
Fisher Price Space Saver High Chair | Review

fisher price

When new parents ask me “What is one item that you could not live without during baby’s first year” I would always mention the high chair. Both of my children started to use a high chair around 4 months old and have continued to use it well into their 2’s. This is probably one purchase that will receive more use than any other product that you purchase for your baby.

baby in high chair

When we purchased our first high chair in 2007, kitchen space was not a concern so we went with the most affordable high chair we could find. After having two children we have started to sing a different tune. My husband and I are constantly pushing around the high chair and we are often moaning about how much longer it would have to sit there. Needless to say, I was super excited about reviewing a SpaceSaver High Chair from Fisher Price.

space saver high chair with rounded chairs

This was our first experience with a space saving high chair and I was curious how it would work with our kitchen chairs that have rounded backs. Installation was a breeze. Within minutes, the SpaceSaver High Chair quickly buckled around the back and underneath the chair, much like a typical booster seat.

seat recline on high chair 

 The backside of the high chair features a seat reclining lever. With this lever you can recline the high chair into one of three positions, this feature will allow even your littlest one to sit at the table with you and be apart of the family.

high chair harness

The safety features are one of my top “must have” high chair features. My 20 month old thinks that she is a monkey and if we do not harness her into the high chair, with a quick turn of the back she will instantly wiggle herself to a sitting position on the high chair tray. The SpaceSaver High Chair from Fisher Price includes a 3 point harness, with optional shoulder straps included for extra security.

space saver high chair

There are three height adjustments to accommodate almost any table. I placed the SpaceSaver high chair into the highest setting and pushed Andrea right up to the table, this is something her older high chair could not do.

dog begging for food

Our dog is even happier now as she can hide under the table while Andrea eats. I guess it is easier to keep a watch out for droppings when the big people can’t see you under the table Smile

one push button

Built right into the tray is a squeeze in” button, this allows you to easily remove the high chair tray with one hand. You don’t understand HOW helpful that is when you have baby in one arm and only one hand to take the tray off. If you have both hands available, there are two push in buttons on each side of the tray to easily remove the tray that way as well.

baby eating

Here are some other great features of the SpaceSaver High Chair from Fisher Price:

  • Dishwasher safe tray
  • Full Sized seat pad that is spill resistant and machine washable
  • Converts into a booster seat for toddlers who have outgrown the high chair
  • Three position Recline
  • Three position Height adjustment
  • Built in Cup Holders on tray

booster seat

High Chairs are great for bringing little babies to the table, for feeding your baby and toddler, for secure entertainment with a toy when you need a “hands free” moment, and more. The SpaceSaver High Chair has taken this product to a new level of functionality by transforming it into a toddler booster seat all by simply removing the back of the high chair and tray. This isn’t something you will find with a traditional high chair.

There isn’t a day when the high chair is not used and I wish that we would have tried the SpaceSaver High Chair sooner than we did. Not only is it small and compact, it will be easy to store away for company and it will be perfect to travel with when going to friends and family’s homes.


What are some of your Baby’s First Year Favorites?

Find more product information, product reviews, quotes and stories from BabyCenter.com Moms on the Fisher Price First Year Favorites webpage.



One Mommy of Two Little Monkeys Reader is going to win the same
SpaceSaver High Chair from Fisher Price! RV $60


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway Rules: Contest will end at 11:01pm CST on May 18th, 2012 when I will draw a winner at random using the Rafflecopter Random Selector.

Only 1 entry per household please. US Only please. 18 + . No purchase necessary to win.

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Disclosure of Material Connection:  Compensation was provided by Fisher-Price, but Fisher-Price is not a sponsor, administrator, or involved in any other way with this post. All opinions expressed in the post are my own and not those of Fisher-Price. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment and will be shipping the winner(s) their prize(s). For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

267 thoughts on “Fisher Price Space Saver High Chair | Review

  • I’m excited to see how it works with travel! We are going on vacation and taking ours along. So glad you like yours!

  • I agree with you Keara, breast feeding may not have been as successful without the use of a nice pillow to provide support

  • A carrier has been my favorite in teh past due to having a six year old when my last child was born. I think it will be teh same this time around since the older children are 12 and 6 now.

  • My favorite is the breastfeeding support pillow- it’s absolutely essential for any breastfeeding mom! Makes it so much easier.

  • swing, yes!!!! that was my number 1 thing i had to have with my girls! they all loved their swing, i couldnt have done without it!

  • I love the Rock ’n Play™ Sleeper. It would be easy to bring on a plane to Jamaica as carry on for our baby to visit her grand parents. It won’t take up a lot of space and looks very very comfortable . I love how soft and cushiony it looks.

  • I am going with the breast pump! I am a working mommy so I have to pump. I would not have made it as long as I did BFing if I didn’t have a pump!

  • like the play mat because it is colorful and festive and keeps the childs attention

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • love the bouncer,we had the FP Eye Spy and my son loved it!

  • The Sleeper, great to keep them close and still get things done around the house! Great for travel as well.

  • the rock n play. I’ve yet to hear a bad thing about it.

  • We loved the rock and play sleeper. My daughter spit up a lot and needed to be elevated when she was a small baby. She slept by my bedside for many months in this!

  • the swing was a life saver for me

  • the rock n play sleeper! i could not go without that! My son loves it!

  • The space saver chair is our favorite. We had one with our first child and it was AMAZING. We passed it on to a friend of ours and now that we have another little one we are dying to get another space saver chair. They are great for travel and you can practically stick them anywhere. SO awesome.

  • sleeper…its such a good idea!

  • Activity gym!

  • This is a great idea who would have thought :)

  • My Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper

  • I love the space savor highchair!!!

  • my favorite is the swing which looks awesome for calming a fussy baby and it looks comfy too :)

  • id say the swing……its a lifesaver

  • #3 the sleeper! It was a lifesaver with my daughter and hoping it will be with baby #2 as well!

  • It is a tossup between the jumperoo and the sleeper. All of my kids loved the jumperoo and many times jumped themselves right to sleep! lol

    However, we were in tight quarters when I had my daughter, so it was a great investment to have the sleeper instead of a crib. She actually was able to sleep in it until she was 6 months old.

  • the #1 item….. the SWING.. gave me a pair of extra hands when i needed it most! and kept my baby safe and entertained!

  • the jumperoo! Because my friends baby would love all the toys on it.

  • The breast pump as it allowed me a little rest once in a while.

  • I love the jumperoo.

  • I loved the bouncer, it made feeding a lot easier.

  • I like the bouncer because it would calm my baby and allow me to possibly get some sleep

  • I think the fisher price rock’n play sleeper is super cute.

    jessicaahays at hotmail dot com

  • My Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper

  • The bouncer! It was the only way I got a shower many times.

  • I like the sleeper #3 because it is so handy and portable….so convenience -emscout9 at hotmail dot com

  • Aside from the high chair (I agree with you about its importance) I really like the swings. A good one is mobile, and can be used for several months, keeping the child entertained and calmed while still being close to mom.

  • I also like the jumperoo!

  • i love the bouncer. It is adorable and looks comfortable for baby!

  • I have a hard time deciding between my activity gym and my jumperoo. At different stages, both we’re favorite activities!

  • Jumperoo, by far. She loves it, especially in the morning, which means I get breakfast!

  • I like the entertainer. It keeps the kids busy and in one place for more than two seconds :)

  • The baby swing is my top pick on the list.

  • item number 7 the activity mat because my daughter would love it and it will help develop her skills

  • Definitely the swing, so I can pee alone.

  • I love the Papasan Swing…such a lifesaver for my 14 month old. He loved it and I can’t wait to use it again for my next….BEST.SWING.EVER

  • The swing is definitely a lifesaver here! Funny how my daughter wasn’t a fan, but my son looooves it!

  • I loved the jumperoo, it kept my son busy when he was little and older I miss those days. :)

  • The jumperoo! My son had one when he was younger and loved it, hoping my daughter will love it too when she gets big enough!

  • The jumperoo! We LOVED that…err our son did. He would spend an hour at a time jumping away!

  • We loved our swing!! Slept in it far more than we should have the first month!

  • I liked the kick and play piano gym. It looks like something that would be fun for baby.

  • My favorite thing from the Fisher Price website is hands-down, no contest at all, the cradle swing. Our first born was a colicky, acid-reflux baby who slept so, so badly. Once we got her a Fisher Price cradle swing, she began to sleep without having to be held, and she slept in it for 6 months. It was a life-saver!

  • LOVE my rock n play sleeper

  • The entertainer – I had super bouncy kids and can only bounce so long.

  • Bouncer because that’s the real necessity we need right away that we don’t have.

  • thank you so much for the giveaway!

  • I think my favorite is the high chair!!

  • Honestly it’s hard for me to pick just one as I have several of these items. With my first the bouncer was amazing. With my twins we really relied on the swings a lot.

  • carrier. SO much easier. definitely helps out a lot.

  • Probably the bouncer. My daughter is a month old and she loves relaxing in there and it is great when I can’t hold her and have to cook dinner or something.

  • Every mom needs a nursing support pillow!

  • A swing for sure! Without a swing, I may not be able to shower! :)

  • I like the swing…it is always entertaining for the baby and leaves me to clean up around the house.

  • I really think the jumperoos are great. For any new parent, and I’ve had a number of parents agree, this is great for many reasons but also… because it often will cause your little one to do a number two. I like it mostly for how much my little guy loves his… but the other part is a nice perk… LOL.

  • I loved the baby hammock thing.

  • love the playmat because it encourages tummy/floor time- so important for kids to develop physically and mentally!

  • It’s hard for me to pick a favorite because so many of the top 10 choices came in super handy, but I’d say the swing was a pretty huge help when my little guy was super tiny. He cried a lot and the swing helped calm him down sometimes.

  • My favorite has to be the sleeper

  • Their #4, the infant feeding support pillow is my favorite. I had one for my first daughter and we actually bought a second one to have in the house for my newest daughter. Having one in each place I nurse her is so convenient… It provides way more support to her and me while we’re feeding. She stays stable while nursing instead of all over the place like on the boppy. (I hate that boppy…its the whole reason we bought this support pillow in the first place and boy was it a wonderful buy.)

  • It would definitely be the space saver high chair. The rest, I haven’t gotten a ton of use out of, but my little one currently uses his bumbo 3 times a day, and we really need replace it with a high chair

  • I love the idea of the sleeper, it’s nice to have your baby near by when they are sleeping..this is an easily portable option!!

  • My favorite on the top 10 was the carrier. We used a wrap, but it was a lifesaver!

  • The snugabunny swing has been a life saver for our little one. At 10 weeks old, I’m not sure a day has gone by without using it!

  • I’d have to say the sleeper, because it’s great to have a nice, safe, portable place to lay your baby when she’s sleeping and you need to get things done.

  • I would love this for my daughter. All our trips. This would come in handy.

  • This would be perfect for my tiny kitchen

  • The Entertainer because it keep them interested

  • The sleeper because it’s portable and he fell instantly asleep

  • I like the swing. Our swing was a life saver when M was an infant!

  • At this stage with my kids, the highchair is what I need most, but the jumperoo is BY FAR our most used item with the boys! They love it to pieces!

  • jumperoo

  • The sleeper because it would fit anywhere in my house without taking up too much space. And it looks very cozy

  • I love the Activity Gym because they can play on their tummy or back. It teaches them eye to hand coordination too. That’s something they can play with for along time. I like it. Thanks for the cool giveaway!

  • Definitely the Jumperoo (entertainer). It is a LIFESAVER! My children have always loved their jumperoo.

  • Pingback: Link Up Your Giveaways Mommy Digging Wednesday 5/9 Linky — Mommy of Two Little Monkeys

  • I like the Fisher-Price Cradle Swing. It’s a great soother. My son had one and it was invaluable.

  • My daughter loved the activity gym and the jumperoo!

  • My favorite item is the Jumperoo because it was one of my daughter’s favorites! So fun to be able to jump and play!

  • i love the rock n play sleeper as well.. no 2 will be here soon and will be in our room for a while.. this would be a lifesaver!

  • I don’t know what I would have done without the baby swing when my boys were babies. It soothed them and both would nap there when nothing else worked.

  • The activity gym. Looks like a lot of fun!

  • The baby Carrier…. because I LOVE wearing my baby

  • My favorite “Top 10 Must-Have” is the High Chair for my 20 month old granddaughter. It would be perfect for my daughter to use at her home and to bring this space saver high chair here to Grandma’s house when I’m taking care of my granddaughter. :-)

  • i like that it leaves a lighter footprint

  • The electric swing. Best invention ever. I loved that I never needed batteries for my swing. Especially having a colicky baby that ONLY wants to be held or in the swing. Lifesaver.

  • the jumperoo was my favorite… we used the same one for both kids and got TONS of use out of it. DD would literally bounce in the thing for an hour or more :D

  • I really love the Rock ‘n Play Sleeper because it offers the baby a sleep position with a slight incline. So needed for a colicky baby! Great design and convenient for sleeping in parents’ room.

  • I love that sleeper, looks so cute and like a must have for new moms!

  • i think it would have to be the bouncer

  • the feeding support pillow because it can be used from newborn on til an older age
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  • Definitely the Rock n Play Sleeper!

  • My favorite is the Fisher-Price My little Lamb swing. The direction it swings reduces vomiting for reflux babies.

  • Jumperoo, my baby would love this!!

  • I had one of these for my son and it was absolutely perfect for us. The only problem we had was it did not fit under our table being on one of our dining room chairs. But a quick thinking mommy such as myself I grabbed the old office chair that no one uses and it fit perfect with that.

  • I love the jumperoo….it was my son’s favorite & kept him entertained for a while.

  • I like the activity gym. Tummy time has got to be more fun using it

  • Animal Krackers™ Jumperoo™ because it’s adorable and my grandson would love it!

  • I think the spacesaer high chair is a must have… the others can be done without, but a high chair is pretty essential!

  • I would have to say “My Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper.” It would really help my baby’s who have all had reflux.

  • The entertainer – My little one squirms around and has quite un predictable movements but this lets her play safely and she loves all the toys.

  • rock n play sleeper! great to use for newborns

  • My favorite is the Jumparoo! We’ve loved ours with our first 2 kids and I’m sure the next one will love it too. :)

  • the Swing. My babies couldn’t live without one

  • The jumperoo. It’s adorable and all of my kids have loved bouncing in jumperoos.

  • I really like the play mat. I like that it provides my baby with a safe and comfortable space to play and explore. I like how the Discover N Grow is really big so you don’t have to worry about baby rolling off of it.

  • I like the Baby Carrier, they are so convenient! Plus it had amazing reviews! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • The sleeper, anything that helps to get her to sleep is the most important to me!

  • rock n play sleeper, because its adorable. thanks for the chance.

  • Swing and bouncer!

  • The Rock and Play Sleeper is my favorite because I’ve never seen one before and it seems like it would really do the trip when baby is fussy and just wants to be snuggled but I just want to sleep. lol

  • the jumperoo, my daughter loved it

  • I love the sleeper because it makes them feel like they are being held

  • The swing was def. a MUST HAVE for all 3 of my kids! They all LOVED being in there.

  • Too difficult to choose one! I love both our Rock & Play Sleeper and our bouncer. She loves the bouncer and burns off a lot of energy when we need to tire her out to get her to go to sleep and the Rock & Play can go anywhere for her to nap!!

  • my favorite is the jumperoo it looks like hours of fun

  • love the jumperoo because it lets the baby jump & has fun little toys to keep them entertained

  • I love the swings and I think from day one those are the best. The rocking motion soothes baby and leaves you hands free time to get other things done!

  • Love Jumperoo it strengthens babes legs and keeps her entertained

  • A swing was a must have, it helped me get things around the house done while she happily swung and slept. :)

  • The Fisher Price Bouncer chair it allow me to wash dishes, mop and fold chothes while my little one bounced and played while I got things done around the house.

  • Definitely the high chair! You could have been describing our family in your post! We also have a 4 year old and a 1 year old and we are still lugging around the same high chair we bought back in 2007. We recently tried to use an old booster seat a friend had given us. Unfortunately, I am too afraid to use it as it doesn’t securely hold baby girl in and we have counter height table and chairs now. She is quite the wiggle worm and I’m just too terrified she’ll climb right out. This seat is so neat with its features! I’ve never seen this before. :)

  • The Rock N’ Play sleeper was definitely my favorite!

  • I love the My Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper! It dsnt take up much space & folds up easily if u need to take it with you!
    Thank you!

  • I like the sleeper because it looks like a cozy place for a baby nap around the house

  • We loved the entertainment jumper, luckily got it as a gift and she loved bouncing in it

  • The high chair, hands down! My daughter loves it! Although she loves her bouncer too!

  • its the baby swing, hands down

  • I love the swing. My daughter wasn’t a big fan of it, but the baby I babysit LOVED it!

  • I like the sleeper! My neighbor had one and loved it!

  • I am a huge fan of the spacesaver high chair. My daughter has one. As soon as funds are available I will get one for my son. 2 under 2. It would be awesome to win.

  • The best item on the Top 10 list was the breast pump. It is almost essential for some moms. The rest are just nice to have. :)

  • The Activity Gym is my favorite because it would be fun to play and interact with your child and also watch your child play on it.

  • I love the swing my son is always quiet when in it

  • Deluxe Monkey Bouncer just so cute
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  • The jumperoo. My sons loved to bounce around.

  • My Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper is my favorite because it does not take up a lot of room but still serves the purpose of a bassinet.

  • #1 the swing hands down – soothed both babies when nothing else worked.

  • the jumperoo is my favorite because they get exercise and entertainment and they can’t get into any trouble

  • My favorite is the My Little Lamb Swing

  • the carrier is my top ten item I need most!

  • I like the Rock Sleeper because it folds flat.

  • I have heard such good things about the rock n play sleeper- it’s a must have on my list for my next baby!

  • we LOVED our swing. it was a lifesaver!

  • Pregnant with my first. But I’ve been told that the swing is necessary to help put them to sleep.

  • My favorite item is a bouncer! :)

  • I don’t think we would have slept at all without a swing!

  • Jumperoo is my most favorite of the top 10

  • Love the activity gym because it’s great for tummy time!

  • I like the Jumperoo – looks really fun :)

  • I could really use a swing!

  • The Jumperoo is a must have, it keeps my grandson so busy (at least for a little while).

  • I agree with some of the other folks on the breast pump and swing. The jumperoo entertainer was another favorite, but we didn’t use it as long as the other two because my baby grew out of it quickly.

  • my fav is the activity gym because it stimulates a lot of the baby’s senses

  • The swing! was only was only way my son would sleep!!

  • I think the feeding support pillow will be most useful, but she’s not here yet :)

  • I love the Sleeper!

  • I love the monkey bouncer because it would look great in our jungle nursery! :)

  • The baby swing was great with my fussy little boy.

  • The feeding support pillow. It is an essential must-have.

  • From the top 10 list my favorite is the jumperoo entertainer. My son absolutely loves it!!

  • My favorite is the high chair because they use that for a long, long time and I love that they just connect to the seat

  • I love the Play Mat, because it’s different than anything my little one has and he would really like it

  • I like the Play Mat. Thanks for the chance.

  • I love their swings it kept my little one so content

  • I like the feeding support pillow! It looks like it’d take pressure off my back as I feed my baby.

  • #1, the swing! We had the little lamb swing for my daughter and it was one of the best investments in baby gear I’ve made. It was the only place she’d sleep for about 10 months. When the motor died they sent us a replacement free of charge and with expidited shipping! Great customer service. We’re planning to get the Snug A Bunny swing for this next baby because it plugs into the wall.

  • My favorite is the newborn rock & play sleeper! I have heard such great things about that, I really want one for the new baby.

  • the jumparoo because my son has to be entertained all the time and this would do it so i can get the dishes done

  • I loved our rock and play sleeper- I could always keep her close and comfortable

  • jumperoo…bc their is alot a baby can learn on it and its colorful as well

  • I like the Jumparoo as it helps keep the baby entertained and stimulated.

  • my kids loved the jumperoo, it’s a must have

  • I love the cradle swing

  • The bouncer because it was fun but tiring. :)

  • sleeper cause babies sleep a lot

  • I loved the FP Rock N Play sleeper!

  • I like the swing because they calm babies down when nothing else will.

  • I like the playmat for tummy time.

  • definitely item #8 on the list, the entertainer was a godsend for me when my kiddos were younger

  • Jumperoo.

  • I like the bouncer.

  • the swing is my fav

  • I love the Jumperoo. My son has spent many happy times bouncing in it!

  • My favorite is the bouncer…it’s so helpful with a small baby!

  • I love the Feeding Support Pillow. I used one when my daughter was in the nicu

  • Our favorite was the rock and play sleeper it was the only way to get our song to sleep at times.

  • I love the Play Mat

  • My Rock and Play Sleeper is the BEST invention EVER!!!

  • I love the rock and play sleeper

  • I really need a space saver chair. Expecting twins and don’t have room for 2 full high chairs in my kitchen.

  • My favorite item is #1 Swing because this is a must have for new babies! You might get to sit down and have a meal if you have a good swing!

  • My favourite of the 10 most popular items is the Fisher Price Jumperoo. I like the bright colourful activities, the easy to wipe surface, and the opportunity that the baby has to jump and strengthen their legs!

  • i love the bouncer as it would keep el entertained while i fix dinner

  • the sleeper – it looks comfy, they should make an adult sized one

  • My personal favorite was the carrier for my daughter. I loved having her close on outings.

  • I love the Jumparoo! You can put baby in there for a little while and they stay pretty well entertained

  • OOOoo it is hard to choose. I love the swing, and the bouncy chair.. ooo and the sleeper.. and and.. too hard to pick.. it all looks great!

  • I love the feeding support for breast feeding because it is so helpful and a great design

  • the sleeper and the breast pump for engorgement!

  • The Jumparoo is one of my favorites

  • I love baby carriers. We have a few different types and they are all great. I love having my daughter so close but still being able to do things with my hands.

  • The high chair was my favorite because I really want one to take camping or to other peoples’ houses as well as use for our first born since the high chair she currently uses converts to a swing, which baby #2 will need come July!

  • I love the Carrier because we are always out and about, and the carrier always comes in handy.

  • The bouncer.

  • I love the Rocker sleepers. My son didn’t care for toys or anything else but he loved to rock and I think for my next one I want one since it looks like it would cuddle the baby well.

  • We LOVE the fisher price rock’ n play sleeper :)

    ktgonyea at gmail.com

  • sleeper, we have 2 of those, love’em

  • Ok, Having been through this once before my favortie is the jumparoo, my Kids LOVED theirs, sometimes it was this mommy’s only saving grace to get a few decomress moments!

  • the cradle swing b/c it kept babe cozy & provided a safe place to nap!

  • I love the bouncer – I think it’s adorable.

  • My must have would be #2- the Bouncer! My son LOVED it from birth to about 5 or 6 months when he started to become mobile. Next time I’ll get one of those that turn into a toddle chair so the baby can use it even longer! A life saver when I needed to get stuff done!

  • the jumperoo!!! What kid doesn’t love it!!!

  • I love the Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper!

    jessicaahays at hotmail.com

  • The Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper! I’ve heard SOOOO many people RAVE about it!

  • I lovelovelove the Fisher Price cradle swing! Both my kids loved the cradle swinging more than the back and forth swinging. In 1999, mine ran on batteries only. Adding the ac adapter to be able to plug it in is LIFESAVING!

  • My favorite was the bouncer because it really soothed my youngest son as a newborn

  • My guess is my baby will like the entertainer the most. LOL But I guess we will find out after baby comes!

  • my fave is #3 the sleeper

  • i love the jumparoo – keep them busy and exercising early :)

  • i love the entertainer!

  • The Newborn Rock ’n Play™ Sleeper was my lifesaver. Its portable and went everywhere with us and it put him to sleep within a couple minutes no matter where we were.

  • Our favorite is the rock n play sleeper. Our little one hated the bassinet but sleeps soundly in the rock n play. I was so thankful to get some sleep!

  • My face FP baby item in the top ten is #8 the bouncy activity center ,this is a must if you have more than one kid,and/or need to do somehting other than holding you child ,especially when they are mobile.

  • I love the Fisher-Price My little Lamb swing, it’s so nicely made and I know that when my baby comes in less than 3 weeks, mommy will be getting a nap, while little Isaiah sleeps in it. :D Thank you!

  • Love the jumparoo!! Kept my children entertained and it I love how they can get some exercise too, to strengthen their little legs for crawling and walking!! All that bouncing up and down, up and down sure was entertaining to me too!

  • We have the FP swing and love it!! Could not live without it those first few months :)

  • The play mat because it will keep the boy occupied

  • Feeding support pillow a must have for a new nursing mom

  • The baby carrier, so much safer than the ones I had to use, but snugging my four daughters was the best and easiest with a carrier, on the go and around the house. Fisher Price carriers make sure that baby gets all the cuddles and security it needs!

  • It would definitely have to be the swing! That is a saving grace with little ones, so you can get things accomplished! Also, the sleeper looks interesting, I need to research more about that for my little guy that I am expecting!

  • The baby carrier was my must-have! I wanted that baby to feel my heartbeat, snug close, and feel loved. Of course, 30 yrs ago they were not nearly as well-made! I think every parent should cuddle and hold their infant as much as possible, and the Fisher-Price carriers make that possible when life is busy.

  • Thank you Barbara! I wonder where these were when I had my son because these just weren’t the thing.. sooo wish I would have tried one out sooner! Good luck!

  • You write the best reviews! Love your in-use pictures and details, you know what’s important. I would love to win this so my “grandmonkeys” can use it when they visit! Twins need two chairs, and like you, I don’t have the space for that. Wish they’d had these when I was raising my 4 daughters and childcaring others!

  • Definitely a swing. Both of my kids loved the swing, and we got lots of use out of it. I especially appreciated the swing when the babies were sick because the semi-upright position and the rocking motion helped us all get some much needed sleep.

  • The Jumparoo is one of my favorites. It is a must have.

  • The Baby Sleeper is the best pergect for a sleepy baby.

  • I would have to agree with swing because it was always nice to have it for those times the baby wanted something but I had no idea what and when I needed to just have a cup of coffee or fold some laundry.
    Gladys P
    sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  • We did not purchase alot of baby extras, but he enjoyed the jumberoo at daycare

  • I like the Sleeper, so I can have the baby in the family room with me while he is sleeping. This is a great idea!

  • I love our jumperoo! All of my boys love to jump, and with the baby in the jumperoo he’s safe from the toddlers running around.

  • The sleeper because it is such a unique idea and easy for on the go.

  • My favorite is the jumperoo.

  • My favorite was the rock and play sleeper it was such a life saver for my daughter it was the only thing that gave her relief from reflux!

  • The bouncer was our favorite! It was a great place to let my grandson sit comfortably, safely, and he was able to entertain himself while we got things done around the house!

  • I would say the swing because everyone says it was so helpful!

  • My Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper

  • My most necessary items were the breast pump and swing. But the number 7 item, the activity mat, seems to be the one I LIKED the most. Both my daughters have purchased the same FP one and the babies LOVE it! I like knowing they are really learning something from these “toys” and that you can add to the set with other items that match. (They have the kick and play piano one).


  • I would have to say the fisher price rock’ n play sleeper is the best thing u could have:)

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