
Dove Men+Care & Operation Homefront For 300 Families

I’ve been witness to several military homecomings over the years. The emotion that is brought between husband, wife and children, when they reconnect after being away from each other for months is so strong it can bring anyone to tears. You can feel the pain in your heart when seeing their facial expressions.

Many of these military families have missed special memories and events while they were away. The birth of their child, baby’s first milestones, holidays, birthdays, so many memories that they will never be able to get back.

As a mother of two children, I can’t imagine having to be away from them for more than just a days time at school. Some days, it’s hard to even watch them walk onto the school bus. I’m so thankful for those who serve our country and make that sacrifice.


Dove Men+Care has partnered with Operation Homefront with the goal of bringing home 300 military service members to their families. 

Watch this video of John meeting his newborn son after being away from his family for seven months. It’s so special that Dove can help make moments like this happen.

My family purchases Dove products and it makes me happy to know that a little bit is being given back to a good cause. To help the Operation Homefront program, Dove is giving a portion of each Dove Men+Care purchase to help care for our troops.

There will be 299 other stories like Johns, I can’t wait to hear about the other dads.



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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

70 thoughts on “Dove Men+Care & Operation Homefront For 300 Families

  • I was touched by the sacrifices these families had to make.

  • I just had a baby five months ago, I can’t imagine how difficult it would have been to go through pregnancy and childbirth without my husband there!

  • I just had a baby five months ago, I can’t imagine how sad it would have been to go through pregnancy and childbirth without my husband there!

  • It’s nice that Dove has a line for men, but I wonder how many men would really use a face lotion.

  • I love how we are FINALLY taking care of our service men and women

  • This video was so sad and yet endearing.
    Especially when John wasn’t able to be home for their baby’s birth.

  • Those kind of videos always make me cry every time I see them on the news I cry, my son went to Iraq and I still remember the day he came home from Iraq and I met him at the airport

  • I think they are hero’s the men and women sacrifice so much so we can have our Freedom. I thank all the families and I lift my own hero, my boy 3x tour to Iraq & still going on strong for all of us. xox

  • Sadness, appreciation, prayers. It’s hard to put into words right now.

  • The sacrifice their time being away from their loved ones so that we can sit comfortably at home with ours.

  • Several members of my family have served, it is difficult when families are separated.

  • This is very sad for a parent to be away from their child and family (including his wife) and I understand the hurt she feels when he is away. This really made me sad and will be praying for them and families alike

  • it resonated with me because it reminded me that it’s not just the soldier that is sacrificing for me and other american citizens, but his family is sacrificing too.

  • It makes me feel very sad and extremely appreciative at the same time.

  • This was so sad and touching. I wish I had some tissues while watching it. I wish all our men and women could be home.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  • I love this video clip. Being married into military I know how it is to be gone from my husband for long periods of time

  • it was very sad – brought tears to my eyes

  • It’s sad :(

  • My friend is in Afghanistan until January. Hard to watch.

  • This video was so sad – especially when John couldn’t be at home for their 2nd baby’s birth.
    Thank you.

  • very heartwarming

  • the video mad me sad, I’m sorry that these soldiers have to be away from their families

  • Made me remember when my husband was deployed 2 year ago! Yay Dove for supporting our troops!

  • It was a very touching story- made me cry. I applaud Dove for trying to help our soldiers.

  • It’s bittersweet really. … sad but amazing at the same tim. My heart and prayers go all of them.

  • I know how difficult distance can be. It’s touching.

  • Those homecomings always make me feel weepy. I think it’s great that Dove is trying to lend a hand.

  • It’s heartwarming… one of those things that brings smiles & tears at the same time.

  • I was sad and happy at the same time but Im always a big crybaby!

  • The video reminds me of when my nephew saw his dad after returning from Iraq so sweet!

  • These types of stories always hit home for me. My husband was in the army and was recently retired out, so we have our own personal stories, but also know many from the friends we met on our journey. I always love hearing about companies giving back to the troops! :)

  • It was so beautiful!! It reminded me of when my husband would come home from a trip when he was in the AF. Fortunately, he didn’t miss any births – but he did miss our youngest son’s 1st birthday.

  • It made me appreciate that they’ve sacrificed time with their own families.

  • Seeing the raw, real emotions was surreal.

  • its amazing for what they do and i really appreciate them

  • So touching. I sincerely appreciate the sacrifices our Military makes.

  • With family members in the military, this really touched me!

  • I think about all of the sacrifices they make that most of us take for granted.

  • It’s hard for me to be far away from my family so I can imagine it’s harder for them! So happy they got to be reunited!

  • This video made me cry! I feel so blessed to have been invited to share in this homecoming.

  • It made me cry and think of all the military men and women who dont see their families for along time.
    Because of them we have our freedom. I feel sad for they families.

  • it makes e feel like dont take life for granted and how much sacrifice soldiers go through.

  • I brought tears to my eyes when I watched him meet his son for the first time! I loved how they surprised her!

  • Operation homefront is a wonderful program. We are retired military and totally understand the hardships that the families face.

  • I am thankful that my husband hasn’t had to miss any milestones of our baby growing up but I am thankful for the military men & woman who do sacrifice for our freedom.

  • I can relate because I’ve had friends with family overseas and I can understand how hard it is

  • It made me think about all the sacrifices people in the military make.

  • My hubby was a Vietnam vet, wish he could have had a homecoming like these guys had.

  • My father was in Vietnam and I wish they had this for him and my mother then.

  • My husband was in the military and I have lots of military family friends… they go through this often and it baffles me. It’s just so hard!

  • I greatness that 300 military are brought together with their families. Something like that would have been great when my hubby was in Vietnam.

  • i work with a lot of military men & women and see their struggles firsthand. this is a nice campaign to remind people of their sacrifices

  • My brother-in-law serves in the navy. It reminds me of him and my sister.

  • Seeing this video really made me realize the sacrifices our military all make to protect and serve our country. What an emotional video!

  • I never knew entering a giveaway would be so emotional for me but for me it hits home because I have a son who is deployed right now! I miss him so much and I have 9 months to go before I get to see him again!

  • I have several family members who were in the military. It was always hard for them to be so far away.

  • It was really powerful when she got so emotional.

  • Both of my brothers are and were military, and it was really hard to be away from the little ones and family.

  • The videos created a lot of feelings for me because my Husband was military when our oldest son was born.

  • My son was serving in Iraq when his firstborn baby girls were born (twins). It was so difficult for him and for us not having him home. These men, women and their families sacrifice so much for our freedom

  • It made me cry. I never thought too much about how it’s really like to not even see your baby born or watch them grow. They grow so fast at that age. The mom;s doing this on their own.

  • I have friends whose husbands are over seas and one came home a few weeks ago to meet his baby girl for the 1st time. So sweet!

  • For all men and women who serve the country. I can’t thank them and their family enough for their sacrifice.

  • I realized that I need to be even more thankful for the service people who sacrifice so much to serve our country.

  • It reminds me of how much military people sacrifice to defend this country

  • military families sacrifice the most, and our troops miss out on so much family life.

  • my dad was in the marines for 30 years and he was gone for long periods of time often missing special occasions, it was tough but we are a stronger family for it, the video captured that.

  • The sacrifice at home and abroad so that I can live free. Not only do families sacrifice their connection but also risk their lives. Such a young man he is, willing to give his all. Thankful he met his son

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