Gluten Free Dinner Recipes with Horizon Organic Mac and Cheese!

If we took a survey amongst parents of their children’s all time favorite foods, chances are mac and cheese would rank pretty high on the list.  It’s also probably pretty likely that if you’re a busy parent, like most of us, you reach for a box to whip some up more often than not. While mac and cheese from scratch is wonderful… most of the time it just isn’t very practical. That applies to those of us that have kids that can eat it this way of course.

Gluten Free Dinner Recipes with Horizon Organic Mac and Cheese! Perfect for a quick and easy, last minute dinner idea.

But what about those who don’t?

Parents of children with gluten allergies may find the process of making mac and cheese to be a bit more cumbersome. That’s because they are usually confined to making it from scratch each and every time, in order to factor out the gluten contained in most mac and cheese products.

They don’t have to anymore though!

Horizons NEW Gluten-Free Mac & Cheese brings to the table all of the wonderful ingredients, taste, and convenience of mac and cheese… minus the gluten! No longer do you have to sacrifice taste or time to find the solution to your mac and cheese fix!

Gluten Free Dinner Recipes with Horizon Organic Mac and Cheese! Perfect for a quick and easy, last minute dinner idea.

I can talk about how good it taste to me all day long, but the true test is what the kids have to say about it…

Mine were thrilled!

We tried the white cheddar cheese mac, and it was absolutely delicious. I made it even more nutritious by adding chicken, bacon and broccoli to the mix! We were left with an awesome blend of mac and cheese, packed just right with protein and veggies!

My kids loved helping to prepare it, and the instructions were just simple enough for them to be able to play a hands on role in the process.  I was excited about this, since I LOVE when my kids can get active in the kitchen. I’ve learned when they help prepare the food, they seem to much more interested in eating it.

Gluten Free Dinner Recipes with Horizon Organic Mac and Cheese! Perfect for a quick and easy, last minute dinner idea.

Horizon products always leave me very pleased, but I think this one may have easily landed on the list of favorite meals in my household! It’s nice to find something that’ fits the taste buds of both the children AND the adults!

Gluten Free Dinner Recipes with Horizon Organic Mac and Cheese! Perfect for a quick and easy, last minute dinner idea.

Follow Horizon Organic on Facebook for more great recipes using Horizon Organic Mac and Cheese

What’s your favorite way to include your kids in the kitchen?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Horizon Organics. The opinions and text are all mine.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

26 thoughts on “Gluten Free Dinner Recipes with Horizon Organic Mac and Cheese!

  • I think it’s awesome that there are so many different gluten-free options out there. This sounds like one of those great ones!

  • I haven’t tried the gluten-free variety but I have tried the others. Cute pics!

  • You can’t go wrong with organic and mac n cheese. This is awesome!

  • I love that there are so many more gluten free options anymore. And most kids love mac ‘n cheese, having a gf option makes many parents happy!

  • This looks so delicious. I love making gluten free recipes for myself and my family since we have a lot of bowel issues.

  • What a great idea! My niece is glueten free! Sharing this with my sister-in-law

  • I love Horizon foods! will have to try this one out a little more.

  • Mmm, this looks yummy! You’re right, mac and cheese is a staple at our house!

  • What a great idea. I have friends that look for gluten free. I will have to tell them about this.

  • We are gluten free due to Celiac Disease. I normally make ours homemade, but sometimes we all need a bit of help. I am going to look for this!

  • We are gluten free due to Celiac Disease. I normally make ours homemade, but sometimes we all need a bit of help. I am going to look for this!

  • I love finding great gluten free options, thanks for sharing this. Adding chicken, bacon and broccoli to make a complete meal is a great idea.

  • This looks tasty! I love mac and cheese!

  • Oh yum! This sounds so delicious! And looks delicious too!

  • I was eying Horizon’s crackers the other day at the store. I had no idea they had GF mac and cheese! I am going to see if it’s stocked at our store. It looks really tasty!

  • Yum this Mac and Cheese looks great! I usuallt make mine homemade, but for quick Lunches this would be great!

  • We are regular Horizon Organic customers and love all of their products that we have tried thus far. I will be sure to add their mac and cheese to my shopping list.

  • My daughter has celiac disease and can’t eat wheat. She loves Horizon macaroni.

  • My kiddos love to help out, especially if there is a chance they’ll get messy. It’s been fun to incorporate them more into our meal prep.

  • I love the Horizon milk for my kiddos, especially when we are on the go. I haven’t tried the mac & cheese yet, but I’m sure it’ll be great!

  • My 4 year old loves to help in the kitchen. We let him help with the mixing and adding things to a pot (before heat is added!).

  • Since started trying to eat gluten free I sure have missed mac n cheese. I can’t wait to make this. Now that my son is 18 he runs away from the kitchen. I can never get him to help me.

  • Mac & Cheese is like a little bowl of love isn’t it? I love adding stuff to mine as well, especially bacon. Everything is better with bacon! LOL :-)

  • That mac & cheese looks awesome. I love that there are so many GF foods available now a days.

  • I absolutely LOVE that you added to your Mac & Cheese. I’ve never thought of doing that before. I like the Horizion Mac & Cheese – my kids do too.

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