
Holiday Shopping Challenge with American Express | Win a $250 Amex Gift Card Giveaway Ended

Christmas is two weeks away and my time for gift shopping is coming down to the wire. This means I must start making plans and figure out how I’m going to shop for the people on my Christmas list without blowing my budget.

American Express membership reward points are a great way to stretch your holiday budget. I’ve been put to the challenge of showing how to stretch your holiday budget by using 40,000 membership reward points and purchasing the perfect gift for five of my loved ones.

Screen shot 2011-12-12 at 9.34.27 PM

This may be a difficult task to shop for five loved ones with 40,000 membership reward points but with planning and budgeting I believe that this can happen.

Small Business Saturday was on November 26th and many people took that day to show their support to small businesses everywhere. While this was a one day event I feel that small businesses need to be supported all of the time, they are the backbone to our economy!

Doggie Bow Ties

One place I have been window shopping at is Doggie Bow Ties, a small business that makes hair bows for Shih Tzus and Maltese dogs. Every dog wants to be pampered and pretty! Her dog bows are absolutely gorgeous and would make a great Christmas gift for any dog lover.

I’ve also been window shopping for a gift certificate to a local gym, Summit Fitness, as I know my husband loves to go there.

We love small businesses like this as they provide such personalized service and friendly faces that make you feel like you are family.

So over the course of the next week I will be planning and budgeting how I will use my membership reward points. When my mission is completed I will post to let you know how I did and what gifts I selected.

Be sure to check back!

How will you be stretching your budget for holiday shopping?


One lucky Mommy of Two Little Monkeys reader is going to win a $250 American Express Gift Card!

How To Enter:

Use the rafflecopter form below to enter, do the mandatory entry and then you can do any of the additional entries!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Rules: Contest will end at 11:01pm CST on January 3rd, 2012 when I will draw a winner at random using the Rafflecopter Random Selector.

Only 1 entry per household please. US Only please. 18 + . No purchase necessary to win.

You do NOT have to be a blogger to enter

Please leave your email address along with your comment if it is not located within your profile. Your email address will only be used to notify you if you won the giveaway. I will notify the winner via email and on my blog of their winnings and they will have 48 hours to respond.

Product was received for the purpose of facilitating my review. I have provided my honest thoughts and only recommend products or services that I feel will benefit my readers, your opinion may vary.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

634 thoughts on “Holiday Shopping Challenge with American Express | Win a $250 Amex Gift Card Giveaway Ended

  • I plan to stay on budget by sticking to sales

  • I stayed on budget by making a list and sticking to it.

  • Thanks for the giveaway…we made a budget for all our gift purchases, and followed it ! Also, we paid cash for all our purchases, did not use any credit cards !

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  • I used bargains whenever i can

  • I volunteer at a book shop and did some shopping for gifts there, since they were all half-price for me.

  • I did my Christmas shopping buying only items on sale & with cash!

  • Sales, sales, sales!

  • i plan to stay on budget by using coupons and finding the best deals i can online.

  • Buy only what you need. Thank you for this opportunity.

  • I’d planned to stay on budget by making a list of who was getting what and sticking to it. I was somewhat successful.

  • I did stay on budget! I cashed in points for giftcards and saved my winnings from giveaways so I spent minimal money!

  • I set money aside every month for the whole year with the intent of only spending what was in that account. I shopped sales and actually had money left over to start next year’s Christmas fund!

  • I used only cash, no credit cards.

  • the last of the chrismas presents ended up being home made cookies. saved the budget! brought presents early when they were on sale to start early. making my 2012 list already :)

  • I paid cash for everything. If we didn’t have the cash then we didn’t buy it!

  • I stayed on budget by shopping a little bit at a time from September onwards. We lost our home in a fire this year and so it was especially important to be frugal.

  • I took out a small amount of cash that I used to buy gifts.

  • I created a Christmas shopping budget so no one was forgotten and I stayed financially ok….well, almost. :-) Thank you.

  • By keeping a running list of all that I spend.

  • 90 percent of my christmas was funded through giveaways.

  • I stayed on target this christmas by not going to the mall as often and not buying what i don’t need.

  • I have a budget and I use cash and beyond that that is it. No more.
    spcale at yahoo dot com.

  • Staying on budget was easy. We had $40 in cash and one $50 amex gift card and whatever I had at home that could be regifted. Since that is all that we had, that is all we spent and everyone we gave gifts to had nice things and I paid special attention to the wrapping so that they would look pretty as well.

  • I shopped sales and bought handmade items.


    This would come in handy for my wedding if I win.

  • Stayed on budget by shopping sales and not using credit cards

  • I did a good job of staying on budget this year. I gave gift certificates to my daughters and their husbands and I bought my grandchildren, what they wanted. The gift certificates saved me a lot of shopping and they can get whatever they want, so we were all happy.

  • I stayed on budget by keeping to my shopping lists and not making any impulse buys.

    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  • I stayed on budget by using gift cards that I had collected over time to buy Christmas gifts.

  • I was able to stay on budget by buying early, I used coupons and gift cards that I had earned through reward points on my credit cards.

  • I stayed on budget by having a list and shopping sales.

    sparkledazey (at) gmail (dot) com

  • I stayed on budget by shopping sales online, winning GC, and reducing the number of gifts given this year.

  • finished my shopping and stayed on budget by not giving in to impulse purchases.

  • We cut way back on gifts this year. We gave photos of our little girl to family. It also helped buying for just our daughter and her cousins.

  • I made it to a few last minute sales and was able to stay under budget!

  • I tweeted again: marybaker112 Mary Baker
    #Win a $250 American Express Gift Card Ends 1/3 @ShopSmall @momof2monkeys mommyoftwolittlemonkeys.com/2011/12/holida…
    2 minutes ago Favorite Reply Delete

  • google + richard hicks
    rss richard hicks

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • we stayed on budget by purchasing only sale items!
    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • I’m going to stay on budget with the last of my Christmas shopping by taking advantage of all the discounted Christmas products around town.

  • I stay on budget by shopping early and buying on sale.

  • I stayed on budget by buying throughout the year so I wouldn’t have so much to buy in the last month! I also used Amazon Prime (which I got free) & waited until somethings went on big sales! I scored a Disney Princess laptop for my daughter who has been asking one for a year for 1/2 price! :)

  • I shopped clearance deals throughout the year so we didn’t have to spend much at all!

  • I stayed on budget by keeping track of receipts and writing money spent down!

  • used cash,that helped tons!

  • I think i stayed in budget but would love to win to help pay for what i bought!

  • We paid cash to stay on track.
    Google+ – chisum crew

  • Well I stayed on budget by having a plan!

    lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com

  • I stayed on budget by making notecards and holiday treats to give as gifts this year. All I had to purchase was materials.

  • I stayed on budget by using groupon and living social.

  • I stuck to my list of predetermined items and made sure I did not stray from it.

  • I stay on budget by buying fewer presents. Thanks!

  • i plan on staying in budget by buying one gift for couples in my family instead of one for each person.

  • I stayed on budget by taking advantage of Black Friday sales and shopping other sales throughout the year.

  • I stayed on budget using sales and in store coupons for great deals and discouts

  • I used cash only and had a set amount for each child.

  • I have a Christmas budget where I set aside a specific amount Jan.- Nov. so that I know exactly what I can spend on presents.


  • All my Christmas shopping was done on a budget, so I don’t really have to stress about it later

    faithful1104 at gmail dot com

  • I stayed on budget this year by putting things for the kids in layaway months before Christmas! It really helped my money situation and helped my stress level as well lol!

  • To stay on budget I used cash only this year, and had a set amount for each person

  • I stay on budget by paying cash. That way I only spend what I have.

  • I try really hard to stick to the list, and always search online for the best bargains!

  • used cash instead of credit card.
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  • I stayed on budget by drastically cutting my gift list. I lost my job this past Fall, so things are tight.

  • I stayed on budget by looking for deals online.

  • I stayed on budget by using cash to make my purchases.

  • I stayed on a budget with the last of my christmas shopping by doing most of my shopping online, it’s so easy to compare to get the best deal and I also use online coupon codes to get free shipping or discounts!

  • We kept a strict budget of $50 a person. Mostly we bought gift cards, so that did well to keep us at budget.

  • I tried to stay on budget, but did not do a very good job! :(

  • Well, we weren’t able to do Christmas this year and are pinching pennies. Can’t spend what you don’t have.

  • We try and use coupons when we go out to eat. Saves a bunch if you take a few minutes to look online.

  • I stayed on budget because I really didn’t have a choice. I used gift certificates that I earned/won and only spent $35 out of pocket, that I had saved in change. If you don’t have it you cannot spend it and I do not believe in putting Christmas shopping on credit.

  • I stuck to my list to stay on budget

  • I stayed on budget by making sure i got my family exactly what they wanted.. i didnt waste money and they were thrilled.. I just asked em

  • I stay on budget by sticking to what Im supposed to buy and splurging or buying things on a whim.

  • I really want to consider what I buy, no impulse spending. Use coupons wisely and reduce my carbon footprint

  • I forgot my email in the box – it’s discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

  • I stayed on budget by cutting down on the presents.

  • I always make a list of items and stick to it :)

  • I stayed on budget by shopping sales. I didn’t pay full price for anything. I searched the web for online coupons and then looked for best sales at stores. It really saved us a ton of money. Thank you!!

  • Coupons!! Sales!!

  • I shopped online for most of my Christmas gifts this year. Usually found free shipping & discount codes to make the items discounted lower than the in store prices. Plus the convenience of the packages being shipped right to my doorstep!

  • I used gift cards and cash only for Christmas this year to stay on budget. Much less stress that way.

  • I did all my shopping super early via sales online like amazon and then hit the outlets during black Friday! I ended up saving a ton and all my online shopping was shipped free!
    Allie at alliemwolf@yahoo.com

  • I stayed on budget by earning gift cards while shopping and hitting lot of online only sales.

    Rebecca Niehaus
    imsosweepy at gmail dot com

  • I stayed on budget by shopping sales throughout the year and using amazon gift cards I earned through survey sites.

  • This year I used cash only – no credit – to stay on budget.

  • I shopped early all through the year and didn’t have any left to do for Christmas.

  • Our budget was really tight this year. We set $100 for each of our 3 children. We did pretty well. I think we only went over by $30.

  • I always comparison shop, whether it’s for Christmas or birthdays or everyday use. Also, I use the after-Christmas sales to buy small gift items that can be used for gift occasions throughout the year, as well as at Christmas.

  • I stayed on budget this year by learning about ebates through everyones blog posts. I introduced to my fmaily and friends. soon a little check will be arriving.. how nice is that!

  • I stayed on budget by doing black friday, and cyber monday sales.

    itsjustme62613 at gmail.com

  • I stayed on budget by not having much extra money to go over with in the first place, hehe! That and having a short list of people to shop for and a solid idea of what to get already coupled with some homemade things … ;)

  • Well we didnt really have a budget. We just scraped up what we could and made it work.

  • I stayed on budget by making a list, and shopping online only. It was very easy to avoid temptation/

  • I made a list of gift ideas for family and stuck to it.

  • keeping it simple

  • I stayed on budget by making a list & sticking to it.


  • By buying gifts for only the closest family members

    wolverina401 at gmail dot com

  • I’m going to stay on budget by setting aside money for gifts, and when it’s gone, no more shopping.

  • only shopped where I got free shipping

    jdmimi at gmail dot com

  • I stayed on a budget by hitting up all the mark downs.

  • stick to a strict budget and compare prices

  • Since Christmas is already over…we plan to stay on budget by only allotting a certain amount for each child and then trying to stretch that amount using Black Friday sales.

    boylaneely at hotmail dot com

  • I set a budget for each person & stick to it no matter what!

  • I stayed on budget by shopping around, checking the internet on where to go for the best deals, and only allowing myself to use what cash I was able to put away for Christmas.

  • Hit the sales! Always!
    Awesome blog by the way and thanks for the giveaway!
    Would love, love, LOVE to win this!

  • I didn’t have much of a budget for Christmas this year, so it was pretty easy to stay on track. If I were to win this prize, I would start on next Christmas!

  • I shop sales throughout the year so I have very little shopping to do at Christmas

  • I watched for sales. I also quit buying for the person when I had met the total that I had planned to spend on them. That is hard when you see another thing you know they would like!

  • I stayed on budget by doing all of my shopping online and I saved the emails so I could keep a total

  • I used a lot of sales/coupons. Got a lot of gift cards from doing things like Swagbucks etc..

    misteedawnw at aol dot com

  • I shop last minute sales. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • I try to stay ahead of my shopping by writing out lists for each person of what I want to get them.

  • I made a list, set a spending limit and actually stuck with it this year!

  • I cashed out points for gift cards so I could minimize my monetary expenses!

  • I stayed on budget by hitting the sales throughout the year and buying a little at a time. I also did some homemade gifts.

  • Making gifts is a great way to cut your expenses!

  • I stayed on a budget by not going to the mall and buying online.

  • Stick to the sale items

  • I stayed on budget by waiting it out for the best deals to come around

  • i shopped all year long for deals and clearances so i wasnt spending all my money at christmas

  • I stay on a budget and watch for sales. I try to start early, because I am retired with limited income

  • I take out a certain amount of cash, and once it’s gone, I am done!

  • I buy most gifts throughout the year,when I find sales. So, not a lot are left for the last minute. I set aside a certain amount for those-and stay within it!

  • I shop thru the year to take advantage of sales. It saves money and also last minute panic shopping.

  • I stayed on budget with sales

  • I put away money each month into a christmas fund and whatever is in there by Dce 15 is what I am able to spend, not a penny more. It helps me stay focused on what I really need to buy and keeps me from spending extra

  • Set a limit on how many gifts to buy.

  • I just did it this Christmas by remembering it was just a day and not buying into so much of the misc. hooplah of it.

  • We set a dollar limit for each person.

  • I spent three long years getting myself out of debt and now that we have savings, a home, and an emegency fund, we pay for christmas with cash. Everything is much easier when you get your kids involved with the budget process as well!

  • I stretched our budget by using our reward points on our credit card as well as cashing in my Swagbucks for Amazon gift cards. Every little bit helped!!

    Thanks for the chance!

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  • I shopped sales.

  • clearance racks

  • I stayed on budget for holiday shopping by not buying any presents.

  • I made a list and refused to go over the amount budgeted for each person.

    dlsloveblogs at gmail dot com

  • We shop sales and when possible use Swagbucks I won.

  • I stayed on budget by shopping all year long and catching sales. Sometimes I shop after Christmas for the following year.

  • I like to do my shopping online, usually I can find free shipping, a coupon code for an additional discount and no tax.

  • I stayed on budget by sticking to my list and I am finished.
    gabe411 at hotmail dot com

  • I plan to stay on budget because Christmas is over now! haha ;) I stayed on budget though because I have such a small income right now that there really isn’t any way to go over budget.

  • I stuck to a budget and my list
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  • I stay on budget by setting a limit and bringing cash

  • I saved some gift cards I won as well as paypal and amazon payments I’ve received. I also had a holiday club

  • i’m going to make a list and stick to it, no extras

  • I stayed on budget by preplanning. I kept a list of who, what they like and budgeted amount to spend. Then it was scouring ads in the paper and on line for the best deals.

  • I did a lot of shopping online at ebay and amazon which gave me a chance to comparison shop among vendors. I utilized merchants that offered free shipping so I didn’t have to spend money on gas as well.

  • I had my son get a job to help pay for the expensive gadgets he wanted. Good work all around thru neighbors!

  • Christmas is over, but I watch sale ads and shop online to stay within budget.

    nancymeyer1 at gmail.com

  • I shopped sales!

  • I managed to cover christmas gifts with retail coupons and by using my associate discount at kohls

  • I stayed on budget by using cash back sites, free shipping codes, and the Mastercard $20 gift card reward program

  • We didn’t have a budget this year really. Just stayed within our drawing amounts as needed.

  • With tougher times, we had very limited funds for Christmas shopping this year. I only paid cash for everything & it feels so nice to not have the stress of paying bills & finance charges!

  • I started shopping VERY early so I wouldn’t have to spend tons of cash at once!
    aeris321 at gmail dot com

  • Won’t be hard for me since Chrismas is over but I stay on budget by not doing the present thing… at all.

  • my plan to stay on budget involved lots of comparison shopping online. I saved a bundle.

  • There was no budget because there was no extra money for christmas this year.

  • coupons and sales

  • I stayed on budget by watching out for the best deals and doing a lot of shopping online.

  • We keep list of gifts we are going to get.

    tahearn at roadrunner dot com

  • I used only what money I had set aside for it.

  • I only took cash, left the credit cards at home.

  • I stayed on budget by shopping sales, using coupons and did not put anything on a credit card. Paid all in cash.

  • I love having some family holidays after Christmas. Why? After Christmas sales! That’s how I manage to stay in budget every year (:

  • I kept within budget by purchasing a little all year long and waiting for sales.

  • I stayed in my budget with holiday shopping by buying gifts throughout the year and using promo codes online.

  • We had a Christmas exchange at church this year. There were over 27,000 gifts. All I had to do was show up and shop. :-)

  • We give only homemade so it should be very easy.

  • I put what I want to spend for Christmas into a debit card. When the money is gone, I stop shopping.

  • i handmade many gifts

  • I stayed on budget by sticking to the plan – I negotiated scale-downs with recipients.

    ky2here at msn dot com

  • I stayed on budget by making a list, checking store prices online, and paying in cash.

  • I stayed on budget by buying things on sale during the year.
    bdavisnc at gmail dot com

  • I am going to make a list and stick to it!

  • i use a prepaid debit card

  • I stayed on budget by making lists of what I wanted to get every person back in October/November and then watching for each item to go on sale!

  • I managed to stay on budget by comparative shopping using the internet and buying a lot from Amazon. As they don’t have an overhead, they can offer books, movies and games at the best price. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  • stay on budget by look for sales

  • I stayed on budget by starting early and shopping good sales

  • Well Christmas is over, but I planned my budget and used an Excel spreadsheet to track everything. I did great!

  • I shopped throughout the year for sales and good buys and got most gifts ahead of time. That eases the December budget.


  • I stick to my shopping list and combine coupons and price comparison results to get the best deals.

  • I have a hard time staying on buget. I always see one more thing that I think I have to buy, which leads to one more thing. Maybe my New Years resolution should be make a budget and stick to it.

  • I stayed on budget by sticking to my lists and not getting a bunch of last minute impulse purchases.

  • stayed on budget not shopping

  • I stayed on budget by making a list of all the things I needed to buy and looking for good deals online.


  • I had a list that I stuck to diligently! I also took advantage of free shipping at Amazon

  • I stayed on budget by finding the best deals.

  • I stayed on budget by finding the best deals possible.

  • I stayed on budget by taking advantage of Black Friday deals, store coupons, and buying things earlier in the year when I found them on sale.

  • In our family we have a limit on how much can be spent on each person. So that makes it easy to stick to a budget. As it happened, a month before Christmas I won a huge gift card courtesy of Toys R’ Us, so the grandkids had an insanely extravagant Christmas, but the budget remained intact.

  • sticking to our list

  • we stayed on budget by looking out for black friday deals!

  • We earned gift cards through our health insurance and my doing surveys online as well as hand crafting items.

  • I know it sounds tacky, but I just had to stop… before I was done and tell a couple people that their gifts would be late. I’m now shopping the after Christmas sales… or at least watching them. Could really use some extra cash! Thx for the giveaway!
    welindsey at gmail dot com

  • I have gift cards saved up and look out for sales.

  • I stuck to my list..literally avoiding browsing. Just in and out trips to the stores!

  • I stayed on budget by following blogs & getting the best deal for my money!

  • I stayed on budget by taking advantage of sales.

  • I just bought things on sale. thanks for the giveaway!

    aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com

  • I stayed on budget by planing on how much I was spending and only taking cash no credit or bank cards with me

  • I stayed on budget because the Ogre and I agreed to only give each other items from the Dollar Store! :D

  • I started my shopping early. In August! I paid cash for most of the gifts along the way. And I made a wish list on Amazon.com to keep track of what I still needed to purchase.

  • I stay on budget by a combination of discipline and methods that allow me to adhere to my desired spending: coupons, discount codes, use of ebates, waiting until items are on sale, etc.

  • I always use coupons when buying gifts or holiday decorations!

  • Sales – and stop when I’m out of money

  • Christmas shopping already done and I didn’t really set a budget.

  • I start the day after Christmas and spread shopping out all year! I am done WAY before Christmas and then anything that I get after that is gravy. Scores this year included blocks that I made money buying, Toy Story items at 1/2 off and a drum set for @10 (normally $60)!

  • I plan to stay on budget by sticking to buying only the items on my list. I make a lot of presents for family!

  • We stayed on budget by making a list of who we had to buy for and set an amount to spend and we stuck to that amount.

  • Staying on budget by researching gifts online and looking for deals, coupons and extra discounts via my social media networks!

  • when to say enough is enough

  • I used giveaways to help supplememt christmas this year

  • hamjenny@aol.com I am going to do my best to reduce my debt to make me feel more comfortable

  • I plan to stay on budget by limiting my buying to cash and eating at home.

  • i stayed on budget buying sale items.

  • I am hitting the after Christmas clearance sales to get the gifts for extended family members we won’t see until after Christmas.

  • I plan to stay on budget by not impulse shopping.

  • Well With such great after christmas sales I just buy gift cards for my family and they can get the most out of it.

  • I use swagbucks and superpoints to get my last shopping done :) it’s all free and so easy to do every single day. If you don’t have one or the other or both feel free to ask me about it and I may be able to refer you :)

    Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to All

    thanks for the chance to win some $$$

  • Swagbucks helped me buy gifts this year!

  • i do use lots of coupons for my monthly grocery shopping,i am also using evelope system to stay on the budget.I am member about 10 money making sited where i earn extra money for clothing,shoes and gifts for xmas..

  • The season is now over for me with my son’s bday on the 29th now over, start again in January by using coupons at stores, buy gifts online with the free shipping ads i find.

  • I would look for the items and gifts I had on my list and would wait till they went on sale! I also used coupons (ex: at Kohl’s and saved 15% off my total).

  • i had a set list and shopped early online for the best deals. totally stayed in my budget, got everything on time, and barely had to leave the house!

    danielle b

  • I stayed on budget by sticking to my Christmas List!

  • I handmade a # of gifts this year:) less money but also less time…

  • I stayed on budget this year by using gift cards and making baskets with some purchased some homemade items.

  • I stayed on budget by not going beyond our means and not using credit cards.

  • I will stay on budget by only buying item on sale and matching coupons to circular ads! :)

  • I make a list and price point for each gift and then check sale ads to make sure I get the best price. I also use those ads to price match at the stores I shop.

  • I stayed on budget this year by buying items on sale and only using cash.

  • I stayed on budget by winning a lot of gifts through giveaways.

  • I’m done shopping (Christmas is over) but I gave a limit per gift before I set out shopping.


  • I LIKE to make a list and only buy what is on my list and find them on sale!!!

  • I have two kids with December birthdays…plus Christmas. I stay on budget by shopping, using coupons, and taking advantage opf sales and deals throughout the year (at least in the months leading up to December)

  • To stay on budget my husband and I wrote out a list of all of our family members, how much we wanted to spend and ideas of what we would like to get them. We started early, stuck to the list and then bought the gifts when we found the best deal!

  • I plan on buying items now for next Christmas.

  • Done my shopping now. I guess I should have had a plan because we went WAY over budget this year…

  • WHen I buy the last gift I tell myself it is time to relax and take the time to enjoy the season, no more buying no matter what.

  • I only use cash that way I cannot overspend. Thank you

  • Don’t spend beyond your means. I know low monthly payments on a credit card don’t seem to bad but, interest can be a monster. Keep a credit card on had only to increase your credit score when you have the money in the account to pay it right off. Accumulating debt isn’t going to help. Plan and save through out the year for holiday gifts so that Christmas can stay a joyous time for everyone.

  • Will stay within my budget by sticking to my list & checking the Sunday ads.
    Easier said than done!
    Thank you.

  • It wasn’t intentional
    It just happened
    I was sick
    And so I had no choice but to shop the last day……..when everything was marked down
    and I focused and didn’t (couldn’t) get distracted.

    feeling better now

  • I take the cash I plan to spend and that is it.

    missysweepsalot at gmail dot com

  • Incorporate coupons and deals as much as possible and when all else fails home made gifts paired with store bought works wonders :)

  • Staying on budget is hard, but if you shop for people in pairs with a target spending amount, you can help yourself stay on goal.

  • I keep a list and set a $ amount for each person.

  • Buy one get one free toys!!

  • buy only what is on your list…don’t fall for the sale stuff on store endcaps!!!

  • I stayed on budget near the end by utilizing sales online and in stores. It really does help. And using dollar stores goes over well for some people…they really DO have nice things if you look.

  • i stayed on budget by only shopping the sales

  • I tried to stretch my funds by finding coupons and free shipping deals when shopping online. I also got some items early that came with gift cards back on the purchases.

  • To stay on budget, I shopped sales and online. I did research before making any purchases.

    jaymee76 at gmail dot com

  • Make a list and stick to it. Look for sales on those items.

  • I plan to shop the sales.

  • I didn’t do so well staying on budget. simply because I always buy way to much for my daughter.
    But next year will be different and I will stick to a strict amount I can spend for her.

  • I stayed on budget by making a list with price ranges and stuck to the list.

  • I’m hoping that there will be a lot of markdowns closer to Christmas so I can save.

  • I will be stretching my budget for holiday shopping by using coupons, matching prices at a big corporate store, and shopping online with rewards programs.

  • buy things on sale

  • I stayed on budget by making some gifts homemade and being creative. we were given money for Christmas, and I didn’t go over that amount when buying gifts, so that kept us on budget.

  • I use the cash envelope system to stay on budget.

  • We acquire Amazon gift cards using Swagbucks throughout the year that we use for gifts.

  • Coupons are how I did most of my Christmas shopping. Without them we would of had a pretty sad christmas.

  • make a list and stick to it ! that helps me stay on budget!

  • I only use cash for holiday shopping that I have put aside thru the year. I can’t add to it so I stay on track no matter what!

  • Luckily, I was able to find the last few things I had on my shopping list on sale! Coupons helped too :)

  • I had no money for Christmas so it was pretty easy to stay on budget. I stayed home, alone, not even having a Christmas dinner. It would have been nice to have had some extra money.

  • I make sure that I got the must haves for my son and didn’t go overboard with the other kiddos as much as I usually do during the holidays.

  • I shop year-round, so that I can enjoy my holiday baking.

  • I stayed on budget by only using cash! I left the credit cards at home to avoid those impulse purchases!

  • I made a spreadsheet in September and budgeted out an amount for each person. I stuck to it pretty well, except with my own kids!

  • I stay on budget by making alist of what I want to get each person and looks for potential sales on that item.

  • I stayed on budget by winning, winning, winning!! I love my coupon bloggers :)

  • Shopping Kid To Kid Stores (second hand stores) and coupons. We did it and all 3 kids were happy!!

  • I finished shopping and only spent what I had in my Christmas Fund

  • I made a budget and stick to it

  • Shopping is over and I successfully stayed on budget, by looking for toys that really suited my child, which did not cost a lot. Her fave was the $6 Fusion Ball!

  • be creative with diy projects and use coupons

  • I stayed on budget with the rest of my christmas shopping by making a list and checking off each person.

  • I made sure to stick to my list and prices that I had set to spend. Also, we paid for all our Christmas shopping – nothing was charged.

  • I make a list and stick to it.

  • My way of staying in budget for Christmas was to start shopping early so I could find better deals on stuff rather than waiting till the last minute and having to pay full price for everything.

  • My way of staying in budget for Christmas was to start shopping early so I could find better deals on stuff rather than waiting till the last minute and having to pay full price for everything.

  • Sales, sales and sales!

  • Im actually using tags and wrappings I bought from last years xmas clearance sales.

  • Black Friday shopping, contests, hand made items, and sales

  • find everything on sale. found some great deals on amazon.com

  • I’m shopping only sales that have at least %50 off of items I want.

  • I’m going to use coupon codes, free shipping, and cashback!

  • Well, my holiday shopping is over and I sorta stayed on budget, lol. I Googled for a lot of coupon codes/deals, watched blogs for super sales, and won a few toys for my children via blog giveaways.

  • It is easy for me to stay on budget. We are Jewish and we only buy 16 gifts to split between our two children. Moderation is the key to not breaking our budget !!!

  • I had to give a dollar limit to each person and that was it! Thanks,

  • checking online for deals and coupon codes

  • I keep an eye out for sales and usually get the the BOGO deals. Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  • i’m staying in budget by hitting the sales rack!

    xyoulovekarlene at gmail dot com

  • I didn’t have to worry about my budget because I shopped early and only bought bargains.

  • I will be comparison shopping online to stay in my budget.

  • I stay on budget by having in mind what I want, do a price comparison online and making sure I have coupons and coupons codes. This holiday I did not go over budget! In fact, I’m waaay below budget! YAY!

  • I made a list, checked it twice and shopped carefully!

  • only buy things that are on sale

  • I stuck to my shopping list.

  • I took advantage of the price match guarantee that walmart offered

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  • I don’t buy gifts for adults and I set a small $100-$150 limit on gifts for my son. We make Jesus a birthday cake and we don’t get all stressed about Christmas or spend all year paying for it. It makes people so bitter and I personally will be glad when Christmas is over so people can go back to some semblance of normal. They are soo rude this time of year! It’s very sad.

  • I used a list of websites and prices of gifts I wanted to buy for gifts, checked them frequently and waited for the b best price

  • I made a list and budget for each person rather than a large budget.

  • find as many coupons and deals as i possibly can<3

  • I plan to watch for sales, clearance items, and coupons.

  • Watching my grocery shopping budget, making sure to use coupons and not go crazy spending. Sales will come around again.

  • I keep a spreadsheet to track all my spending

  • not paying full price for anything.

  • i plan everything i wanna buy before i go shopping. no impulse buys!

  • I always just decide on a certain price ceiling and that’s it, no matter what I don’t go over it!

  • I make a list of people that I will be buying a gift for, set a dollar amount limit and only shop for items within that price range. Taking the list along with me helps me stay within my budget.

  • I am staying on budget because I already know what I am going to buy before I leave my house and how much it costs.

  • shopping sales and watching for special deals

  • I shop online through ebates and use coupons!

  • I stayed in my budget by combining sales and coupons, and watching for deals all year.

  • I set a budget and stick to sales/clearance.

  • I’m going to make sure I don’t do extraneous shopping for MYSELF, and wait for the big sales after Christmas.

  • I spend time looking and waiting for the sales and use coupons, codes, etc. to get the extra savings.

  • i plan to stay on budget by buying holiday sets, seperating them and then distributing them to my famuily so that they get a little bit of something

  • I just know that i only had so much budget per person to spend this year. I only have one credit card and I did not use it at all, that was my goal.

  • To stay on budget – I make a budget and stick with it.

  • I’m all done shopping. I just bought one present for everyone

  • Thanks for the giveaway, I have alot of Grandchildren Birthday’s coming up in Jan & Feb that this would help with greatly

  • I only take enough cash to cover my intended purchases therefore I won’t be tempted to buy something on impulse.

  • I don’t – lol
    No, really, I will shop sales!

  • i shopped online

  • I’ll stop at the Dollar store for a couple of stocking stuffers.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • Use coupons and specials and try to get buy one get one deals to get two gifts for the price of one.

    amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com

  • We never veer off budget for Christmas. It’s too easy to get in trouble.

  • That’s easy… I’m done. All I have left to do if finish making my homemade goodies to give away, and all the ingredients are already in my cupboards.

  • By researching online and finding the best prices.

  • By reminding myself what is important and what is not. So many things are wants not needs. It’s okay to have things you want but there has to be a limit when that price is just too high.

  • We have a limit — put the cash in an envelope, and when it’s gone, it’s gone! :)

  • plan? to not spend any more… I spent $76 and got $588 worth of awesome christmas presents for my 3 kids :-)

  • Well, we agreed on a cash limit to what we buy :)

  • That’s easy, I’m done so I just won’t go to any stores. lol :)

  • I plan to stay on budget by shopping clearance and discount stores!

  • I overbudgeted so no problem this year!

  • i just finished stocking stuffers today and was right on budget

  • I plan to stay on budget by sticking to the sales, and using coupons!

  • I stay on budget by using the cash from my Christmas Club account. When the cash is gone, I’m done shopping!

  • buy on sale item i am done with my Christmas shopping

  • I stay on budget by keeping my shopping list and budget in a spreadsheet and making a game of trying to spend less than I budgeted. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  • I don’t know. now it’s getting hard to find good deals

  • shop sales and only buy items on my list not extras

  • I set a strict upper ceiling on everybody’s gift and plan to stick to it!

  • Only buy what I have put on my list to buy–no deviating!!

  • I’m staying within my budget by not going out to shop :0)

  • I stay within budget by making a list of what I need and sticking to it. I also don’t let my husband go shopping this time of year because he goes way overboard on spending.

  • Taking hubby with me shopping keeps me in line!

  • I’m going to do what I’ve been doing, only purchase items that are on sale and only buy within an intended amount for each person. Thanks.

  • I shop on-line and always use discount codes and/or free shipping.
    dolniaks at consolidated dot net

  • I am finished shopping, so I just need to avoid doing a lot of last minute add ons.

  • Use coupons/coupon codes and buy for only who I need to buy for.

  • We’re through shopping for Christmas — so no budget worries ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  • I buy on sale 99.5% of the time, I will do my research to find the best price.

  • We plan to stay on budget by only shopping with cash.

  • Well our list is short this year. We plan on using coupons, discount and club cards and shopping online instead of in store shopping.


  • i am buying on ebay

  • i stayed on budget by shopping year round for the best deals
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  • I am just buying for the nieces and nephews, the hubster and a couple of friends. Not going overboard with gifts for the whole family. We all pretty much agree on that.

  • Cant shop this year at all

  • I am going to stick to what is on my list, and cut down on the amount I had planned to spend.

  • stick to my list

  • I’m going to stay with my list! I’ve done pretty well so far :)

  • Resist the urge to worry about whether what you’ve already got is “good enough”!

  • Coupons and only items that are on sale.

  • We stay on budget by making a list and trying to stick to it. Good luck to everyone!

  • I’m finished shopping…..

  • I am done with my Christmas shopping and stayed in budget!!

  • I’m essentially done shopping. I just need to stay out of the stores to stay on budget.

  • I amde a list months ago, wrote each person, how much I had to spend on them, 3 ideas on gifts for each person within that budget and I stick to it

  • Budget is GONE LOL BUT I am DONE! :) This $250 will help me recover!

  • I try to stay on budget by finding and using a lot of the terrific deals and coupons that bloggers let me know about. These blog pages are wonderful ~ thank you!!!!

  • I stayed in the budget all year for this Christmas because I looked and bought for everyone all during the previous year. :)

  • Thanks for another great giveaway! I am sticking to my budget by cutting back a bit this year.
    Angela Michels
    lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com

  • I made a list and stayed on track

  • I plan to stay on budget by realizing none of really NEED anything. We’re sticking to small practical gifts this year.

  • I have to confess, the only Christmas shopping I do is for my Grandkids and there is only 2 of them so I don’t spend a lot at Christmas.

    gmissycat at yahoo dot com

  • well i only have one thing left to get and im good to go and thats just a pair of earrings for my daughter

  • We are lucky? to stay on budget when coming down to the wire because most of my husband’s family like gift cards so they are easy. No sale price there so no worries. ANd this year, even though I am going WHACKO with hardly anything done and only 7 days left…we had a very preemie grandchild born 7 weeks ago, so we decided to have Christmas 2 weeks late in hopes that he might be home from the NICU. AND we just found out he is going home tommorrow!!!! So, we can maybe hit the best deals about a week after Christmas? Use a 30% off for some things now at a dept store, and get gift cards for most. We just put ourselves in a mind set that our healthy family is our present this year and really, nothing else matters. OH, and I held out to see if any of the blog reading and entering might help our cause. LOL. fat chance!

  • I’m staying on budget with my Christmas shopping searching and finding the best deals, and using coupons/discounts when I can find them. I have been amazed about many great gifts I have purchased that I know my family/friends are going to love.


  • No credit cards! Debit, cash, or gift cards only. That way I can’t go into debt!

  • I plan to stay on budget by making all my presents

  • I plan on hitting those last minute deals that are going on the weekend before Christmas-I’ll be watching the ads closely.
    hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com
    Hendy M

  • I’m going to stay on budget by making lots of the remaining gifts and by watching for sales

  • I use a budget which I usually go over, but not this year! YEAH!!

  • I make a list and stick to it! Also prefer to shop with cash, once I run out that’s it, all done!

  • Not able to buy anything else so thats easy
    amasfuntime at yahoo.com

  • I will make a plan and stick to it

  • make a list for all

  • Also, I’m entering on the form as Audra Weathers. (I’m used to posting to blogs as my old Google Friend name, not my actual name. I keep forgetting that these new rafflecopter forms don’t have a line to explain that on the main entry when a blog comment is requested. Sorry.) :-)
    -And, I’m a google+ follower as SnowflakeDay Audra W. (didn’t see a line for that info on the form).

    -Audra W.

  • I’m finished shopping, thank goodness. I think I stayed on track this year by making a list with ideas for each person, as well as the max I was looking to spend for each on my list. I found a lot of deals looking for online coupon codes, finding Etsy specials and comparing items between stores before I made a purchase.

  • I set a limit per gift when I started shopping and I’ll stay within that limit

  • I’m only shopping sales and clearance for the rest of my presents.

  • Most of my shopping is already finished, but I have a strict$50 budget for the kids’ stocking stuffers. I will probably use my phone to price compare and make the most of it.

  • I watch for sales and enter alot of giveaways!

  • I am staying on budget by shopping sales and also making some handmade gifts as well!
    Thanks for the opportunity;)

  • I will use cash for purchases instead of plastic.

  • Hopefully to stay on budget I will be able to get the last minute gifts with coupons and sales. I have done good so far but there is always last minute items that come up.

  • i have a certain amount of my strict christmas budget left. i will plan how to spend it on who is left on my list

  • I will only use the cash in my special Christmas Shopping envelope. If I don’t have enough, I don’t buy it.

  • make a list and don’t stray from it!

  • We have a set number of gifts and know exactly what we are going to buy. There will not be any purchases beyond what we have set. With all the doctor bills from our new baby, we don’t have a choice! And NO credit cards

  • I plan to stay on budget by making sure that the last couple of presents I need to buy are at a great price and very affordable.

  • easy to stay on budget this year- lost my job when my company closed so everyone knows i am not buying gifts. i will pick up a few things for my mother- i have allocated $100 for that and then i am done. if you can’t afford to buy it- don’t charge it. great way to stay on budget :)

  • My plan is to be extremely anal about what I buy. I have a well thought out list and I know exactly where to go to get it. I don’t plan on buying anything that is not on my list.

  • I will set limits and stick to my list.

  • With 9 of us in our immediate family, not to mention the acres and acres of extended family we have, we really have to stick to a budget. One thing we have done the last several years is, my siblings and I will all put an agreed upon amount on a gift card for one large gift for my parents. This helps EVERYONE, and Mom and Dad still get something great. For the rest of us siblings, we draw names each year, so we only have one extended family member to shop for, and their spouse. Everyone gets a gift, no one spends more than $20.

  • I am staying on budget by scoping out the best sales!

  • I plan to only buy what is on my list.

  • I will stay on budget by using a list.

  • It doesn’t matter if you have one, two, or more dependents. You will still get the same amount of dependent social security. For example, if you get $800 per month, you get $400 split between your dependents. So, instead of getting two $200 checks, you would get one $400 check.

  • I plan to stay on budget by looking online and store ads to see where the best deal is. I will check online coupon codes too

  • well i had 2 dependant children until this last year when she moved out, now there is only one 14

  • We get names from the angel tree and purchased clothes and toys for them.
    We want to make sure we can help some children have a good Christmas.
    We have a certain amount we spent on each child, I purchased items on sale,use coupons
    and rewards. We stay within our budget

  • If I remember right, they base the amount of the disability you receive from your salary from the last ten years you worked. I also think the amount of retro disability you get once approved is from the date your first application is received. Also, in addition to your monthly social security, you also receive check for each of your dependent children adding up to 50% of your disability to use for their care and well-being after you apply for them.

  • do u buy or have someone buy for u?

  • sorry i didnt know how to work this! anyway, its steffiessweetsinsations(at)gmail(dot)com

  • I will predetermine how much I want to spend on every individual and not deviate from the plan.

  • will use email me so i can find out more about your approval? steffiessweetsinsations(at)gmail(dot)cin

  • will use email me so i can find out more about your approval? steffiessweetsinsations(at)gmail(dot)cin

  • will use email me so i can find out more about your approval? steffiessweetsinsations(at)gmail(dot)cin

  • will use email me so i can find out more about your approval? steffiessweetsinsations(at)gmail(dot)cin

  • will use email me so i can find out more about your approval? steffiessweetsinsations(at)gmail(dot)cin

  • im so glad for you! i was a nurse, so my disability isnt much but it would pay the house payment and electric at least. im hoping we did everything we needed to this time, my biggest prob is the time between when i last worked and when i filed. something about credits? i had to hire an atty i had no clue. hopefully this next wk will bring good news. how much back did they credit u? mine should be around 28 months.

  • Buying on clearance

  • I wish you the best. I was denied twice upon applying on my own, but I did not have to appeal when I had an attorney. I also paid over $300 for a prognosis from my neurologist to show that I’m not able physically to hold a job and that my condition would worsen at some point in my life. My approval for Social Security Disability was approved right at the hearing.

  • hi denise, yes, i have an atty, and we had my hearing one month ago, the judge said he would have the decision in 45 days. so any day now, i should hear something. even the job assessor said there were no jobs for me. i would certainly feel better knowing i had something coming in. i worked as a nurse for 15yrs before my injury. my atty says we can file an appeal if we dont win this time. i really hope we get it this time tho, i really desperately need it.

  • I’m also disabled and on disability. I learned early on when I applied for disability that Social Security would just keep denying it. The only way you can get disability is to get yourself a disability lawyer. They work on contingency, so they don’t get paid unless they win for you. Plus, once you are approved, Social Security will pay all the back retroactive payments owed you.

  • We don’t really have any Christmas shopping to do. Other than a few small things for our children, we try to focus on the celebrating of Christmas and giving to those in need rather than focusing on getting presents.

  • I use coupon and shop on line, save gas money. don’t buy the stuff that I don’t need it . I also compare the price before I place order

  • I plan to follow savings blogs to see where the deals are.

  • I will strictly follow the budget I set up when deciding what to buy for all the family

  • im disabled mom of 3 girls, my husband recently left us, and i am still fighting for my disability. i have no bank acct, and no credit cards. i have no income. i won $325 in past giveaways, so that is what i have been using, utilizing all the sales and coupons, and giveaways. i dont have a choice but to stay on budget. i have been going to a local food bank once a month, and will go again next wk before christmas, so i can have a nice christmas dinner. its been the roughest holiday season i have ever gone thru, but we will make it, and it will get better. thanks for the opportunity, we could really use this money.

  • watching for online deals and store clearance

  • Look all year round for good deals and sales!

  • I stay on budget by buying things that are on sale.

  • I subscribe via RSS – Google Reader – laura.a.love07 at gmail dot com

  • I plan to stay on budget with the last of my Christmas shopping by taking out the amount I want to spend in cash, and then only purchasing things with that cash. That way I don’t go over budget.

  • Shop sales

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  • I make a list of people I buy gifts for and decide how much I can afford. I go within that range and shop for the best deals.


  • I GIVE GC 12-14-11

  • I’m staying on budget my making a list to each person and keeping to it.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  • I’m done with my Christmas shopping and I stayed on budget!

  • I make a list and a budget and I stick to it.
    Thanks for the chance.

  • I give what I can and then leave an IOU under the tree for an expensive item that I can purchase on sale for after the holidays.

  • i plan on only getting what’s on my list and looking for sales

  • I always buy things on sale and I use Swagbucks to earn points which I use for Amazon cash.

  • I plan on staying on budget for xmas by writing a list before i go to the stores instead of impulse shopping.
    jamie villari

  • I took out cash so I couldn’t spend more than I had.

  • Getting what is on my list

  • I plan on trying to stick to what’s on the list only. It’s a bit difficult with two kids, but I’m going to try!

  • I’m shopping for only a few people this year and I plan on waiting until the last possible minute to shop for them.

  • I’m shopping with cash. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

  • I will not deviate from the gift list. No never ever.

  • I am keeping control of my money by watching sales and only buying what is on my list

  • I plan to stick to my budget by sticking to my original shopping list. It’s last minute impulse gifts that have been the bane of many a budget – but not mine!

  • I plan on staying in budget by not spending any more

  • finish early, use cash. Sure, there are things I would like to get, bu I can’t afford to and I won’t use my credit card.

  • look for good sales

  • I am finished shopping and I stayed on budget by sticking to a list and using cash only.

  • I am going to pay cash.

  • Well, to stay on budget I have a list of what’s left to buy and how much I have left to spend. I will try to stay within that range by not buying any extras.

  • just go and find cheap gifts since money is low

  • I did the rest of my shopping online with the last minute sales at major retailers. We plan on doing some “extra” christmas shopping at the outlets on the way down to see my parents for Christmas… Can’t wait to see all the deals there!

  • few people left on my list and budget amount. waiting for some good sales!!

  • I plan to stay on budget by paying cash for everything. No more piling things in the cart just because. Get what I can afford with the cash in my pocket only.

  • search for clearance!

  • I plan to set a budget, limit the amount spend on each person and shop around for the best deals


  • I’ll stay on budget because we are totally through with shopping for the year, and we actually managed to do a little better than we had planned due to some timely ads, and a real find on some gently uses guitars.

  • I try to use only cash and shop sales along with any store coupons

  • I try to keep a mental list of what I need to buy online or at stores. I try not to go over budget, which can be hard at times. Thanks Amanda!

  • love the giveaways!

  • I plan to stay on budget with the last of my purchases by thinking about my husband when I am deciding what to get. He works overtime for the money that we have so I need to place a greater value on it and not waste it.

  • I follow on Google + as Holly Swint (there is no extra info box for this info)

  • I have had to spend almost nothing on Christmas gifts this year because I am gifting the prizes I have won all year in giveaways!

  • I stick to cash – can’t spend what I don’t have!

  • Honestly, I didn’t have money enough to set a budget this or last year. I entered many giveaways and hoped to win. I won enough to give some gifts.

  • Using my coupons and waiting until a few days before Christmas when they mark things down, especially chocolates.

  • I plan to stay on budget by making list and sticking to it.

  • I plan on staying on budget by making my husband buy the rest of the gifts from his bank account.

  • I just quit my job to go back to school… everyone is getting baked goods.

  • I blew the budget a long time ago… I guess I’m SOL

  • I have a spreadsheet with my budget that I’m following very carefully.

  • I plan to buy at BOGO and special deals!

  • I am already over budget and I am not done…ahhh

  • Our Christmas was totally funded by giveaways and reward programs this year. Keep entering, I put in 16 hour days entering some times.

  • I plan to only buy an item on sale and only buy what is on my list

  • I’m staying on budget with my final gifts by sticking to a strict spending limit with my friends and relatives, scouring the net and circulars for great deals, and avoiding that constant temptation to buy myself something anytime I get someone else a gift. :)

  • Makin a list and checking it twice and sticking to it!

  • I stick to my coupons, sales and sweepstakes!

  • Our family has set a dollar amount limit this year and it’s made the shopping a little more challenging but a lot less stressful! :)

  • since being laid off there is no budget for presents so it isnt too difficult to stick to natta.

  • I try to find the best prices possible, and do not spend more than I have allowed.

  • Following our budget is easye we don’t use credit cards and we pay cash for anything besides the bills nupa123atgmaildotcom

  • i’m only buying what i planned to buy and nothing extra

  • Entering giveaways like this helps me stretch my budget! Thanks!

  • I always shop from a list and pre-plan where I’m shopping. So there are not usually any surprises.

  • I’m paying by cash and only cash. I can’t spend more than that.

  • What’s a budget? :) I tried the saying, “let’s just focus on the kids this year.” My husband’s response…he sends me an Amazon wish list. AHHHH! I need this gift card to help with all the extra costs this year.

  • i stay on budget by being frugal and stashing giveaway wins thruthe year

  • I stay on budget by being frugal and putting away giveaway wins thru the year

  • I stay on budget by being frugal and putting away giveaway wins thru the year

  • Well I do have much to do and I have paid cash all season to keep in budget.

  • only carry cash! and make a list of ideas of gifts so you have some idea what you wanna buy :)

  • The only way to do that is to not buy for everyone and limit gifts to children.

  • I set a budget of what i was going to spend (including the kids) & bought gifts accordingly. It helped me to look at what was really *needed*

  • I’ve a list and I will stick to it.

  • I am done with my shipping but when I try to stick to a budget I usually make a list (and check it twice:) and I only pay cash for items no credit cards that way I can physically keep track of everything I’ve spent so I don’t over spend…thank you!

  • I’m almost finished, so if I stick with what’s left on my list I should be fine.

  • making a list of what I need to buy and sticking to it!

  • I have a list for each person I need to buy for and I stay within the budget set for each person.
    I also look for sales both in the newspaper and online and compare prices.

  • i do it y sticking to my list

  • We are making some of the gifts we are giving away and sticking to what we planned on getting for our kids and not getting anything else extra, so that we stay within our budget.

  • I only buy with cash and try to buy on sale/with coupons whenever possible.

  • I plan on staying within budget is to keep a list and look for relevant coupons

  • The last few gifts I plan on making with stuff I have or only need a few things for..

  • I’ve been entering lots of giveaways to supplement for my daughter’s Christmas (and future birthdays/Christmases!!) :D

  • I actually might have to cut out some small things to stay on budget and get into those last sales!

  • I have been staying on budget by buying everything on sale or clearance, and making some gifts!

  • I plan on saving by making many of my holiday gifts for people

  • I’ve been staying on budget by shopping clearance all year long, and always lookign for coupons to match w/ sales

  • I’m going to stop looking at stuff online – it only entices me to buy more!

  • I try and find the best deals I can by shopping online. My fiance is working overtime to ensure that we can get more Christmas shopping done before the holidays.

    klshrrs at gmail dot com

  • stay away from the mall :)

  • In order to stay on budget – I’ve been scouring the internet for the best possible prices. I’ve also been keeping track of all of my purchases and making sure items aren’t being marked down further… if I do see them cheaper I try to get a price adjustment or I will return the higher priced item and repurchase the lower priced item. I’ve seem some really great deals pop up on lots of things I would like to have – but I tell myself it’s not worth it to buy something I truly can’t afford right now AND especially if it’s not an immediate need!

  • I just try to keep my eye out for any deals, sales and use coupons.

  • i am all done. I stay on budget by putting away deals I find throughout the year. I also love consignment shops and yard sales. Now the only hard part is reminding myself that I am done, because I keep seeing stuff that would be great for the family. However I can cheat a little, my daughter’s birthday is in January. So even if I do not need it for Christmas I will need it for her birthday.

  • My budget this year is just to be able to pay the bills. In order for me to stay on budget, I just won’t be buying Christmas presents. Bills come first this year.

  • I stay on budget by doing most of this year’s Christmas shopping in the Spring and Summer during sales. The only gift I have left to get is a Secret Santa gift for under $25.00.

  • budget, i have to follow a budget? LOL, i just decide what everyone is getting before hand and do everyhting i can not to deviate from the list. Even if i find a great deal on something

  • i will cut lots of coupons and stay away from the mall, because that’s where i spend too much money!

  • We plan on staying on a budget by setting a price for each of our girls and sticking to a list!Thanks for the giveaway!This would help us a lot!

  • i’ve been fairly good about sticking to my list so if i can keep that up i should be okay for the next week!

  • Honestly I’m on a super, super tight budget through the end of the year and into 2012, so I’ll be making the few gifts I have left handcrafted.

  • I will stay on budget by resisting the urges to buy more “stuff” for my kids!

  • i plan on staying on budget because i declare i am finished shopping and no impulse buys!!

  • This is the first year I’ve bought Christmas gifts throughout the year – and stuck to my plan – normally I always go crazy — so I only have a few things left – and I’ve al;ready planned those purchases out!

  • With the cash I have left that i allotted for Christmas!

  • I plan to stay on budget by no impulse buying. :)

  • I have made my list of what I need to get, checked prices online, and have written down where I need to go to get the best prices. (I’m hoping this helps this year!)

  • I started months ago using coupons and stocking up on deals to make gift baskets for my family.

  • I plan to go for sales mainly, that helps a lot.

  • I’ll be utilizing online discounts and sales and ordering with a debit card, rather than a credit card so that I cna’t “accidentally” go over budget ;)

  • We are limiting ourselves to one gift each, plus a couple gift. But when it comes to our one and only grandchild – all bets are off!

  • Rafflecopter wont let me type the email that I subscribe with…its the same one as on this form. Thank you!

  • By only using cash.

  • I am done Christmas shopping. This was the first year, we actually stuck to our budget and paid cash for everything. I owe it all to wonderful giveaways like this one! Thank you so much. Now, it’s time to start on Birthdays…

  • sales, coupons and thrift stores!

  • The entry where it says enter your twitter name would not allow me to type my twitter name it is @mrsshaniethia and the one for my email address wouldn’t let me type either so my email address it katgilbert81@gmail.com

  • I am sad to say but for the past few years my husband and I have been unable to get our children anything for christmas. Money has been so tight. My kids have been great about it cause they know when we are able to we will buy them something. They aren’t kids that ask for a lot so if I were to win this money I would be extremely happy. I just want to be able to buy them something within reason.

  • Hiya! :) And well, I only have two people to shop for, did that last month (or I guess it’s two months ago now), and cards at the Dollar Store.


  • I plan to stay on budget this holiday by shopping online sales and checking for promo codes!

  • I watch sales early on and only purchase the items on sale.

  • I’ve been “hording” any gift cards I’ve won throughout the year and I have a few left so that’s how I’ll budget my last few gifts this year. Thanks for this opportunity!
    reducefootprints at gmail dot com

  • Stick with the list that we made/decided of how much to spend on each person, resist impulse buy

  • I plan to stay on budget by giving more home made gifts this year.

  • Most of my Christmas shopping is done but I still have a couple of last minute items to purchase. My max spending amount for these items is $50 so I plan on looking around for the best deals before I buy.

  • I plan to look for the best deals, use coupons whenever possible and also do some homemade gifts (typically cookies & candy).

  • I’m entering the rafflecopter with my FB username Mary Happymommy.

    I plan to use coupons and shop cybersales.

  • Unfortunately I was laid off this year so I will not be giving out many gifts, if any.

  • going to stick to a list.

  • I plan on staying on budget by comparison shopping and not buying what I don’t need. So far I have stayed on budget for all of my shopping and only have a few more gifts to buy.

  • I plan on making a list, sticking to it and shopping for deals on those items.

  • we started exchanging names a few years back, now that’s all that we get other than for our children and our spouses. Most of my gifts have been bought from craigslist if you can believe that!

  • I use the deal sites like ebates, coupons, and sales to stay in budget.

  • I look for deals, coupons and clearance. I always stick to a budget and so far have never gone over.

  • I subscribe with pica_princess_88@yahoo.com
    Follow on twitter @ChelsR88
    It wouldn’t let me type them in the form for some reason

  • We plan to keep sticking to our list!

  • I am making most of my gifts and I purchased a lot of gifts during summer sales! I just have two more to get!

  • i plan to stay on budget by making gift by hand!!

  • I watch for sales all yet long and spread out the spending.

  • I stay on budget by making a list in the summer & start buying early, whenever I see a sale.

  • I price compare and look for news paper and online coupons. I also look for free shipping codes when I order online. I never buy on impulse. I really do my homework before I buy!
    Thank You!!

  • Im not working right now, so this would help me incredibly. So that being said, if I win the card, my budget would be the face value of the card.

  • I have completed my holiday shopping, now if i can stay on budget with the Christmas meal, all will be well. I shopped very far in advance and budgeted a certain amount per month to get the gifts for Christmas paid for, and it worked out well.

  • I plan to stay on budget by comparison shopping and only using cash to pay. When I am out of cash then it is time to go home.

  • I have a price set for each person on my list.

  • Thankfully my Christmas shopping is almost done, but I’m doing my best to look around for the best deals for the few items remaining on my shopping list. It’s a bit trickier when I remember that I need to have all the gifts in my hands by Christmas.

  • I’m on budget and finished shopping, so I guess my task will be to not buy anything else!

  • First I set a budget. Then I wrote down my list. I then searched the internet and stores to see who offered the best deal. Before making the purchase I made sure it was the best deal. and so far I’m under budget!

  • Well I have everyone’s gift already … So I guess the trick for me is not get any extras, I had a budget and used it all and I’m done but occasionally I see a great deal and I’m tempted to go for it.

  • I make a list check prices online and in the store circulars to find the best price. Then and only then do I go shopping. If I didn’t make a list I’d be buying everything :P

  • I buy a lot all through the year at sales, etc. This helps to save money and makes Christmas time a lot less stressful.

  • I plan on staying on budget by not buying anything else. I started my shopping early so I wouldnt be in a pinch! The rest of the money this month goes to Lovely Bills! Always fun right ?? Thanks for the chance of winning!

  • I am really checking sales and using coupons this year. It has saved me money!

  • well that won’t be hard I’m out of money so I’m done. lol

  • I will check online for prices.

  • I am going to stay within budget for Christmas gifts buy only purchasing items that are on sale, plus that also offer additional gift cards etc

  • I watch facebook posts and keep searching for bargains posted by the pages I am “subscribed to” or “like”. Most of my shopping has been done that way.

  • My fiance and I went to Black Friday @ Walmart to get the good deals. I don’t go for electronics, I only go for the clothes and toys for my kids. I circle what I’m gonna get in the ads, look for coupons and sales.

  • I sit down with the sale ads and make a list that fits my budget.

  • I start shopping early but for the last minute gifts I set a limit on the amount of money to spend on each person and look for coupons & deals to make the amount stretch even further.

  • I plan to stay on budget by doing the last of my shopping using groupons or living social deals.

  • Extremely limited income this year so my budget haas been extremely little. So I think with the cards in my hand I will be right on target. Wish I could say differently

  • I just have a few more gifts to buy, but I keep watch online sales to see if I can pick up items at a great price.

  • This year we chose names for gifts, so instead of having to buy one for 10 people, we only have to buy for one. Great idea for families!

  • I have a price limit set for every person. I have to. We have 19 nephews and nieces lol.

  • Well, I’m going to have to stay on budget, because I only have a little to spend. The whole family has decided only presents for the wee ones. So, I’ll be getting those last minute presents the night before christmas, that’s payday! And, enjoying the time with the family. Thanks so much for the chance!

  • I made a lot of my gifts and then shopped all of the sales (even went out on Black Friday while 36 weeks pregnant!).

  • I usually buy good deals throughout the year so that i dont end up spending alot of money at the last minute :)

  • well we have to stay on budget for christmas.at my job i was working 70 hour weeks and month and half before christmas (when i had plan on doing my shopping with all the sales) they cut our hours to 40 with no over time.so now we are really tight with christmas.luckily i had bought a few gifts through out the past few months..thank you for the chance to win this!!

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