
Home Makeover Kitchen Appliances Sneak Peek


So this is a part of my kitchen. It’s not the most organized and I left it that way for a purpose! My house is not a house that is the most organized, but that is what my home makeover is going to help do.

Our kitchen is white, white and more white. So as you can tell this is going to be our biggest project of the whole house and will probably take the longest.

Here are just a few changes that will be made:

  • New Appliances to change decor from white to stainless steel
  • Change of Backsplash
  • Replace Countertops
  • New Flooring
  • New Kitchen Table
  • Decor
  • Pantry Organization

I’m showing you a “Before” picture of our stove, microwave, and fridge, because today they will be the first things to change. Amana will be delivering a Stainless Steel 4.8 cu. ft. Self Cleaning Electric Range and their Stainless Steel 25 cu. ft. Side by Side Refrigerator.


stove refridgerator


To say that I’m excited is an understatement! The microwave and the dishwasher will also be eventually replaced.

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I’m so excited to finally get started on our home makeover project. Full reviews of our two new Amana appliances and more updates to come!

Question for you!

If you could have a kitchen makeover done, or even a simple change, what would you change?



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Disclosure of Material Connection: The above mentioned product was received for free in hopes that I would mention it on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

19 thoughts on “Home Makeover Kitchen Appliances Sneak Peek

  • I’m excited for you! I would love to re-make my kitchen to create more counterspace…and get a new fridge…anyway, keep us posted!

  • Looking forward to seeing the updates as your project continues!

  • The new appliances look awesome! I can’t wait to see what they look like in your kitchen :)

  • I would sell a kidney for new cabinets and countertop!

  • How cool! Can’t wait to see the “after.” It’s amazing at how much a huge difference that can make in the look of a kitchen.

  • I would love to add a back splash!!

  • Oh my gosh, how beautiful!!!! I’m super happy for you. :) I think the changes you are making are not terribly invasive but will make a huge difference. Can’t wait to see your progress!

  • I could use some new kitchen cabinets and a new back splash! I’ve had the same things for over 10 years now!!

  • I wish we could fix ours…Part of our microwave fell off the other day…no clue why!

  • Oh that is very exciting! I want an updated kitchen, we still have the old Yellow Stove and Fridge from like the 70’s. lol. I love seeing kitchen make overs!

  • Hi Karen. I’m excited to see how the stainless steel will liven up things in my kitchen. I think a lot of it will be done for the holidays, can’t wait to keep things moving and share the updates with you.

  • LOL Amy, this is 1/4th of my kitchen :) I’m hardly organized, but hope to change that soon!

  • Jeffrey we were starting to head in that same direction, so we decided to make the switch to stainless steel and start replacing them one by one. Hope that my makeover guide will give you some inspiration!

  • I like the look of the stainless steel, we have white and more white her too.. I think it will liven up your kitchen. Looking forward to see your progress! Hope you will have it all done for the holidays,

  • I am not sure I could pick just one! I hate the wallpaper and the counters and the cabinets….the list goes on and on! I really would love a nice professional style stove though. Ours is SO old and very unattractive!

  • How exciting! I can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’re done. Even just the new appliances will make it look so nice. We rent and move often, so no point in remodeling here, but eventually I hope to have a dream kitchen too!

  • Your kitchen is more organized than mine! :D i cant wait to see the make over! :D

  • The stainless steel appliances are beautiful! I wish I had those in my kitchen!

  • We could really use new appliances. They are over 10 years old and I done repairs to just about every single one of them. The biggest problem is that they will probably all need to be replaced at the same time, from the kitchen to the laundry room. I guess I should start putting some money aside now!

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