
Create a Memorable Valentines Day with Cardstore.com

I participated in a Blogger Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Cardstore.com. I received complimentarycards and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

I’m a romantic at heart and love getting sappy on Valentines Day. Sure it’s a Hallmark holiday, but to me it’s one of the best holidays! This is a day that I show everyone around me how much they are cared for. My husband, kids, friends, parents, etc. all deserve a special day and I want more than anything to be apart of it.

One thing that I like to do is create special greeting cards. Last year, I went all out with the scrapbooking supplies and customized greeting cards that really came from the heart. This year, I’m a little short on time but really wanted to do a personalized greeting card for my husband and kids.

I made a visit to www.cardstore.com to check out their Valentines Day selection. Their cards are absolutely adorable and I love that you can customize every aspect of them!

Personalized Greeting Cards from Cardstore.com Order by February 6th!

Andrea is the biggest fan of Hello Kitty! Cardstore.com has a kids collection of Valentines Day cards that will connect with almost any kid!

Personalized Greeting Cards from Cardstore.com Order by February 6th!

We couldn’t leave Andrew out! I picked out a fun fire truck card for him.

Personalized Greeting Cards from Cardstore.com Order by February 6th!

I thought this one for my husband would give him a good laugh :) This was so fun to customize!

Receiving a greeting card brings out all kinds of good feelings and when you can see that there was time and sentiment put into a card, there is something special about that. These are the kind of greeting cards that I love to stow away for memories.

This year, Cardstore reminds us that ‘It’s Okay To Cry’ and embrace the emotions and sentiment from our loved ones. You don’t need to gift luscious chocolates or a new designer watch to get the ultimate Valentine’s Day reaction. This year, more women are thinking ahead to create customized cards for their beaus that truly speak from the heart – and men are responding with tears of joy.


It’s not too late to create your own Valentine’s Day card from Cardstore.com! Customize and order your card today and receive it in time for the big day.

Hurry! The deadline is February 6th.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

5 thoughts on “Create a Memorable Valentines Day with Cardstore.com

  • The cards are so cute! I already got my vday cards this year but I’ll remember it next year!

  • I love cardstore.com. I’ve actually made some free cards there for friends over the holidays. They have great choices and quite a lot of variety.

  • I love this idea, haven’t used Cardstore before. Will have to check them out soon.

  • I love the Cardstore. They have some really cool selection for every special occasion,. Love the card you picked out for your husband, too cute. That is totally our style too.

  • Cardstore does have a large selection of really cute cards! We use them several times a year to stock up.

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