
Free Book Offer from Scholastic & EVEREADY®

This post is sponsored by EVEREADY® . All thoughts are my own.

Kindergarten has opened a whole new world for my 6 year old! Every month, the school sends home the Scholastic orders and they always bring me back to when I was in school.

When learning to read, ordering new books that I picked out made reading so much more fun. It was like Christmas morning when the orders would come in and the teacher would pass them out.

Are your kids the same way? If so, check out this offer from Scholastic!

Get a free Scholastic book when you buy two specially marked packs of EVEREADY® Gold® batteries or EVEREADY® flashlights

Free Book Offer from Scholastic Book!

While these packs are available at a variety of retailers, Dollar General is probably the single largest retailer carrying this program. To save yourself some time, you might check there first!

Free Book Offer from Scholastic Book!

The free book titles include, Fly Guy vs. The Fly Swatter, Clifford See America & The Magic School Bus Takes a Moonwalk.


To Redeem

It takes 2 codes to redeem for 1 free book. A 10 digit code can be found on specially marked EVEREADY® packages.

Visit the Eveready.com/Reader website and enter the codes in to redeem your free book! (2 books per household)

Food for Thought…


Severe weather season is here, it’s time to stock up on batteries, flashlights and everything important to your emergency backup plan. EVEREADY® batteries and flashlights are reliable, good quality and affordable.

Visit Eveready.com/Reader for emergency readiness resources for families including downloadable printables such as a Family Battery Replacement Reminder and Emergency Contact List.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

38 thoughts on “Free Book Offer from Scholastic & EVEREADY®

  • Thanks for sharing. That’s a great deal considering my home is filled with kids’ books!!

  • Yes my kids were the same way and it still has happen now. That’s actually how we built up most of their library of books. Through scholastic!

  • Thanks so much for sharing this! We have a lot of readers in our house so this is a great offer.

  • The book orders were seriously one of my favorite things about school! I love that they’re doing this program- we’re always in need of batteries, so a free book for buying them sounds good to me!

  • What an awesome offer! We just took advantage of the Scholastic Book sale at our school – B1G1 Free!

  • Every time the school has a book fair my kids come home with lists a mile long of all the Scholastic books that they would like. Kids that like to read….that’s a good problem!

  • My daughter just started Kindergarten this year and I won’t even mention how much we have spent with scholastic this year. Book orders every month has added up to say the least but we love books and it is definitely something I am willing to spend money on rather than plastic toys.

  • Thanks for sharing -we are book obsessed in our house, and we are always buying more!

  • This is awesome! We are huge book fans in our house!! I’m so glad my son loves reading! Scholastic is always a great place!

  • Great deal! We go through so many batteries in this house – I’d swear someone was eating them! We have tons of Scholastic books from years of book fairs as well!

  • We go through tons of batteries, so this is great for my kids! Cant beat a free book!

  • This is a great offer! We go through a lot of batteries – and a lot of books. I always loved the Scholastic flyers, and that’s one of the things I miss the most about my childhood.

  • I like Scholastic. I have a soft spot for Fly Guy. That was my son’s first chapter book that he read on his own.

  • Thanks for sharing this offer! My son would love a Clifford book.

  • Such a great offer. My daughter loves these scholastic books when they have the fair at her school.

  • Great offer, thanks for sharing!

  • I love their books and my kids love them as well. What a great giveaway

  • Great offer! Thanks for the codes. We’ve got lots of good books from Scholastic that our kids love!

  • Great offer because I buy batteries anyhow. Why not get the extra perk of a book?!

  • Oh, thank you for sharing! WE LOVE Scholastic books! We just visited the book fair today at school.

  • This is a great offer. Thanks for sharing. My grandkids love books.

  • I love free books!!! This sounds like such a good program. I really hope a ton of people take advantage of it.

  • I love Scholastic. My kids schools always have book lists that I always purchase. Free book is good!

  • Great info! I did not know this. And we love our local Scholastic bookstore, we could spend hours in there!

  • The codes can be found on specially marked packs of EVEREADY Gold batteries or EVEREADY flashlights. When you stock up, collect the kids and enter them for a free book! :)

  • I go to my kid’s school during their book fairs just to shop them. I love the smells of the new books and the fun options to keep them excited.

  • Me too! I love how affordable they are, so when he picks out 5-6 picks it isn’t too expensive.

  • I can never turn down an opportunity for a free book. And I am so looking forward to the book order sheets – I know it was always exciting to bring one home and ask for about 20 books inside it!!

  • Thanks so much for the codes. I am going to send this post to my grandkids mothers and let them choose what they want.

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