
How Breast Cancer Has Affected My Life | ACS Nationwide Breast Cancer Walk


breast cancer fire truck

Breast Cancer is life changing, and has effected so many women around the world. My grandmother fought and won her battle with Breast Cancer, and it not only changed her life but my life as well. This is something that sits in the back of my mind, each year praying that I will never have to battle the same fight.

This year, Breast Cancer has not found me, but has found the lives of two very loving people in my life. One of them being my children’s speech therapist.

Cari came into our lives when Andrew was two years old, she was sent to us through the early intervention program to help him with his speech. I watched Cari connect with my children on a level that I can’t even begin to tell you. She helped my son grow and not only with his speech, but as a person.

Recently, my 2 year old little girl, Andrea, was evaluated for Speech Therapy as well. Even through Cancer treatment, Cari is coming to our home to help my baby with her speech. She is truly a fighter!

Cari has grown and connected with our family, and many other families in the community. We love her and she is near and dear to our hearts.

Here is a video of Cari working with Andrew when he was little

Cari is still fighting her fight, and as she says “I’m fighting like a girl!”. She has battled a long summer of chemotherapy and next week she will be taking her next step into surgery. I’m so proud of the strength that she has shown and I will be there standing on the sidelines through the end of this fight to cheer her on.


Join in on the discussion!

Have you been impacted by Breast Cancer or is someone in your life fighting the fight?


Let’s join together and support our friends and family!

The American Cancer Society is working hard to fight breast cancer with their Making Strides Initiative. This nationwide breast cancer walk is striving to support those that have been affected, empower others, and cheer on survivors, all while fighting to end this disease.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is the American Cancer Society’s nationwide series of walking events to raise funds and awareness to end breast cancer.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by the American Cancer Society (ACS) via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of the American Cancer Society (ACS).

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

11 thoughts on “How Breast Cancer Has Affected My Life | ACS Nationwide Breast Cancer Walk

  • Pingback: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk Saves Lives! — Mommy of Two Little Monkeys

  • Amanda, I did not know about your kid’s speech therapist. Sounds like she may be about where I am in my breast cancer journey. I had 6 months of chemo from March to Sept, and now I am going back for surgery this coming Monday for the reconstruction. I had my double mastectomy in Jan 2012, and have had tissue expanders in since then. Good luck to her in her surgery and I’ll pray for a speedy recovery for her as well.

  • I participated in a similar event called the Weekend to End Women’s Cancers that took place in my native Toronto a few days ago. The rising number of those who suffer from this terrible disease is alarming. The least we can do is to support the organizations whose members are working hard every day to relieve the sufferings of cancer patients and raise awareness all around the country.

  • What an amazing story about your Mother in Law! It takes a seriously strong person to get through this and it takes an amazing support system too. So many of us have been affected in one way or another. I will be thinking about your Mother in Law Erica :)

  • Sherry I’m so sorry to hear this :( It’s so hard to watch our loved ones go through this. I will be thinking about your Grandma!

  • Thank you so much for sharing your story. I will include your speech therapist in my prayers.

  • My mother in-law got cancer about 5 years ago. You’d never know it though — she’s tough as nails and sweet as honey. From day one, despite multiple setbacks along the way, she has refused to let cancer define her. She’s an avid marathoner. Spitfire in the boardroom. And, a make-no-excuses mom.

    Just months before her diagnosis, she wrote a book “Fit After 50.” Right before the book went to press, she added a chapter entitled When the Race Chooses You. (Plug: http://www.fitafter50.org) This chapter must have been particularly hard for Ruth to write — as she had been somewhat private about her battle. None the less, she shared it all. Bravely.

    My niece, who is 4 years old, has never known Grandma with hair. And, since I am fairly new to the family (my husband and I started dating just months before her diagnosis) I haven’t really either. (Side note, she has some seriously fabulous wigs, all with their own names and personas.)

    Although we don’t know her hair, we know her spirit. And it won’t be broken. Very proud of all your women that are and have dealt with this awful disease. You are strong–much stronger than many of us will ever know.

    Love that you’re involved in this Amanda! Consistently amazed at how you juggle it all!!!

  • Sherry,
    I am so sorry! Huge prayers for your grandma!

  • My grandma had fought and won breast cancer or at least we thought she did. Yesterday they found a lump and it was cancerous so now she has to battle it again. The worst part is that she found out a week and half before the one year anniversary of my grandpa her husbands death. : (

  • I was diagnosed in October 2008 at the age of 30. It was, and continues to be the hardest fight of my life. I am thankful for all of my family and friends that stood by me. I constantly pray that a cure is found and that my baby girl (she is 11 but will always be my baby) never has to go through what I did.

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