
Find Out Your Genetic Risk Factor With 23andMe DNA Genetic Testing

We all have concerns about our health, what diseases or conditions may come to us with age. But what if you could take a simple saliva test, in the comfort of your own home and find out what your chances are to get one of these diseases or conditions?

My husband and I both have Asthma in the family, on my side it goes through my dad and on my husband’s side it goes through his mother. With both of us having Asthma, we figured the chances were pretty high that our children would have the same. Our son ended up being diagnosed with Asthma, while our daughter didn’t.

Will it stop with our daughter? Or does she still carry the gene to pass it along to her children?

DNA genetic testing has come a long way and can tell us a lot about our ancestry. Inherited conditions can alert you about diseases that may possibly show up in your children. If we knew about these things with a simple DNA genetic test, diagnosis could be made quicker or preventative measures could even be taken to prevent certain conditions from happening.

DNA genetic testing

23andMe is an affordable saliva test that can provide you with over 240 health reports about conditions and traits, or testing for 40 + conditions that could be inherited. Explore your DNA and learn what your genetic risk is for inheriting certain conditions.

The process is as easy as ordering a kit from the 12andMe website, registering your kit online, provide a small sample of saliva and send it back.

Knowing what your genetic makeup is, and your chances for being a risk factor of certain diseases, can be beneficial for a number of reasons

  • Simple lifestyle changes that are made with the recommendation of your doctor could help prevent many conditions
  • Could help with your decision in regards to family planning

For more information about 12andMe and the DNA genetic testing, visit http://clvr.li/16fnaYZ

DNA Genetic testing is something is of high interest to me and I will be taking this test in the near future.

Have you considered DNA genetic testing to find out what you are at risk for?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

One thought on “Find Out Your Genetic Risk Factor With 23andMe DNA Genetic Testing

  • I’ve seen this around, and the more I see it the more I ask myself what I really want to know. I guess it is a really valuable service, and even though it’s scary to find out your risk factors, it’s a great thing to do for your family. Maybe I’ll get the nerve to do it someday!

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