Going Natural is Affordable with Johnson’s Natural Baby Products
Up until recently my husband and I have not paid much attention to the ingredients of products that we use in our home. We buy things in the store and just hope that companies have the best interests in people’s well beings, but this isn’t always the case.
My husband and I both have started to open our eyes, in light of recent events with many of our friends who have developed serious health problems.
You just don’t think about these things until it hits closer to home.
We know that going natural and more green will not only help the environment, it will help remove harmful chemicals that were coming into our home and could eventually cause health problems.
First step in our home was to change out the products that we were using on our son and daughter.
Johnson’s has been in homes of families for generations, and has given products to mom that are clinically proven to be mild and gentle for your children.
With their growing commitment to providing high quality products, Johnson’s has taken the step to create Johnson’s Natural, a line of baby products that are natural and gentle for your baby’s skin.
Consisting of three products, Head to Toe Foaming Baby Wash, Baby Shampoo, and Baby Lotion, Johnson’s Naturals are formulated to be 98% natural. Each product is made with the No More Tears formula and Allerfree allergen-free fragrance.
My Thoughts
This was our first step in making our home more natural and I’m happy that Johnson’s created these products for our children. We didn’t notice any loss in quality by making this change, the only noticeable difference in these products in comparison to the original Johnson’s baby line is the scent. The Allerfree that is included in Johnson’s Natural gives off more of a clean, natural scent, instead of the fresh baby smell that we all have memories of from the Original Johnson’s Baby Line. I love that Johnson’s Natural baby line is gentle, natural and completely affordable for any mom wanting to use more natural products on their baby.
What steps are you taking to become more natural in your home?
I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Johnsons Natural and received a product sample to facilitate my review, and a promotional item to thank me for participating.
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I luv the idea of these natural products. Our babies should be the first to be protected. I have always used Johnson & Johnson but when my babies were tiny nothing was made natural (as a rule anyway.) Product makers have came a long way.
Gladys P
I love that they finally have all natural products! There is nothing worse than exposing a newborn to things they could potentially be allergic to.
I appreciate that Johnson’s did come out with a natural line, although I wish they’d clean up their regular baby care products… so for now I’m still sticking with Burt’s Bees and Earth Mama Angel Baby. Thanks for the review, though!
I’m glad to see a big company like this getting into the more natural products.
I love johnsons products especially the lotions. I didn’t know they had this new line of natural products. I will definitely have to try these. Thank you for the great review!
Thank goodness more and more all natural products are coming out. One thing that has been concerning me for awhile is all the wonderful smells.
I love Johnson’s. I even use my son’s lotion on my own skin. Actually we just buy a huge family bottle full of Johnson’s lotion.
I love that these products are made with the No More Tears formula and Allerfree allergen-free fragrance. We use lots of Johnsons products already.
I love Johnsons products.. have not tried these, but have wanted to.
I love Johnson’s…my favorite lotion to use. It’s one of the only lotions that actually helps my eczema.
i will have to try this i love jj. and mostly use the bedtime bath. Im going to get some of this.
We’ve been purging our household of harmful cleaning products, even though we don’t have young kids. I’m using vinegar, baking soda and other household products to clean the house without strong chemicals. I also have switched to using more natural-based store bought cleaning products as well and have noticed a change for the better…especially no coughing when cleaning the kitchen! Thanks for your review on this natural baby line from Johnson & Johnson!
Kudos to you for making sustainable changes. One of my favorite sites for looking up product ingredients and safety is Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep site: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
Check it out if you have a minute
I didn’t even know that they had a natural baby care products line.
I use these with my son, I love that they are all natural.
do you feel like this is still completely safe even though it’s from Johnson’s? I know there was quite a bit of evidence that came out *against* Johnsons baby products, citing all the harmful, disgusting ingredients that were included in them. It would be interesting to see this product, compared with other “natural” and good for you baby products that are readily available in stores like Target, Walmart, etc