
Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat Target Exclusive

The Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat was received for purpose of this review. All thoughts are my own.

My biggest challenge with having two children in convertible, rear facing car seats is the lack of room in the middle of the row for a third car seat. Surprisingly, this is an issue even in my big SUV. I babysit other children and having 3 car seats is often a problem because their child’s seat is too wide to fit 3 across in my truck. I did a lot of research and ended up getting two narrow but high price point car seats for my little ones and I have to admit that I was prepared to not love this seat. But Graco surprised me!

Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Forward Facing Car Seat

The Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat with Safety Surround Protection is a very impressive seat.  It boasts the best head protection available for your child in the event of a side impact and keeps your child in a harness up to 65 Lbs. I don’t know about you, but that got my attention right away!

This 3-in-1 forward facing car seat converts easily from a forward facing 5-point harness 20-65 Lbs, to a belt positioning booster from 30-100 Lbs, and finally to a backless booster from 40-100 Lbs.  The back of the seat is reinforced with steel for strength and it’s been Side Impact Tested. The seat is very narrow but still has a cup holder and two inside compartments for storage of toys or snacks.

The feel of the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat seems high end with nice breathable fabric, and soft suede like shoulder straps and liner. The inside of the head rest also has a soft fabric to be comfortable on your little one’s squishy cheeks.

Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Forward Facing Car Seat

There is an extra cushioned body support that’s removable if your child is larger. I put my 1 year old and 3 year old in the seat and they fit comfortably with the body support while my friend’s 4 year old was too big for it. The seat is lined with EPS energy absorbing foam which makes it both comfortable and safe.

(Disclaimer: I only put my 1 year old in for comparison. He does meet the basic size requirements but rear facing is recommended until a minimum of 2 years old and the safest for any child until they outgrow their rear facing seat’s weight limits.)

Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Forward Facing Car Seat

The 5 point harness is pretty easy to adjust. Simply undo from the latch in the back and rethread the harness through the slats at the correct height, then up and over rollers in the back and reconnect to the latch. I did have a bit of a struggle trying to change the crotch buckle but that’s probably something you won’t have to do more than once. I LOVE that it has the easy to tighten pull strap at the bottom. That makes for quick in and out and a great fit every time. The shoulder strap pads come off easily with Velcro to toss in the wash and seemed to fit all three children perfectly without making the chest clip too low.

Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Forward Facing Car Seat

The head rest is very cushioned and wraps far around the child’s head. With the red button on the top, it slides easily up and down to adjust perfectly to your child’s height. I haven’t had the good fortune of anyone falling asleep in it yet, but it looks like it would help with the sleeping head forward flop. And as I mentioned before, the fabric on the head rest is very soft. I really feel peace of mind knowing that this seat has been Side Impact Tested in harness and high back booster modes.

Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Forward Facing Car Seat

The installation was quick and easy. The Latch clips slid on easily and the straps tightened without issues. If you are installing the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat with a seat belt, there are easy to use open-loop belt guides to help you correctly position the seat belt.

The bottom has an easy to use 3 point recline to get a good fit in your car and keep your child comfortable. And because this seat is so narrow, you can easily fit three across. YAY!

Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Forward Facing Car Seat

I’d highly recommend this seat for anyone in the market for a forward facing 5 point harness or high back booster chair. It’s tested, durable, comfortable, and very versatile which I would consider a smart buy.

The Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat is available exclusively at Target RV $180

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

213 thoughts on “Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat Target Exclusive

  • It has a cup holder and storage compartments.

  • I learned that this car seat has an integrated cup holder.

  • I learned that a couple of the features are for Safety and Security Features: 5-Point Harness, 3-Point Harness

  • I love the adjustable harness and reclining seat.

  • I learned it has an overall 5 star guest rating- very good to know, I trust other consumers.

  • The reviews are wonderful, mamy said its heavy but I appreciate the steel reinforcement

  • I learned that it is steel reinforced for strength and durability

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • I learned car seats have come a long way, and that this particular one is good up to 100lbs.

  • Love this car seat. I learned that you can use it up to 100 pounds. It really grows with your child.

  • I learnt that the cars seat is steel reinforced for strength and durability :)

  • I like the saftey surround protection

  • I like the 5-Point Harness.

  • I learned it has a 5-Point Harness.

  • I learned it has a reclining seat

  • I learned “The side-impact protection offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability.”

  • I learned that this car seat has safety surround protection in black, the side-impact protection offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability and will grow with my child from infant to 100 pounds.


  • This car seat has a 3-position recline.

  • I learned it has easy conversion from 5 point to belt booster.

  • It goes up to 100lbs in its final booster seat position. My oldest has a model from a few years back, and I would love one for my youngest.

  • I really want one of these seats for my son he has autism and it is just what he needs to be safe

  • I learned that it has a five point harness and can be converted to a belt positioned booster at 30 lbs and a backless booster at 40 lbs.

  • child up to 65lbs can be harnessed in this seat

  • I learned that the frame is steel reinforced.

  • I learned that this car seat could change our lives, and would be the only car seat we would ever need because it goes up to 100 pounds!

  • It is side impact tested

  • I learned that this seat offers side-impact protection for the best head protection and is steel reinforced.

  • Has side impact protection.

  • it has Safety Surround Protection

  • It goes up to 100 lbs in the backless booster position.

  • I learned that the headrest moves up and down, which is great for optimal comfort and safety.

  • It is steel reinforced for safety.

  • I learned this carseat is steel reinforced.

  • I learned that it goes up to 100 lbs in the backless booster position.

  • One thing that I learned from the Target website about this carseat is that at 30 pounds it converts to a belt-positioning booster, and then to a backless booster at 40 to 100 pounds.

  • I would love this car seat. It has everything needed in a car seat.

  • I love that it reclines. I feel like my car seats don’t fit well in our car because of the shape and angle of the seats. This car seat would be perfect in our Xterra.

  • i love that this seat is machine washable :)

  • I love that it reclines.

  • The side-impact protection offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability

  • I learned that is has a 1 year limited manufacture warranty.

  • I love that it reclines.

  • I can’t say I learned anything. We already have one for my three year old and love it. We have been looking at getting one for my two year old soon. This win would be a huge blessing for us.

  • It is steel reinforced for strength and durability.

  • I learned that it has 3 different recline positions.

  • Honestly, I love the fact that it fits my child for 3 different stages in her little life. Its cute too!

  • Not only is it a 3 in 1, but has a five point harness, and to keep my child super safe side protectors! This car seat is amazing if I do say so, fingers crossed I need/want this!!

  • I like that it reclines

  • I have one and would love another for my next little man. I love that it is washable and grows with them.

  • The side-impact protection offers the best head protection

  • I learned it comes in awesome colors too

  • It has steel reinforced sides.

  • I learned that it weighs 20.3 lbs.

  • I learned (and love) that this seat can hold a child up to 100 pounds. I hate having to constantly by new carseats every time my children go through a growth spurt.

  • Reclining and holds up to 100 lbs safely

  • I learned that the carseat goes up to 100 lbs and no batteries needed =)

  • It has a three position recline and is steel reinforced

  • The steel reinforcement is awesome!

  • I learned the side impact protection offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability, love the 3 position recline feature!


  • Love that it is reclining with adjustable height and harness!

  • I like that is can be used at a 5 point harness in older children.

  • I learned the cover is machine washable

  • I love that it can recline — that’s great for those long road trips!

  • provides very good side protection for the head in case of an accident

  • i learned that it is steel reinforced

  • I learned that the cover is machine washable

  • I learned the side-impact protection offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability. I totally love the fact it goes with your child through certain stages of growth!

  • I learned that the seat has a 3 position recline

  • I learned it got 4 stars out of 5 in the easy to install section.

  • it will last to 100 lbs.

  • I learned that it is steel reinforced and it will last to 100 lbs. Great seat!

  • it is steel reinforced for strength and durability. It also features a 5-point harness

  • I love that you can keep them in a harness up until 65 pounds!!!

  • Love this seat! My almost 6 year old son rides in one. Would love to have one for my 2.5 year old daughter, too!
    From Target’s website, I learned that this seat will last until my child is 100 lbs.

  • This seat is loaded with many features it grows with your baby !

  • We already own this carseat for one of my children. I did a lot of research before purchasing it, and I read the manual in full so I didn’t learn anything new on Target’s website. I love how easy it is to adjust the harness and head rest. It’s also great that my son can stay in a 5-point harness until 65 pounds with this carseat.

  • I learned that it is steel reinforced and that it has a cup holder and storage! Love that it grows with toddlers/children up to 100lb!

  • The seat grows with your child up to 100 lbs

  • It lasts while your child is growing.

  • I learned that it machine washable and reviews have given it a 4 1/2 star rating.

  • I learned that it will work for kids from 20 to 100 pounds

  • I love that it converts to a booster!~

  • It’s forward-facing only, but for a huge range of sizes!

  • Once your child is 30 pounds it converts to a belt-positioning booster, and then to a backless booster at 40 to 100 pounds which will save you $$$ from having to buy one when your child gets bigger

  • the 3 in 1 w/ safety surround offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability! I have been researching carseats the past week, and this seat has the highest ratings even on consumer reports… I was in a terrible car accident a few weeks ago that totaled all 3 vehicles involved and our carseat did its job! After that experience i only want the best protection for my child- I’m even thinking of replacing our other car seat we have for our other vehicle.

  • I learned how it converts to a growing child.

  • I learned that the side-impact protection offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability!

  • 3 position recline
    pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

  • It converts 3 different ways

  • I learned that the seat can be used in 3 modes – harness, highback booster, & backless booster!

  • I learned that the seat can be used in 3 modes – harness, highback booster, and backless booster!

  • I learned that the seat can be used in 3 modes – harness, highback booster, and backless booster!

  • Visited the site and I like It also features a 5-point harness, EPS foam, 3-position recline, contoured armrests, a cup holder, storage and 1-hand adjustable headrest

  • I learned that you can use harness up to 65lbs.

  • I learned that it has steel reinforced side protection, EPS foam and a one hand adjustment.

  • It has a 5 and 3 point harness.

  • it has steel reinforced side protection and adjustable headrest.

  • I learned that it is adjustable – harness

  • I learned that the seat has a cup holder, which is amusing, but could probably be useful.

  • I learned that it is currently on sale for $139, and that the cover can be machine washed.

  • We already have one of last year’s models of this seat so I know a good deal about it, but I guess you could say I’ve learned that they updated the removable seat cushion, lol. It looks very nicely updated overall.

  • I learned that it accommodates children up to 100 pounds! Fantastic news!

  • I learned that it offers both 3 and 5 point harnesses.

  • I learned it is steel reinforced for strength and durability

  • I learned that it is steel reinforced! This will ensure little one’s safety!

  • This car seat is 3 in 1 less hassle with awesome safety features! Side impact, 5 point harness and 3 point harness, adjustable, comfortable, head protection, reclines! I am sold!

  • I learned that it can hold up to 100 lbs and can just be a simple booster seat! Great carseat for all ages!

  • learned that a lot of ppl like it as it has a 5 star rating

  • I learned it goes up to 100 lbs, which means I could sit in it! lol

  • I learned that in comes in 9 patterns.

  • I learned that the cover of the car seat can come off and be washed. So awesome!

  • I learned the cover can be machine washed

  • I learned that the weight limit goes up to 100 lbs. and it has multiple recline positions!

  • both rear facing, forward facing, and is a booster seat

  • I learned that this carseat is both rear facing, forward facing, and a booster seat.

  • I learned it can be used as a booster up to 100 lbs

  • I learned it has all 5 star reviews!

  • I learned that this car seat accommodates children up to 100 pounds–that is incredible!

  • I learned that the Graco Nautilus car seat qualifies for free shipping on Target’s website and also that the car seat converts to a booster seat.

  • It is on sale! And has gotten really good reviews.

  • It has a one hand adjustable headrest!

  • It’s on sale and it’s machine washable.

  • I learned that you can get a really great deal on it at Target right now – their sales are awesome!

  • I learned about the side impact protection..so important to have!

  • It has safety surround protection and weighs just over 20 lbs.

  • The online price is $139.00 and normally it’s $179.99. It’s steel reinforced for added strength and durability.

  • I learned the on-line sale price is $139!

  • I learned that it converts to a backless booster at 40 to 100 pounds!

  • I love that it’s really easy to adjust the harness – the reviews of the seat are amazingly positive, sounds like a great seat!

  • I learned that it’s STEEL reinforced and goes up to 100lbs as a booster!

  • I learned that the Nautilus has a recline AND that a kiddo can be in it up to 100 lbs! How cool is that??

  • I found out that it has 3 position recline! That is a great feature!
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  • I learned that it has a 3 position recline!

  • 5-Point Harness, 3-Point Harness

  • i love that it goes to 100 lbs as a booster

  • I learned it has a 3 position recline and storage.

  • It accommodates children up to 100 pounds -so like me, if I start working out lol!

  • That it’s currently on sale and will accommodate a child up to 100 pounds, which is a wow!

  • The seat is very narrow but still has a cup holder and two inside compartments for storage of toys or snacks.

  • I love that this has a height adjustable head rest too

  • it has a 5 point harness

  • Great question, Clare! I’m glad you brought this up as there may be other moms out there that have the same confusion. The product that you received from Wish Baby Registry is the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Convertible Car Seat. The Graco product that I reviewed is the Nautilus™ 3-in-1 Car Seat featuring Safety Surround™ Side Impact Protection and this product is in fact offered exclusively at Target and was released in stores mid-July. It has the similar product features and benefits to the seat you have, but has the additional Safety Surround Side Impact Protection technology. Hope that helps to clarify! I hope you and your child enjoy your new Graco Nautilus!

  • Great question, Clare! I’m glad you brought this up as there may be other moms out there that have the same confusion. The product that you received from Wish Baby Registry is the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Convertible Car Seat. The Graco product that I reviewed is the Nautilus™ 3-in-1 Car Seat featuring Safety Surround™ Side Impact Protection and this product is in fact offered exclusively at Target and was released in stores mid-July. It has the similar product features and benefits to the seat you have, but has the additional Safety Surround Side Impact Protection technology. Hope that helps to clarify! I hope you and your child enjoy your new Graco Nautilus!

  • I like the side-impact protection which offers the best head protection.

  • The side-impact protection offers the best head protection, and it is steel reinforced for strength and durability.

  • I learned that it can convert to a backless booster and accommodate a child up to 100 lbs! What a great all-in-one car seat!

  • It has 3 recline positions

  • It has a 5-pt AND 3-pt harness!

  • One my child is 30 pounds it converts to a belt-positioning booster

  • i learned that the graco nautilus has a 3-position recline – something i wish our current car seat had

  • It has amazing ratings and its like a all in one carseat. I would love this for my son!

  • That it is machine washable!

  • It’s only $139

  • It has a booster weight of 100lb

  • The harness is rated to 65lbs.

  • I loved that it was able to be washed in the machine!! I am a low maintenance type girl so that’s perfect.

  • Harnesses up to 65lbs!

  • I love that is is side impact tested for 2 out of 3 modes.

  • I learned it has a five-star rating. That’s great.

  • You delete my comment because I made a correction to your post?

    I know you got this for free from Target, but you don’t have to lie and tell your viewers that it is a target exclusive. They definitely have it when I registered at Wish Baby.

  • adjustable height!

  • I learned that it is steel reinforced for durability.

  • That the cover is removable and machine washable! Don’t know about anyone else but I let my kiddo eat and drink in the car and messes happen :)

  • I like this carseat because it seems to be semi light weight at 20lbs and can be used until your child is 100lbs. This car seat seems to be what most parents would love to have only having to use one car seat instead of changing them out in stages

  • I really like the fact that it’s machine washable – so easy to clean!

  • Once your child is 30 pounds it converts to a belt-positioning booster, and then to a backless booster at 40 to 100 pounds.

  • Extended head protection!

  • Actually, this car seat is not exclusively at Target. My husband and I received ours last week off of our registry at Wish Baby Registry. Might as well put it on your registry – especially when you can get free diapers too.

    I hate when mom blogs lie – so please retract your statement that that is a Target exclusive, for all moms.

    Great post- BTW.

  • I love the Adjustable Height and the Adjustable Harness

  • It is machine washable!!! Which is a huge plus for me!! Lol our old car seat is not and it needs to be recycled!

  • I learned that this has the best head protection which is fantastic!

  • I visited the target website and learned that the cars eat has a machine washable cover! Always a plus with little ones!

  • I learned that it comes with 1 year warranty

  • This car seat harnesses to 65 lbs.

  • I learned that it has a 1 year warranty.

  • This Car Seat has a 5 point harness.

  • I learned it is steel reinforced. That sounds like the Diono Radian I’ve read about.

  • It weighes 20.03 pounds.

  • I love Graco car seats. We have a 3 year old and a newborn on the way. An extra 5-point harness seat would be great to have! I didn’t realize it turns into a booster up to 100lbs, too. That is awesome. Really takes a kid a long way!

  • Reading the site I learned that the headrest is a one handed adjust as well as a three point recline to add comfort. My daughter is one to like reclining to sleep more comfortably. My current seat doesn’t do that.

  • It has a cupholder

  • i learned that it is a forward facing seat only, but will last a child until they no longer required help for a seat belt to fit them correctly.

  • love how soft and how it grows with your child..looks easy to use

  • I learned it has a 5 point harness, and the head rest is very soft that wraps around the baby head and can easily be adjusted

  • I love that this seat is softer!! nothing better than a nice calm ride with my kiddo

  • This car seat is a 3 in 1, with side impact protection! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • I learned that it grows with your child and you shouldn’t have to buy another seat. :-)

  • I learned this seat is steel reinforced for added strength and durability, and also that it’s got one of the highest reviews for carseats!

  • By reading some of the reviews I found that the seat is softer than other carseats. Ours is really hard and I understand why my kid hates it.

  • I did not realize that the seat base was narrow enough to fit in with 2 other carseats! I am so going out to get one (if I don’t win it)!
    Thanks for a very informative review!

  • Steel Reinforced

  • I learned that it can be used up to 100 pounds.

  • i have this seat for my 3 yr old and love it and he loves the cup holder and i would love to win one for my 1 1/2 yr old for when he is ready

  • I learned that its affordable and grows with your child!

  • I learned that once the child is 30lbs it converts to a belt positioning booster & has a one hand adjustable headrest. Would love to win this for my niece so we always have a seat for her when I watch her which is all the time.lol Thanks for the giveaway!
    aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com

  • It is steel-reinforced AND has extra side impact protection!!

  • It has a 1 hand adjustable headrest

  • I actually love that it transitions so well with age and converts to a booster, I wish I would have seen this before we bought our last one it would mean one less upgrade!

  • It’s steel reinforced which is great love that you let people know the recommended age for rear facing also!

  • It has Reclining Seat, Adjustable Height, Adjustable Harness!!

  • I have this seat for my almost 3 year ok and love it! It is heavier than many seats so moving it between vehicles is hard. Would love to have another so I would have one for each vehicle.

  • I learned that this would fit my 3 year old perfectly- love that it will grow with him.

  • It has a five star review!!

  • I learned this seat is steel reinforced for added strength and durability.

  • Awesome

  • I love how this seat converts and can be machine washed.

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