
Sign the Declaration! Global Road Safety Week #SaveKidsLives

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Scholastic and Safe Kids Worldwide. All opinions and statements are my own.

As parent, I do everything in my power to keep my children as safe from harm as possible. If I could wrap them up in a bubble that protected them from illness and harm, I would do it in a heart beat!  Seeing your child hurt or uncomfortable is one of the worse feelings that any parent can encounter. So many times when my children have been sick, or had a “boo boo”, I’ve felt helpless wishing I could take away their pain and discomfort.

Sign the Declaration! Global Road Safety Week #SaveKidsLives

I think most parents reading this can fully relate.

Of all the illnesses and dangers, I have always known that traffic crashes are one that I must take precautions against. I use the proper car seats and restraints for my children, and don’t move the car until they are properly buckled. What I didn’t realize, however, is that more than 500 children die EVERY DAY from car crashes. A statistic that gave me chills the first time I read it. Over the next 15 years, it’s predicted that more people around the world will die on roads than from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, or malaria! Morbid, I know.

Sign the Declaration! Global Road Safety Week #SaveKidsLives

Ready for the good news?

We can make a difference and help lower this number dramatically!  Even more exciting… we don’t even have to leave the comforts of our homes to do so! And the answer lies in a phenomenon that you’re probably already quite familiar with… a selfie!

Virtually everyone is familiar with the new trend of selfies, where you take a picture of yourself and post to social media! This time, however, you have the opportunity to post one that really makes a difference, and even helps save lives!

The Third United Nations Global Road Safety Week is May 4-10th 2015, and is focused on improving road safety for kids all over the world.

How can you help?

Join Safe Kids Worldwide in participating in Global Road Safety Week an working hard to ensure that the voices of kids, parents, and teachers will be heard. It’s important policymakers understand how serious the problem is – and take strong action!

You can help by sharing your #safie!  #safie is like a selfie, but you hold up a message about the importance of global road safety for children, and get the message out about safety week.

Sign the Declaration! Global Road Safety Week #SaveKidsLives

Get Started:

First, you can READ the Child Declaration for Road Safety. Children from around the world helped write this declaration, demanding that policymakers take action to protect kids.

Second, you can SIGN the declaration. Anyone can sign, including kids, parents, teachers, classrooms and organizations. The goal is for more than 100,000 people to sign the declaration before Global Road Safety Week in May. Every signature counts! 

Third, you can SHOW that you care by taking a #safie. Just download and print the #safie signboard, write a message about the safety measures that are needed in your community, and then share your #safie online.

Fourth, you can DELIVER this important message to policymakers who are in a position to make a difference. Try delivering the declaration to your mayor or other policymakers in your community, in the region, or at the national level. Safe Kids Worldwide even has a toolkit to help you create a meaningful event with policymakers.

Keeping our children safe is a global effort! Join in today and help do your part!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

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