
Horse Riding Adventures

imgres-1What is your dream adventure?

I’ve always wanted to go on a horse back riding excursion through some of the most beautiful beaches. How fun would it be to wake up in the morning, throw on some chaps, grab your musto jackets and ride a beautiful white horse on a sandy white beach with your loved one.

Imagine traveling to a beautiful secluded beach, white fluffy sands that haven’t been touched, a secret little place that no one knows about.

Places like that would give you the perfect escape..

This would be perfect to take your significant other on an anniversary! Could you imagine being proposed to on the beach during a horse riding adventure? What a story that would tell.

Then there are horse riding excursions that you can take your whole family on, did you know that there are adventures were your horse will actually swim? There also sports that include horse skiing and horse surfing.

Horse surfing is a relatively new activity, basically the idea of horse surfing is riding the water on a board while being pulled by a horse who is being ridden by someone else.

This about blew my mind when I saw it! Horses love water, what better way to bring together man, horse and the love for water.

Guess you wouldn’t need any riding boots to do those kinds of adventures!

Have you ever done anything like this before?


*This post was brought to you by equestrianclearance.com

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

14 thoughts on “Horse Riding Adventures

  • Sounds like a fantatsic dream. I still can’t come to grips with people surfing behind ad horse on the beach. The video was very enjoyable.

  • i just love horses and beaches annow that there is a way to surf makes hose riding even more interesting. Don’t you think? Very informative post.

  • Thats a great dream Jenny!

  • Thanks for sharing your dream adventure, my is being able to have have enough money to live on toretire and do charitable work.

  • Unless your are afraid of horses , who would not want to go horse riding on a beach. I would. Thanks for your lovely post.

  • Very romantic imagery or better yet what a remarkable vision of yourelf to have.

  • Great dream you have there..Actually horse back riding is one of my dream, dream that never happens as of now.. But I am still hoping.. :) And riding along the beach seems wonderful.. Just the thought of it makes me smile too!

  • Wow! Horse riding, That’s was a kind of experience i really wanted to try, But the problem is that I am afraid of a horse.

  • I used to love riding horses years ago.

    Now, not so much because every place I’ve been to in the last ten years will only do guided rides. When they do that, they only let you get to a trot, and you have to stay with the group.

    When I ride, I ride for freedom and solitude….not to trot along like I’m on some kiddie ride :(

  • I’ve been riding up in Jackson Hole Wyo in the beautiful Tetons and here in Colorado in lots of places, but never any where near a beach.

  • I love to go horseback riding. We went when we went to Kentucky. It was such a great time with the family. I don’t know if hubby would go for the swimming part of this. I sure would though.

  • Coool! I’ve never heard of horse surfing until now. It sounds like fun for the whole family! I would love to go horse back riding on the beach. I know you can ride horses on the beach in South Padre Island, TX for about $100 for an 1 hour or 2.

  • I remember when i went in New York, And my first riding in a horse… Awesome! Full of adventure.

  • I love the beach and horses. There is a small island off the coast of NC called Shackelford Banks. There are still wild horses that roam on the island. It’s awesome. The horsesurfing looks fun too. But I would want to be the one riding the horse. :)

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