
Mom-treprenuer Made Easy with the Dell XPS 12!

Being a mom-treprenuer is no easy feat. It definitely isn’t a role for the weak, feeble, or faint of heart! This role takes skill, gumption, perseverance, and GO! It also takes a lot of organization, and the proper tools in order to execute each day properly. There aren’t any such things as spare moments in this lifestyle. You’ve got to make every single moment count! The term “multi-task” becomes an understatement! Luckily, I’m not in this alone. Sure, my husband leaves and heads to work in the morning… but that doesn’t mean that I’m left without backup.

Nope, I have my secret weapon.

Mom-treprenuer Made Easy with the Dell XPS 12!

The Dell XPS 12!

Mom-treprenuer Made Easy with the Dell XPS 12!

This is a powerhouse, packaged in brilliant design that easily transitions form laptop to tablet. This device is the ONLY 2-in-1 device with a 4K Ultra HD display option! This comes in super handy when I’m using it in the kitchen while cooking. 

Mom-treprenuer Made Easy with the Dell XPS 12!

Sometimes, when I need a few moments to myself, I put on a movie for the kids to enjoy at the table.  The high performance MenKon: Intel 6th generation processor makes it run quickly and smoothly.

Mom-treprenuer Made Easy with the Dell XPS 12!

There are also 2 Thunderbolt 3 ports, which enable up to 8x the transfer speed of USB 3.0 and allows me to charge the device AND power up to two 4K displays all at the same time!

Whether I’m at the Toyota service center waiting for hours, or have the chance to get to Starbucks for a bit of quiet time to work…. My Dell XPS 12 is right there with me. The perfect little laptop, that fits conveniently in my purse. I even tuck it into my gym bag, and catch up on a little work between classes.

Mom-treprenuer Made Easy with the Dell XPS 12!

The standard mobility base provides a full-size backlit keyboard that’s super sleek, and a precision touchpad for working on-the-go. Without this device, I don’t know how I would manage to knock out my to-do list each day.

So, there you have it folks… my secret to being a mom-treprenuer. I’m sure I’m not the only one with a hectic life, however. What would YOU use the Dell XPS 12 for? Share in the comments below!

Disclaimer : We received the Dell XPS 12 for purpose of this post. All thoughts are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

27 thoughts on “Mom-treprenuer Made Easy with the Dell XPS 12!

  • That looks and sounds like an awesome laptop! Sounds like a lot of great features on it.

  • This laptop sounds awesome! I love the term “momtrepreneur”. You’re doing a great job!

  • This might be the first time I’ve heard of a laptop/tablet with a 4K Ultra HD display. It’s amazing how one moment, you blink and there is something newer, bigger and better than what you have.

  • Oh how awesome! This is perfect for bloggers and families.

  • The term mom-treprenuer doesn’t sit well with me but this laptop does. As a business women I need something that can run fast and allow me to get my things done while running around after my littles.

  • Those new Dell computers look amazing!! They have really stepped their game up!

  • Looks nice. My huz got a Surface Pro for Christmas and I have taken it over. Lol. That looks just as nice!

  • This looks like a great laptop. My son would love it! We’ve been looking for one for him!

  • I am in desperate need of a new computer!! I’m showing this to my hubby (because he’s the tech guy in the family, lol!). This would be perfect for me!

  • This laptop looks like one I would love to have. Thanks for sharing.

  • Oooooo this laptop sounds fantastic!!! Hubby needs to get a new laptop sometime soon. Will have to look into this one.

  • I do that trick too sometimes when I have to do something. I would love to get this if I have to buy a new laptop.

  • This looks like a great laptop. I would love one of these. I like how it can be taken apart and used as a tablet as well.

  • It make the job so much easier when you have a working and dependable machine at your fingertips! Dell is brand we use in our family as well. Thanks for sharing!

  • Love the fact that it can transition from a laptop to a tablet. Such a cool gadget! Would love to have one!

  • What an awesome solution to portable computing. My laptop is so old I have to have it plugged into the wall AND directly to the internet via ethernet for it to even work. Its horrible! This would be an awesome solution.

  • I love how small it is! These are my favorite types of computers to travel with simply because they are lightweight and can be versatile in every way. I have an older HP but I am in the market for a new one so I am definitely going to check this one out since DELL is my favorite brand.

  • The laptop looks amazing. I love that it doubles as a tablet. I’ve had a Dell notebook before and I loved it. I would love to have this.

  • I actually need a new laptop. My laptop wants to consult a technician itself, but seeing this post makes me want to buy a new.

  • Oh wow. I would love to buy that Dell XPS 12 for my son. His current laptop is about to enter the Jurassic period and needs to be replaced soon. Thanks for the review. Love all those features!

  • I could really use a new laptop. The Dell XPS 12 sounds like a great choice. Thanks for the walkthrough.

  • That definitely looks handy! I’ve never owned or used a Dell before, but I’m sure I will soon since they’re buying my company! lol

  • This looks like a great laptop! My laptop is old and there’s not much time left, so I will definitely look into the Dell XPS-12!

  • OOH I love how it comes apart like that! I need something like this for when I am out of the house and still need to work.

  • That’s fantastic! I recently got a two in one, and it’s made me SO much more productive. I love the flexibility.

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