
Christmas Memories | Baking Cookies, Baby’s First Steps and Santa

Christmas is always packed full of fun times and wonderful memories…

Here are a few memories that were created at my house this weekend.


I left it up to my husband and son to make Santa’s Christmas cookies…


Luckily I had a roll of cookie dough to fix this! LOL The edges were burnt to a crisp and the middle was uncooked. I’m still laughing over this one.


We spent Christmas eve with my sister and her family, Andrew was in heaven to FINALLY open some presents…


Andrea received a butterfly push toy and took off walking for the first time!!
Guess she just needed a little motivation to get her going…


Christmas Eve we put out cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and the Reindeer..


Santa came… surprised to see after the act my son put on at my sister’s house!


I had a wonderful time watching my kids dive into their presents and enjoyed every minute of the holiday.

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas!


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

35 thoughts on “Christmas Memories | Baking Cookies, Baby’s First Steps and Santa

  • Those are precious pictures that I know you will cherish for years to come!

  • Those are the most adorable little Santa PJ’s. Oh, I want to squeeze them (and I don’t even know em’)lol She wanted to share her first time walking with her auntie and have it be in the Christmas memories journal. I found a couple of things that cookie design could have been. Glad you had such a great time!
    Gladys P

  • It looks like you guys had so much fun! That is one thing I love about Christmas, all of the memories that you are building with your little ones. It makes my heart happy to think about when my kids are older and they look back at the fond memories

  • Love your pretty tree! I’m still giggling over the giant cookie! Boys!

  • I love all of the great pictures in this blog and the cookie!

  • I love all of the great pictures in this blog.

  • this year was my son’s first real christmas. He was born Dec. 16, 2010. He did not know what to do with his presents; he wouldn’t open them by himself!! we still had a great christmas though and i hope everyone else did too!

  • That’s a big cookie for Santa! So cute!

  • I miss my girls being little & watching them full of excitement of what Santa brought! This post is really cute & a great reminder of the memories my husband & I have shared with our 3 daughters!

  • That pic of the Christmas tree was gorgeous- as are your children. Unfortunately, can’t say the same about the cookies…. ; ) Glad you had a memorable time w/your family and wishing you many, many more.

  • Sounds like you had a wonderful memory filled Christmas. I miss those times now that my kids are grown. I can only hope for grandchildren some day.

  • Thanks for sharing your wonderful Christmas! Some of my best memories are of baking and decorating Christmas cookies with my kids.

  • LMAO @ the giant cookie – I love it! Looks like your family had a great holiday :)

  • Making memories … I loved it when my children were this age, Christmas was so magical for them. I enjoyed your post and the pics of the kids, so adorable in their PJ’s. Best wishes for the new year for you and your family!

  • I think it’s cool that your husband baked cookies with your son. I wish my DH had time to do those things, but he does what he can. The cookies are what I would expect. lol

  • Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. Hope you also have a very Happy New Year

  • I think that giant cookie looked yummy! If I was Santa and visiting your home I would want that same cookie and a gallon of milk! LOL! Happy Holidays! =)

  • Merry Christmas – our house looked a lot like your house. Our little one started walking, too – she’s only 10 months old. We were quite surprised

  • Looks like you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  • I love your Santa’s Christmas cookies, looks so good! Have a happy new year!

  • Great pics. We had a first time walker at our Christmas eve family get together. So fun!

  • Well it looks like everyone had a good time.

  • lol I would have eaten the enormous “cookie” anyway. How does that even happen??

  • Looks like a great time! Love the large cookie. And how awesome that she walked… nice memories.

  • Super cute! That cookie looks delicious hahaha and I wanted to get one of those push toys for my son. We ended up getting a Melissa & Dough alligator clack and chomp instead and he’s just too cute pushing it around. <3

  • I love the giant Santa cookie. I’m glad your husband didn’t “correct” his work. Beautiful children!

  • Precious!

    Oh, and the giant cookie thing would turn out better if your hubby had turned down the oven temp by about 25 degrees F and baked longer–just for future reference. LoL!

    I remember the mess my husband made once when he got a roll of cookie dough. He actually told me that making individual cookies was to much of a hassle.


  • aww your xmas tree is gorgeous! great pics

  • Great pics! It is so fun watching them open gifts. Thats so exciting that your little one started walking. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  • It’s all about the kids! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas & your kids are beautiful. I’ve never been a fan of Christmas until I had grandchildren & as of the last few years I’ve played Santa on Christmas Eve. I look forward to this more than anything & this year included two other homes besides my grandchildren so the kids I care for got to “see” Santa as well. It’s such a hit & it makes my heart swell to spend Christmas with my own grandchildren & have them tell me all about seeing Santa the night before. Your plate of cookies are wonderful … I need to send my daughter your way. The smart alec thought it would be funny to leave Santa a healthy snack; yogurt! Happy New Year!

  • aww…how wonderful you will remember this holiday as your little one started walking! We do the same with cookies sometimes and make a big smiley face out of sugar sprinkles. Then have a family cookie dunk by breaking off the pieces. Kids love it and saves me time in the kitchen!

  • lol at their “cookies”…lovely pictures hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  • LOL! Must be a guy thing. I’ve done what your husband and son did with the cookie dough… I thought it would be so cool to bake one giant cookie. I was wrong! Edges were burnt and center uncooked.

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