
Choosing the Right Bunk Bed

imgresWho doesn’t love to be able to use every bit of space you have in your child’s room? It goes without saying that you need all the floor space that you need when talking about kids. One great way to find all that valuable floor space is with the use of bunk beds. There are so many wonderful options these days for these beds. Gone are the days when you only get bunk beds in order to fit as many kids as you can in one room. Now the new designs offer great ways to take back the space for even one child. With bottom bunks in full size and upper in twin along with an additional hide away bed underside, you will certainly find that there are some amazing choices.

For both boys and girls there are modern and classic designs giving everyone something to love. They have become safer than ever before and they can be purchased to fit right into any room design. Finding a great bed has never been easier. They even have great theme beds such as log cabin style with great big beams that really lend to the atmosphere in the room. These aren’t simple frames that just go together to provide a bed on top and a bed on bottom any longer. They are complex and have great style to them.

Keeping a child’s room organized is huge challenge at any age. These beds are an excellent way to get the space organized and provide more room to move. Accommodating more than one child in a room can be accomplished more easily with these beds. Taking a look at what is available might surprise you and the prices for these beds are very reasonable for all that they offer. There is something for every budget.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

13 thoughts on “Choosing the Right Bunk Bed

  • The extra space is nice but maybe I’m the odd man out when I say that I don’t like bunk beds. I was a tall child and my sister and I had bunk beds for a while and I absolutely hated them! Climbing up and down, bonking my head on the ceiling, trying to get the sheets and comforter straight and tidy. Ugh. I hated it all.

    However, my neice has a loft style bed with room underneath for a desk. Her room is super cluttered with toys and junk so that it’s not really useable but I can see how that would be useful. I guess I’ll have to see when the time comes if my kids want one or not. I like all of the options availble now days though, especially the trundle hidaway bed.

  • These bunk beds are so much better than the ones I slept in when I was younger. You right; there are quite a few different designs/styles to choose from. Thanks Amanda!

  • Loved having bunk beds growing up. Hopefully we’ll do the same for our kids once we have more.

  • I love how this has so much space!

  • Our room has a small footprint and so we’ve been discussing bunk beds. Thanks for the post!

  • I love the bed and it is a great idea to have more space in a room thank you for the info

  • This is a big topic in our house right now. We have 5 yr old and 2.5 yr old Daughters that share a room and have asked for bunkbeds (“bonkbed”). Getting them would sure help save on space. The issues are $ and are they ready for them? Will we end up with kids trying to jump off the top? Will our oldest trip coming down the ladder in the middle of the night to use the restroom? Still not sure…

  • Loved when my children were in bunk beds.

    *I used to stay outside the bedroom door after I’d said goodnight and listen to some of their conversations before falling asleep. My heart swelled with pride and love.

    Such fond memories.

  • DDs were asking for a bunk bed, I like the idea of getting things more organized

  • My son had bunk beds and he loved them – I wish I’d never gotten rid of them!

  • I really like the options that are made for kids rooms today. The Bunk bed has definitely come a long way. I love the many different options and materials. I also love the extra bed for when we have overnight guests.

  • The case of the bunk beds! (so familliar) though the bed pictured looks for 9-12 year old.

  • Love this bed but I’m quite not ready to have my 5 & 4 yr old on a bunk bed just yet, maybe next year

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