
Gearing Up For Fall #HealthierHome

This post is part of a sponsored partnership with 3M. All thoughts are my own.

Fall is like a mad scramble to complete all of the tasks that were on our list for summer. Tasks that weren’t done because it was too hot or we got too busy… or a host of other excuses we came up with to avoid them for as long as possible. Now, however, it’s time to get back in gear. This is cuddle season, and I love being indoors in a nice, relaxing home.

Here are some things on our to-do list:

Gearing Up For Fall #ad

Dust: I love to dust during this time, since it’s usually nice enough outside to leave the windows open and air the house out a bit at the same time. Dusting our house from top to bottom is on the agenda.

Disinfect: With the return of school comes the onslaught of germs shared between little hands, mouths, and whatever other creative ways children have found to spread them. Going through and disinfecting all door handles, cabinet handles, surfaces, and toys is a great idea and goes a long way towards reducing germs in the home.

Change Filters: This is something that often gets overlooked, so I make extra care to include this on my to do list. The Filtrete Healthy Living Ultra Allergen Reduction Filter MPR 1500 is a great filter to use. It helps capture the allergens in the home like dust, pollen, and mold spores. It’s effective at capturing 90% of these particles from the air passing through the filter.

De-clutter: Take my advice and eliminate any extra clutter around the house BEFORE the holidays! With the holiday’s comes junk err….stuff. Clear out those closets! Throw away or donate anything you don’t need anymore, and put those summer clothes away in storage (it’s okay to shed a few tears as you do this, if you must). I’ve been enjoying shedding the dead weight… literally.

Knocking these things out of the way now is going to allow me more time to relax, decorate for the seasons, and, of course, enjoy football this fall!

Register to receive seasonal e-newsletters featuring special offers, filter change reminders, better home living tips and more at http://www.Filtrete.com

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

7 thoughts on “Gearing Up For Fall #HealthierHome

  • A good filter is super important. I have severe allergies and asthma. I also have three dogs and a cat – ridiculous, I know. BUT I do, and I always use Filtrete filters. They’re awesome.

  • We have to check our filter about every 2 weeks. It’s annoying. I’ll have to look into these.

  • We change our filter every month since we run the AC year round. I would like to try this filter and see if it helps my allergies.

  • My mom has an oil heating system and needs these! They are a great brand!

  • We do our air filters religiously. Our neighborhood is under construction so the dust that accumulates is ridiculous! However… on my list is doing the blinds and baseboards. Please keep in mind this has been on “the list” for 6 months… I should just hire someone already.

  • We have forced hot air heat, so we have to change our filters a few times a winter. Otherwise it gets wicked dusty!

  • I know! I have to do this regularly. We use our air conditioner/fan all year long and it is amazing the dust that collects in and around the machine. Whenever I do not clean in time, I end up getting sick.
    Thanks for the reminder!

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