
Create Back to School Memories with Hallmark

This post is sponsored by Hallmark. All thoughts are my own.

The beginning of the school year is an exciting time for our family. Both children are experiencing their first year at school. Andrew will be going off to Kindergarten and Andrea will be entering the early childhood preschool.

I wanted to commemorate this special time with photographs, and wanted to do this in a memorable way. I received the Hallmark Pics ‘n’ Props School Days Activity Kit for review and knew this would be the perfect addition to the memories that my children were about to create.

Back to School Memories with Hallmark

The kit includes:

  • Chalkboard with chalk
  • Journaling Cards
  • Faux Chalk Inserts
  • Photo Album

I’ve seen the Pics ‘n’ Props School Days Activity Kit being used on Pinterest and was so amazed at the art ability of those photographers! Each faux chalk insert is crafted for every year of school, from Preschool through Graduation. But who knew that those pictures I saw on Pinterest were not real chalk designs! Simply slide the insert onto the chalkboard and you have an instant premade chalkboard to use in your “First Day of School” photographs.

Back to School Memories with Hallmark

Back to School Memories with Hallmark

I love how realistic these chalkboards are, everyone has been asking me how they were made. The photo album is a perfect addition to the Pics ‘n’ Props School Days Activity Kit and will help keep all of our memories documented in a special way.

Back to School Memories with Hallmark

Going back to school can be stressful for the kids, meeting new teachers, new kids, learning the hallways and routines. Whether it’s Kindergarten or their Senior year, sometimes a simple “You can do it!” helps remind kids that you’re rooting for them, no matter what.

Hallmark’s collection of SO SO Happy Greetings, Kids Encouragement Greetings and Back to School Greetings are the perfect “pick me up” that you can give your children. Maybe an addition to their lunchbox, or the morning before a test, take the next step up from notes on a napkin and share one of these fun greeting cards with your kids.

For more information about the Hallmark Pics ‘n’ Props School Activity Kit and the Back to School greeting cards, visit www.hallmark.com

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

35 thoughts on “Create Back to School Memories with Hallmark

  • We always take a lot of pictures, my son is just 4 now so we haven’t really started with school until next year!

  • We took a few first day pictures… but I missed them getting on the bus.

  • I captured them by scrapbooking

  • I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been. I was chasing the kids down the driveway with my cell phone camera. LOL!

  • We keep it simple, lots of photos 7 new clothes.

  • I took pictures of my kids in front of the school’s sign.

  • My kids don’t start until next week, so I haven’t captured anything yet. We will be taking “first day” pictures though.

  • A back to school party and photos of the first day.

  • my oldest in only in preschool but I do first and last day photos and make a collage of them, and I also fill out a survey with him.

  • Well….we start nexr week and i havent really done anything. I just bought some pencils and we had ID pictures taken. It was then that I realized how badly we need haircuts:) I DID buy my 17 year old a graduation gown.

  • We plan to take some pics and write a letter to our son in the journal that we are keeping for him.

  • Took my baby’s picture for her first year of preschool!

  • i wish i was spiffy and crafty enough to have done something cool for my son’s first day of pre k..but i didn’t :(( i just took a pic of him with his stuffed tiger and his big boy backpack! next year though, i’m gonna make it ‘cooler’ :D

  • We took pictures and watched the kids get on the bus. One more year to go!

  • I took individual pictures of my kids for the first day of school and one group photo!

  • I took a lot of Pictures by the school and with siblings.

  • My little guy is only 20months but I have enjoyed seeing my nieces and nephews first day of school pics and have started getting ideas for when the time comes for my little guy.

  • we homeschool, so our back to school memories will consist of our first beach day for reading with NO other kids on the beach with us. Sneaky, but a relaxing way to spend the official first day of school.

  • My son will start preschool next year, so we didn’t do anything this year but I know it will involve a lot of picture taking and tears!

  • we make sure we take pictures wherever we go to always have those memories

  • My toddler just started preK…taking pics!

  • My daughter is 2 years old but I am doing lot of back to school shopping lol.

  • School starts after labor day. We’ll be taking pics!

  • After labor day school starts and plan on taking a lot of pictures!

  • I took pictures of my daughter who just started Kindergarten :)

  • I took pictures of my son on his first day of Kindergarten. We took them out in front of our house with signs I made that said
    “first day of Kindergarten” and “Class of 2026” Also, took a few in his classroom.

  • School will start for us next year! :)

  • We have not started homeschool yet. Waiting until after labor day.

  • I take pictures of my kids seperate and together on the first and last day of school to keep track of how they change.

  • My grandson starts preschool next week and we intend to take lots of pictures!

  • I am trying to take a picture of the first and last day of school. It has worked for my first daughter so far. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  • We took pictures of my oldest grandson going to preschool this year.

  • lot and lots of picture always

  • I take pictures of my daughter every first day and last day of school

  • I would you use for pictures

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