
Give Your Baby the Best & Save Money with Parent’s Choice™ Formula

This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.

We want the best for our babies, and I think this is something that can be said from the moment of conception through every aspect of their life. When my babies were born, I had every intention on breast feeding for as long as I could.

Andrew was my hardest baby to breast feed. He had what food intolerances from things that I ate, and around 8 months old he stopped growing along the chart. Our pediatrician recommended a switch to formula until he was ready to make the change to table foods, so we did. 

We moved forward and looked into our options. Andrew’s pediatrician recommended using a formula that was formulated with iron, so we had a choice of Similac Advance or something similar.

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Being unprepared for the change to formula and unsure of how we would handled this new expense, we decided to check out Parent’s Choice Advantage. Parent’s Choice formula meets the same FDA standards, contains DHA and ARA to help support brain and eye development and it is iron formulatedSo many of our friends were using Parent’s Choice and as a first time mom that’s all I needed to give it a try as well.

Parent’s Choice Formulas are clinically proven to be as well tolerated as the national brands.

We loved using the Parent’s Choice Advantage formula and had no problems getting our baby adjusted to it. The savings that we received helped us through a rough time and I never felt like we were giving Andrew anything but the best.

Formula Cost Comparison

I never realized how much we would be saving when we went with Parent’s Choice Formula, but after going to the Walmart website we found that our savings would be $574 dollars a year!

If you are using formula, check out the Walmart website and compare the leading brand to Parent’s Choice. You just might be surprised about how much money could be saved.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

4 thoughts on “Give Your Baby the Best & Save Money with Parent’s Choice™ Formula

  • This is a great option for those that cannot breastfeed. It’s amazing how much you can save versus name brand formula.

  • I breastfed my son, which saved a lot of money, but this is a great option for moms who can’t or choose not to breastfeed.

  • My three youngest had a lot of tummy issues when they were babies. They could not use any of the Similac or Enfamil. They could only use Good Start or Walmart’s. So I am big supporter of their formula.

  • There are so many neat things out for babies now. My son is 21, so it has been a while since I shopped for baby stuff.

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