
Everyone Will “Hoot” For These Super Cute Cupcakes! | Recipe


Are these just the cutest cupcakes you have ever seen?!? I was browsing around for some fun things to do this weekend and the cute little owl cupcakes were featured on the Duncan Hines website.

Had to share this one, they are a “hoot”! Ha Ha Pun intended Smile

What you will need:

How to make cute little Owl Cupcakes!

  1. Split the sandwich cookies, regular and mini, in half crosswise, keeping the cream side hole (microwaving a few cookies at a time for several seconds helps to keep the cream side solid). Use a paring knife to remove any excess crumbs from cream filling. 
  2. To form the ears make 2 parallel cuts with a serrated knife in the large plain chocolate cookies 1/2 inch from each rounded side, discarding the 1/2 inch strip that remains from the center of the cookie. Cut the mini plain cookie in half. 
  3. Spoon 1 1/2 cups of the chocolate frosting and the 2 tablespoons of the vanilla frosting into separate ziplock bags; set aside. Spread the remaining chocolate frosting on top of the standard and mini cupcakes and smooth. 
  4. To make the ears, attach the large cut cookies on top of the 12 standard cupcakes with some of the chocolate frosting, round side facing each other, at an angle, about 1 1/2 inches apart and hanging over edge of cupcake about 3/4 inch. Repeat process with the mini cut cookies and mini cupcakes, with a 1/2 inch overhang. 
  5. Place the large cream sided cookies, cream side up, on the upper half of the large cupcakes. Do the same for the mini cupcakes with the mini cookies 
  6. Snip a small corner (1/8 inch) from the bag with the chocolate and vanilla frostings. Pipe the chocolate frosting in vertical lines over the cookie ears to cover. Starting at the outer edge of cupcake pipe the feathers with the chocolate frosting around top of cupcake and under the eyes. 
  7. Press the yellow candies in between the cookie eyes as the beak. Attach the chocolate covered mints on top of the cookies with some of the vanilla frosting on the larger cupcakes and the mini brown candies for the smaller cupcakes. Position the eyes in different directions to give the owls character. Pipe a white highlight on the eyes.

I’m thinking about trying these.. wonder if I can make them turn out just as cute?



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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

36 thoughts on “Everyone Will “Hoot” For These Super Cute Cupcakes! | Recipe

  • The owls remind me of something when I was growing up but I can’t remember exactly what it was, I think something to do with reading. These are definitely some good looking cupcakes and they seem easy to assemble.

  • I’m in love with these cupcakes. I have a friend who adores Owls and here birthday is coming soon. I think I just found her present. Thank you.

  • these are so, so cute! My daughter loves owls, so I might steal this for her birthday next year…

  • These are so cute! And it looks like something that wouldn’t be too hard either!

  • These are so cute! They would be cute to take into your child’s school as a special treat! I wouldn’t want them all at my house or I would eat them all!!!

  • Those are adorable!! I would love to make these for my grandson!

  • These are adorable!!! My dad loves owls, so I am most definitely making him some of these for his birthday this year!!

  • Thanks for the recipe and directions…my daughter will love these as she is into owls this year.

  • Oh wow! These are super cute. So clever; I am pinning these and I WILL make these with my daughter when she is a little older and able to help. Thank you for sharing this!

  • these are so cute, thanks

  • Such a cute idea! What a great idea to bring for a party, even the adults would enjoy them : )

  • These are A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.! My grandkids would just love them! Thanks

  • These are a HOOT – I am always looking for new ideas to bake something unique and fun. Thanks for the recipe – this will be appreciated by my husband and 8 yr old son.


  • Adorable! Love the googly eyes!

  • Oh my gosh! So cute!! And the icing looks so fudge-y!

  • Those look absolutely adorable! awhat a fun project to do with my daughter…

  • These look great through probably a little complicated for me to make

  • OMGosh aren’t these the cutest things? Some people RE SO CREATIVE!!

    When I first looked at them I thought their noses were peanuts. But the banana candies are such a good idea. Around Halloween you could use candy corn.

  • so freaking adorable, I will add this to my recipe stash if that’s ok?

  • These are adorable! I love all the ideas

  • I really like this. Making them can be a lot of fun and involve the kids too.

  • These cupcakes are so cute!! I made them in different colors for my kid’s birthday party and they are so easy and turn out so cute!! You can definitely do it :)

  • I saw these on Pintrest and they look so yummy…

  • These look so cute. Almost to cute to eat. Thanks for sharing the picture of them.

  • I LOVE these cupcakes! They are so adorable, owls are in now and this would be perfect for the kids playdate coming up. Not sure I can do as well as you, but you have inspired me and I’m going to try. Thanks for great Idea!

  • These look so good and yummy, will try making them for my kids…

  • These are absolutely adorable! These would be great for a school party!
    Angela Michels

  • Ya I’ve never heard of those either, would love to see pictures if you end up making some!

  • Oh my goodness these are so cute. Though will probably have to substitute the yellow coated chocolate covered sunflower seeds. Never seen anything like that before.

  • Those things are way cute and look super yummy.

  • Oh My gosh these are so adorable, I might give them a try! Thanks I have never seen these before.

  • Those look like lots of fun. I’m sure they’d be a big hit at a party.

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