
Hot Fluff Cloth Diapering Giveaway $300 Package | Ends 7/31 Open US & CAN

Welcome to the Hot Fluff Cool Baby Cloth Diaper Giveaway! This awesome cloth diaper stash starter event is sponsored by Greenie Beanie Bottoms and hosted by Just Add Cloth, along with over 75 wonderful and influential bloggers who all love cloth! Cloth diapering is a great way to reduce our waste, help our planet, and save money. Cloth diapers are Hot items and Cool for your baby! Not only are cloth diapers more breathable in warm weather, but they make adorable accessories in Summer!

Starting your stash can be daunting, so this prize from Greenie Beanie Bottoms is a great way to get a variety of diapers to try out. Greenie Beanie Bottoms is an online retailer of cloth diapers, accessories, amber teething jewelry, and reusable menstrual and nursing pads.They offer totally free shipping for all orders in the U.S. and low flat rate shipping to Canada.

Now on to the prize!

Our Hot Fluff Cool Baby cloth diaper prize comprises everything you need to get started with cloth!


One lucky winner will receive:

2 Happy Heinys One Size pocket diapers

2 Wahmies Deluxe One Size pocket diapers

2 Drybees All-In-One cloth diapers

2 Oh Katy One Size Pocket diapers

2 Tweedle Bugs One Size pocket diapers

A dozen Tiny Tush Perfect Wipes

A Knickerknappies Hanging Diaper Pail /wet bag

2 Pairs Agoo baby leg Warmers

A Wolbybug wet bag

A jar of LuSa Organics booty balm

5 Fold-to-Fit Bamboo inserts by the Cloth Diaper Company

2 Happy Heinys One Size diaper covers

That’s 10 pocket diapers in winner’s choice of colors and closures, two wet bags, 12 cloth wipes, two pair baby leg warmers, diaper cream, two diaper covers, and five bamboo terry cloth inserts!

Bringing the grand prize total to over $300!!

With 15 diaper changes and accessories to match, this is a great beginner stash for anyone just starting out in cloth diapering. This giveaway runs from 12:01AM July 16 through 11:59PM July 31, EST. It is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada. Must be 18 or older. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Entering means you agree to the terms and conditions stated in the form. Entering is easy! Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below. a Rafflecopter giveaway *The participating blogs are not responsible if sponsor fails to provide prize. Bloggers did not receive review items or compensation for this event.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

92 thoughts on “Hot Fluff Cloth Diapering Giveaway $300 Package | Ends 7/31 Open US & CAN

  • What do I love about cloth diapering? I love the fact that I can re-use our diapers (and for multiple kiddos!) rather than add to landfills with disposable diapers.

  • Well, I haven;t CD yet as this is my first but so far I like the savings in the long run!

  • There is so much to love about cloth. I love that it is a chemical free alternative to disposable diapers. That it doesn’t leak near as much. Also how cute it is!

  • I love that icky chemicals aren’t on my baby’s tush, that I’m saving money, and that they are so darn cute!

  • It saves so much money! I would love to win this!!!!

  • I love knowing that my baby isn’t covered in chemicals, that we aren’t continually adding to the landfills, saving money and how cute my Little Man looks in his fluff.

  • I love the fact that it saves money first off. I think its been a great “invention” especially with all the new additions and updates of cloth diapering.

  • I love that it saves me money!

  • we love saving money!

  • i am so excited about this! Hoping to win!

  • I love how much waste I am not putting into landfills. And I love how cute my daughters fluffy tushie is!

  • I got into cloth diapering for the savings. I still love that aspect of it! Not having to buy loads of disposables to add to my grocery bill is awesome.

  • I love how easy it is, and wish I did it with my first two children.

  • I love cloth diapering because I feel that it’s a healthier choice.

  • I love knowing that there are no toxic chemicals on baby’s bottom.

  • What i love most about cloth diapering is that it is better for my baby to not have toxins against her skin 24hrs per day! The cute factor is nice too!

  • I love getting custom diapers made because very few people will have the same diaper. :)

  • Pingback: Winner Announcement | Disney Princess Baby, Planet Wise, Little Tikes — Mommy of Two Little Monkeys

  • it is sooo cheap!

  • I love cloth diapering because I don’t have to run to the store every week and shell out $ for plastic diapers!

  • I love that I am saving money, that I am putting less chemicals on my baby, that they are so cute…Oh I love just about everything (I even through a cloth diaper themed baby shower for my brother and sister in law this past weekend to help them out when their little one arrives!)…don’t really like the laundry :)

  • PLEAAAAASE pick me :)

  • I’m new to CDing and only have a few; I’d LOVE to bulk up my stash with this!

  • I love all the cute fluff! I love bright colors and prints. I love the simplicity. I love how much waste we are preventing.

  • I love buying diapers once and not running out! lol!

  • I love telling other people about the benefits of cloth diapering! I like that my daughter is not over exposed to chemicals. I also firmly believe that potty training is easier when cloth diapering, she’s 12 months old and goes in a potty at least half the time! I love the awareness!

  • I <3 all the different styles so you can find what works best for your family. Also the less chemicals the better for everyone.

  • I’m due in 9 weeks with my first child. I have a handful of cloth diapers already, If I win this I would be complete. I can’t wait to start using my fluff! I love how much money I’m saving by using cloth. Thanks for the giveaways!

  • We are expecting our first baby this winter, and are just starting to build our cloth diaper stash. We are excited about saving money AND saving the environment at the same time, not to mention how cute cloth diapers look!

  • I haven’t tried it yet.

  • Wanting to CD – but having trouble getting started…..this would be SUCH a great help!!

  • I absolutely love how much money it has save us, adore the cute designs and cannot stress enough that I love how much eco-friendliness it has! :) CDs rock!

  • wow what an awesome giveaway!!!!!

  • I love the cute prints and the soft lining! Momma cloth feels so much nicer than disposable pads so I assume my baby feels the same way.

  • I love the saving, with two in diapers the cost of disposables would really add up.

  • I love the savings! It helps with being able to stay home with DD. : )

  • I love that my son no longer gets raw rashes. I love the prints, and the softness of them.

  • Would love these for my sis in law!

  • my wife and i just had our first child! and we’re super excited to start the into the world of cloth diapering! financial and environmental reasons are the two big factors.

  • Wanting to switch to cloth, and was planning on making my own…this would be WONDERFUL to win!

  • I used cloth diapers and would like this prize for my granddaughter.

  • I love the variety and cuteness of today’s cloth diapers. I didn’t know about all this stuff when I started cloth diapering my son 8 years ago. Either that or they just weren’t around yet. There’s a big difference in what I’ve seen available since my last cloth diapered baby was born 4 years ago. I’m having fun planning and buying a few cute fluffies for my new LO due in September. :) I also love that it saves us money.

  • Much better for baby

  • i love the cute designs, the effects it has on the environment, and that there is no chemicals next to my lil fellas skin

  • you dont have to buy diapers every week all you have to do is wash it and reuse : )

  • Good for the earth, good for babies, and so cute!

  • It’s GREEN!

  • I love saving money and how cute they are!

  • Everything. My favorite this is the attention from sposie moms and older women who CD when all there was was flats.
    But what gets me the most excited is converting a sposie mom!

  • I love that I don’t have to run out and buy diapers every week, that I am not littering the landfills with disposables and that there are no chemicals on my baby’s bottom.

  • I love cloth diapering for so many reasons. I love saving money. I love how cute they are. I love that they are reusable instead of adding a bunch of useless trash to landfills.

  • i love cloth diapering for so many reasons! i think the top two reasons are that my child is more comfortable in cloth than plastic and saving money!

  • Everything, cute, comfy, safe and eco friendly. Why waste your money on un cute, un comfortable, trash that will sit around forever ? Love how my baby adds nothing to the landfill!

  • I am pregnant with what will be my 3rd cloth diapered baby! I love how easy it is, how cute they are and how much money it saves!!! I would love to win this package! After going through two babies…all of my diapers are pretty worn out!

  • I love how easy cloth diapering is and how my garbage waste at the end of the week is so little because it isn’t clogged with disposables.

  • My daughter just turned one and we have been CDing from the beginning! I absolutely love it!! And I love trying new brands/types of diapers, but my faves are Flips :)
    Thanks for this FABULOUS giveaway!!

  • I love to save money and love the cloth bums!

  • I love all the cute diapers!! :)

  • We <3 cloth!
    1. Fluffy bums are cute.
    2. It saves us $$$
    3. Fluffy bums are cute!

  • I love how much money we are saving! Plus, my baby’s fluffy butt is so cute!!

  • Yay for cloth!

  • I love the money savings!

  • I love cloth diapering because of how much better it is for my daughter and the environment. The cuteness and cost savings are a bonus!

  • I love how cloth diapering saves me money!

  • Cloth diapering is environmentally friendly.

  • I love so much about cloth diapering. I love that it saves money, is better for my baby’s bottom and better for the earth. And so much cuter than disposables.

  • Money, cuteness, no chemicals!

  • We just started cloth diapering and can’t believe how great it is working out. We only have a few so far and would love to expand our stash!

  • love that it is green

  • Cost effective, eco-friendly, and adorable.

  • I haven’t started cloth diapering yet but have wanted to from the begining, we just had some unexpected issues with premature twins so we put it off while they were in the nicu for 5 months and now we don’t really have the finances to buy enough for two babies, But I can imagine I would love everything about them!

  • I like how cloth diapering has helped me keep my cost down for diapering my children.

  • Cloth diapers are better for baby, better for the earth and so cute. What’s not to love.

  • Love the cuteness factor, but th
    e savings decide it for sure!

  • cute bottoms, less diapers to landfills, and the money i have saved!

  • What an awesome giveaway!

  • I’ve never done it before – too expensive to start, but I love how you save in the long run & it’s eco friendly!

  • I miss cloth diapering! We had diaper service with tri-folds for the first year but they were too bulky for my chubby baby. We couldn’t find pants to fit over them! I’d love to get a crack at these, I know the start up is the most expensive part of cloth diapering. I hate using disposables these past few months. ARGH!

  • I’m new to cloth diapering! I’m actually going to pick up my first diaper shipment tomorrow. I think what attracts me the most about it is the savings on diaper costs and the fact that it will be better for my baby on many levels…Not to mention all the super cute prints!!!

  • I love knowing that I am saving mucho mulah on no buying disposables and also that they are better for my baby. I guess the colors and such are cool too! :D

  • I love how much money I save and that it is all natural on my baby’s bottom!

  • I love cloth diapering because it is more affordable than disposable diapers, plus, they can be passed down to every child! :)

  • Not buying disposable diapers!

  • The money it saves and the cute prints! Nothing is as cute as a fluffy butt ( :

  • I love everything about cloth diapering! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I would love the cost saving!!

  • thanks for the giveaway!

  • Absolutely love all the fun colors and prints more than anything, but also the cost savings of cloth vs. disposables is another

  • While I love all the Eco friendly aspects I also love how CUTE fluff is :)

  • I am just getting started on CD’ing and loving it, but don’t have the money to do much. I would love this package!!!

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