
Day 1 : Weigh In : Before Pictures : Here We Goooo!!! #NSNation

NutriSystem Weekly Weigh In

My food has arrived, the materials have been read and I think I’m ready to get this show on the road! This morning I woke up, showered and weighed my self.. gotta know where I started at right?

214 Lbs… can you believe that? I was weighing 210 Lbs when I applied for NutriSystem so somewhere in that time I must have gotten happen and ate everything in sight. I know you are probably thinking I’m crazy for displaying my weight out there. I’ve never been one to be shy about my weight, really it is just a number and you all can see how fat I am so really is it a secret?

Besides, if I am here for support from you, to inspire everyone who wants to lose weight then I should probably just lay it all out there. I think when I’m watching someone lose weight I’m more inspired when I can see pictures and numbers, helps me compare to who I am and provides more encouragement. I guess that is just me.

214 Lbs : Ready For The Weight To Be GONE!

Here are my official “Before” pictures and I will make a place for them in the NutriSystem section of my blog.. it will be fun to watch all those little rolls shrinky dink!!

I’ve had breakfast thus far, love the cereal I had and I’m already thinking about lunch LOL It has got to take some will power to see all of that food sitting there and you can’t touch it until it is time for that day and meal…

My official weigh in day will now be Wednesday, hope you will come by each week to cheer me on!

Here I go!!!


Be sure to check in on my other NutriSystem Buddies!!!

Heather S. at OurKidsMom

Heather B. at Living on Love and Cents

Brett at This Mama Loves Her Bargains

Xenia from Thanks Mail Carrier

and Carmen from Closer to Lucy

Would you like to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem, too?
Nutrisystem for news and special offers today or call 888-853-4689.

DISCLOSURE: This post was written by me and was not edited by anyone. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own and have not been influenced in any way. Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me/us free of charge for my weekly updates. I was not compensated for writing this post. Your experiences with the product may differ. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

9 thoughts on “Day 1 : Weigh In : Before Pictures : Here We Goooo!!! #NSNation

  • Congrats! Good for you for being so open about your weight. Not many people would do that. Good luck on your journey!

  • Best Wishes on your journey! Wish I could join ya, but will defiantly be a cheerleader!

  • Extremely disappointed to read that you have apparently given up on Weight Watcher’s.

    It was voted the #1 Weight Loss program in the country.

    I am sure you will lose weight on Nutrisystem, what will remain to be seen is if it STAYS off in the long term and if the program teaches behavior modification.

    Regardless, best of luck with it

  • Weight loss is completely difficult. I hope that you find the motivation that you need and that this is successful for you. I have never been shy about sharing my weight… I weigh more than you. I look forward to hearing your successes, your struggles, and finally your triumph!

  • Hi Amanda! Some advice for you!
    If you’d get off your fat ass, get off the computer, learn how to parent correctly, get a REAL job and quit spending your life trying to get free stuff from places like Nebraska Furniture Mart, maybe you wouldn’t need Nutrisystem!

  • Good luck! I just started my exercising and dieting too. =)

  • Good for you! Its so encouraging when people are open about their struggles and let others into their goals. Blogland will always provide the encouragement you need!

  • Well done you! I completely agree about visuals being a great motivator, I gave birth three weeks ago and I already have my before pics out to remind me why I do not need to eat candy ;)


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