  • Thanks for sharing valuable information.
    Opening a savings account in a child’s name may seem like a really smart move, a way to give a little one a head start on a lifetime of thrift. However, it’s a decision that you might come to regret when college years approach.

  • I will definitely check this out. Planning for college is really important and is one of our top priority!

  • Post-secondary education can be quite expensive. Thank goodness there are ways like this to save.

  • Getting a plan started now is probably a good idea! College can be so expensive and it’s good to have a plan multiple people can contribute to.

  • This is such great advice. It’s hard to save money when parents are young and starting off. I love the fact that everyone can help with the kids college fund by donating through a 529 plan.

  • Starting to save for the kids college funds is so important. We have started to put away a little here and there but this sounds great.

  • It is so important to start saving for your kids education as early as you can. I am so happy we started when our Son was born. He is starting College next year and he will not have to go into debt to go to school.

  • I feel like the older my kids get, the more costly they are. I am not looking forward to the teenage years!

  • My husband has been saving for my kids with a 529 plan so I feel good that we will have most of it covered. It is nice to have someone to manage it if you are not comfortable.

  • We are trying hard to save for college and it is not easy. I am hoping that we can get a good college fund going for them!

  • I have to check this out immediately. I have three kids, and they’re certainly not staying the same age. We need to start planning for this soon.

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