
Crizal Facebook Sweepstakes | $25 Visa Gift Card Giveaway {Ended}


Crizal No-Glare lenses provide clearer vision by reducing glare, scratches, smudges, dust and water. Unlike any other, Crizal lenses help you see better, look better and feel better!


Learn more and find a local eyecare provider.


Crizal Lenses is offering you the chance to enter into the “Combat the Enemies of Clear Vision with Captain Crizal” sweepstakes on Facebook for the chance to win a Grand Prize of a MOTOROLA XOOM™ with Wi-Fi, a $1,000 general use gift card and their very own Crizal lenses.

The second place winner will receive a $1,000 gift card and a pair of Crizal lenses, and the third place winner will receive a $500 gift card and a pair of Crizal lenses.

The sweepstakes can be entered into without playing the game. However, if you would like to play "Combat the Enemies of Clear Vision with Captain Crizal," here is how… consumers must help defend Captain Crizal by collecting Crizal Power Lenses while dodging certain obstacles. Once the player collects 10 Crizal Power Lenses, he can combat the five enemies of clear vision, which will appear throughout the game to obscure the player’s game screen.

Mommy of Two Little Monkeys loves companies who give back!

Essilor, the maker of Crizal lenses, will donate $5 to the Foundation for Eye Health Awareness for each new Crizal USA Facebook page “like” and another $5 when consumers play the game, up to a maximum of $20,000.

Enter into the Crizal Lenses “Combat the Enemies of Clear Vision with Captain Crizal” sweepstakes!

Are you ready to win here on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys too?!


One Mommy of Two Little Monkeys reader is going to win a $25 Visa Gift Card!

How To Enter:

Use the rafflecopter form below to enter, do the mandatory entry and then you can do any of the additional entries!

While it is not required, if you like my blog will you pretty please give me a single click on the banner below and vote for Mommy of Two Little Monkeys on Top Mommy Blogs?


Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Rules: Contest will end at 11:59pm CST on October 28th, 2011 when I will draw a winner at random using the Rafflecopter Random Selector.

Only 1 entry per household please. US Only please. 18 +

You do NOT have to be a blogger to enter

Please leave your email address along with your comment if it is not located within your profile. Your email address will only be used to notify you if you won the giveaway. I will notify the winner via email and on my blog of their winnings and they will have 48 hours to respond.

My opinion may vary from others. My honest opinions were used. Product was received in hopes that I would post about their Facebook Sweepstakes. This post was written by me and was not edited by anyone.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

247 thoughts on “Crizal Facebook Sweepstakes | $25 Visa Gift Card Giveaway {Ended}

  • I would pay bills.

  • If I won, part would go towards Christmas, and the rest would sit in an emergency fund.

  • I would get a new camera bag and pay off some bills!

  • I would fix my van!

  • I would use the GC toward new counters for my kitchen.

  • I would pay for all my Christmas shopping and then have some left to buy some great after the holiday deal with! :)

  • I would get my little girl a toddler bed!

  • Spend it on everyone for christmas (:

  • I would fix both my cars because they are in need of disparate repair and then buy my munchkins Xmas gifts and then get things ready for the new baby.

  • I would pay some bills, do some groceries shopping and I would save the rest.

  • I would give it to my sister for Christmas!

  • Id drive better at nighttime probably…hehehehe

  • I would buy a new TV and the remainder would go toward groceries, gas, etc.

  • That is almost as much as we make a month. Oh my, pay bills ,get medications and household items like Tp and Laundry soap. Dog food. Oh it would be such a blessing!!!

  • I’d use it for our vacation. It would cover our meals while in Disney.

  • wow $1000 i would use it for summer vacation, clallen at ntin dot net

  • I would use the gift card to get some new glasses.

  • I would plan a weekend getaway with my husband. We just celebrated our 10th anniversary but couldn’t afford to do anything special.

  • Put it in the bank.

  • I would use it towards bills and clothing thanks

  • i would use it towards christmas shopping also its coming fast

  • I’d catch up on my house payment

  • Real exciting stuff – apply it toward our credit card debt to knock it out more quickly.

  • If i won the 1k GC I would use that money to stock up on food , Xmas presents, oil heat and if any was left over I would pay to have a couple Sunday newspapers delivered.

  • I would use it for Christmas.

  • If I won the $1000 gift card, I would use it to buy Christmas for my new baby boy (Keegan) and my granddaughter (Kyli Jade) and two older daughters. I have been laid off from work and could really use the card .

  • I would pay off credit cards.

  • I would pay my propane for the winter. That way all I would have is a HIGH electric bill to contend with instead of both.

  • I would buy Christmas for my five kids!

    tiffany AT trinkies.com

  • I’d buy Christmas presents, for sure.

  • Hmmm.. I’d definitely get a new bag! We’ll see about the rest :)

  • I would use the money for Christmas gifts
    carolkfoster at comcast dot net

  • If I won that $1000 my family would have a very merry Christmas!

  • I would pay up some bills and take a 1 day trip with my family

  • I’d buy specialty food that I normally can’t afford, and a new chest freezer to put it in.

  • I would use it to buy xmas presents!

  • I would use it to help with my student loans! i am still searching for a job and it’s really hard to keep up with them right now.

  • I would use the money to help pay for my wedding in June! :)

  • It would probably go to christmas!

  • I would use the gift card to get caught up on some things that we have gotten behind on since my husbands heart attack.


  • pay bills

    marygardner49 at aol dot com

  • I would buy lots of xmas gifts!

  • I would have fun with Christmas shopping and finish up my bathroom.

  • Leave me a comment! What would you do with a $1,000 Gift Card from Crizal if you won from their Facebook sweepstakes?

    Pass out from shock :D

  • I would pay off my credit card.

  • I would get new glasses for my family!

  • i would christmas shop.

  • I would put it towards next year’s vacation. We haven’t been on vacation in 5 years so we are taking the kids to Universal Studios to see Harry Potter World.

  • Pay off bills, maybe have a dinner out.

  • I would use it to help pay off my hospitalization bills.

  • I would get caught up on bills.

  • I would use the $1000 buy items my fiance and I desperately need, like a new pair of glasses (ironically), new sneakers, new winter clothes that fit (we’ve both lost weight), etc. It’d really help us out a lot.

  • pay off some of my medical bills

  • I would use the money to help pay off my tuition

  • I buy a king size bed for my husband and myself so we could get a good night’s sleep!

  • I would get the kids their Christmas gifts. 3 of my kids also celebrate their birthdays in december so I would use it towards that & some great parties :) With whats left over I would.. buy fuel for the house

  • With Christmas so close, I’d definitely use the gift card for making a very special holiday for my immediate family here as well as my parents. Any left over would be a great start to our road trip in the early spring.
    Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

  • Spend it on my kids for Christmas!

  • If I won the $1,000 I’d use it for two things: first to revamp my work wardrobe and second to do my Christmas shopping.

  • I would start Christmas shopping for my whole family!

  • If I won the $1000 right now I would pay bills.

  • I would use it to pay our property taxes!

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • I would pay som bills!

  • I would use it for Christmas presents, thanks

  • I’d put it towards Christmas shopping and new winter coats for the kids!

  • I would do christmas shopping!

  • I would get some nifty lens and have a shopping spree

  • I’d probably use it to pay down a credit card

  • I would make a payment towards my car loan probably :)

  • Kind of boring, but I would buy a bunch of diapers!! Also a treat for myself, maybe something from ModCloth.

  • I would redo my bedroom -paint, carpet!

  • Christmas shopping and winter coats & boots for the children.

  • christmas presents for my kids.

  • I would mostly use it on gifts for Christmas and Birthdays, but maybe get something for myself if I have anything left over!!

  • I need a new TV.

  • I would pay off some of my bills.

  • I would get new winter coats, snowsuits and snow boots for my boys.

  • I would buy some wii games I have been meaning to buy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Chistmas shopping

  • I would start Christmas shopping . for my whole family

  • Since I am getting ready to close on a house, I have all kinds of things I could use $1000 on. I think my first choice would be a washer and dryer.

  • I know I did all the entries for this giveaway, yesterday. I haven’t changed computers; cleared my cache or cleared my cookies… And now it says I haven’t done anything…

    mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com

  • I’d buy Christmas presents with it!

  • Buy groceries and gas

  • I would start my christmas shopping.
    carolwegs at gmail dot com

  • If I won I would get the surgery on my eyes done so I don’t have to wear my glasses all the time, that would be so awesome!

  • i would save it :)

  • I would buy me a laptop computer. I have become addicted to my computer. Ha! Ha! But true, I am afraid. Rita Spratlen

  • i’d pay bills and x-mas shop

  • I would use towards bills and for christmas gifts for my kids
    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  • I’d spend it on baby gear after I get myself a new pair of glasses (my lenses are beyond scratched up). I’m a FTM due in december and so not prepared for her..

  • I would use it to make much needed car repairs.

  • pay bills!!! This year has been rough for us!!!

  • I would buy a pair of new glasses.

  • spend it like crazy at target

  • I would use the $1000 for xmas shopping and my daughter’s bday that is one week before xmas.

  • I could get lots of Christmas shopping done! :)

  • I would buy Christmas gifts for my family.

  • Well-deserved mini-vacay!

  • I’d buy new eyeglasses for the family.

  • I would buy Christmas presents and pay some bills.

  • i’d treat my daughter to some things she has been wanting

  • I would use it to pay for tickets to a conference Ive been wanting to attend

  • I would put it towards my student loan debt! Thanks for the chance to win!
    gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com

  • I would spend it christmas shopping.

  • I’d go Christmas shopping and get myself some Wii cardio games.
    Thank you.
    barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

  • i would buy some furniture for our new baby coming in March (and maybe a new pair of shoes for me too)!

  • I would pay off a bill I think..I have so many

  • I would do Christmas shopping :)
    mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com

  • I would get us some new clothes

  • I’d like to do wild, capricious things but I’d probably be practical and pay bills. Not a bad thing to do, but not fun. Maybe I’d take a hundred and go shopping for fun stuff.


  • Rafflecopter keeps resetting to beginning. I have no idea whether I am entered in this giveaway or not…

    mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com

  • pay bills bills bills :p

  • Freak out is what I would do!! Vacation!!
    amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com

  • I’d take a trip to Hawaii.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • if i won the $1000 I’d put it towards the new car that I need to buy soon
    sarah at realtorsd.com

  • a new mattress!!

  • Would take my family on a Christmas vacation!!!

  • $1,000 sounds like a guaranteed trip to Utah for the National ATV Jamboree in June 2012…

    mtdoonmeister at gmail dot com

  • I would buy some Christmas presents for my family.

  • I would put it towards Christmas Shopping and my sons 1st Birthday Party.

    bakergurl02 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  • would pay bills

  • Well, considering how close to the holidays we are getting (gulp!), I’d probably use it for that!

  • I would buy a new camera lens and do some Christmas shopping! Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  • I would buy some Christmas presents for my kids and save the rest.

  • I would purchase some things we could really use,then use the rest to get a head start on Christmas shopping.


  • i would get some new glasses and do some work on my house

  • I would use it to put in our bank account so it doesn’t go into negative! That’s how badly I need it.

  • i would buy me and my boyfriend new clothes!

  • With the 1,000 I would be able to get ready for the new baby.

  • I would use it to pay bills.

  • I would do my Christmas shopping for family and friends (and hopefully get it all done early)!

  • I would buy christmas presents for my family

  • Help my son with his dentist bill. He has a broken tooth that needs to be worked on and this would be a GREAT!!! way to help him!

  • I would buy a new refrigerator. Mine is on it’s last few breaths. The creaking & moaning noises from its motor are making great Halloween sound effects! :-)

  • I’d pay off my debt!

  • I would put it towards my student loans. I am in Grad school so the balance is getting bigger and bigger… :*(

  • I would probably put it in my savings. Thanks for the chance! :)

  • I would use it for Christmas shopping and to replace our hot water heater that broke this weekend.

  • I would pay off my credit card!

  • I would use it for Christmas shopping.

  • Buy me something nice!

  • I would use if for Christmas

  • use it for Christmas and bday shopping

  • I’d use it for Christmas!

  • Eye glasses for everyone!

  • I’d get new glasses for my whole family. We could all use a new pair, and whether my husband thinks so or not, he needs glasses, too :)

  • I’d not have to worry about buying gas for a while.

  • I would put money toward my student loan.

  • I would pay off one of my dr. bills
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  • I’d likely use it to pay down some debt, though I like the idea of getting the Christmas shopping out of the way.

  • Christmas shopping is coming up- and our car needs new tires badly- if i won, this would make our Christmas so less stressful!

  • I’d replace my wardrobe and get some stuff for my house

  • I would buy new glasses for my whole family
    Blogtacular contest! Thanks so much! Janna Johnson Jannajanna@hotmail.com
    Janna@feedyourpig on GFC

  • I would use it to buy Christmas gifts

  • I would use to money to see an opthalmologist!

  • christmas shopping for me too !

  • I follow your blog on GFC, subscribe to your email and like you on Facebook! I would absolutely love to win this, so I could get Christmas gifts! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  • I would probably plan a weekend getaway with my husband

  • If I won I would buy my daughter and myself a new wardrobe.

  • buy Christmas presents

  • i would definitely help my mom with some of her bills!

  • great giveaway! thanks for sharing!

  • Id pay some bills, then save the rest

  • I would buy myself some new glasses as mine are 5 years old and I really need a new pair.

  • I’d use it for Christmas shopping!

  • I’d pay off some of my student loan.

  • Pay bills and get new glasses (really need new glasses)

  • I would buy a new winter wardrobe.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I would do my Christmas shopping for my family!

  • I’d use the money to buy all the x-mas and b-day gifts for my daughter

  • Thanks for the great sweep and hope to win :)

  • I’d get a new wardrobe.

  • I’d go buy everyone’s birthday presents!

  • I’d use it to take care of Christmas shopping and pay some bills.

  • I would definitely get a new pair of glasses lol :) And pay some bills, besides :)

  • Clothes shopping

  • I would use it for plane tickets for my parents. They have never visited me in AZ, it would be such a wonderful visit!!!

  • buy an iPad2 for me and family

  • I;d go on a trip.

  • I would get some early Christmas shopping done!

  • I would use the money for the holidays – gifts mostly:)

  • I would spend the money to treat the whole family to a trip to California to see my brother!

  • shopping, Shopping, SHOPPING!

  • I would use the gift card to purchase an anniversary gift for my husband. We will be celebrating our fifth anniversary this May, and I would love to get him a SLR camera.

    Thanks for the heads up about the contest and how Crizal is also giving back.


  • I would get caught up on some car repairs (tires, alignments, etc). Thank you

  • This would be sweet, Thanks

  • I would buy some new carpet. Ours is so old and dirty.

  • I would love to use this towards finishing our floors. We have 1/2 of the house done.

  • I would use it for christmas shopping! :)
    holliister at gmail dot com

  • I would pay some bills buy my husband a very nice Christmas gift. My pets would get news beds
    and some toys, I would give our No-Kill Animal Shelter a donation and I would get me a
    cross necklace(something I have wanted for a long time)

  • I would put the money in my savings account! And maybe spend a little bit. ;)

  • I would get a laptop computer

  • At this point in the year, I would definitely use the money for Holiday shopping. I’d also buy my mother in-law a pair of ruby earrings this year because I’d be able to afford it.
    Dana Beeman: danabeeman(at)gmail(dot)com

  • I don’t have any money for Christmas as of now, so I would definitely go on an awesome Christmas shopping spree!!

  • Christmas is coming, so I’d try to find some good deals for gifts!

  • I would buy a ton of books for my classroom library.

  • Thanks for the great giveaway! If I won a $1,000, one of the things I would get is the new Kindle Fire and, of course, some books to go along with it!


  • I would Take care of Christmas, and if there was anything left, I would replace my broken laptop. =)

  • Pay my mortgage.

  • Pay bills and hopefully have some left for Christmas shopping.

  • I would use it to buy a car.

  • save it for a new car

  • I would go Christams shopping

  • So many bills to pay!

  • I would use it to buy Christmas for all my boys

  • I would pay bills as well as use it for christmas shopping!

  • I would use this for Christmas shopping and for gettting a new dishwasher.
    Thanks so much.

  • I would get new glasses for myself so I wouldn’t have to see through the scratches and then I would take what was left and shop for my husband for Christmas.

  • buy some christmas gifts with card

  • I would get a laptop computer.

  • If I won $1000 I would buy a new flat screen TV for our family room.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  • I”d get glasses for the whole family

  • I would use it for Christmas shopping.

  • I would buy things for my baby who is growing faster than I can cloth him!

  • I would buy groceries and some Christmas shopping! I would also buy some flowers for my mom who is battling Cancer!

  • I would get clothes with it, I need some badly

  • The money would go towards the nursery for our second child:)

  • First I would probably cry and then I would buy some groceries and pay some bills that are backed up, and if I had a tiny bit left I would buy something pretty to lay on my Mothers grave site :)

  • my daughter birthday coming up in 2 weeks and my younger son’s 2 weeks later plus christmas is behind corner i would go christmas shopping;-)

  • Go Christmas shopping!

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