
How Changing to VetGuard Plus Saved Me Money

This post is part of a sponsored campaign on behalf of VetIQ. All thoughts are 100% my own.

Last month, I told you about the awful tick and mosquito problem that we have in the Midwest. My legs tell a story of their own, bug bites everywhere! I can’t even go outside 5 minutes without getting a new bug bite. In fact, I have now switched back to jeans because my legs look like some kind leprosy has invaded. It’s really that… bad.

Thankfully, there are affordable products, like VetGuard Plus, for my pets to keep them safe from these nasty critters.

VetGuard Plus - A Cost Saving Pet Medication #dogs #pets #vetguardplus 

After hearing about VetGuard Plus, I made a trip up to our local Wal-Mart. With so many flea, tick and mosquito options out there for dogs, I wanted to compare the prices and cost savings in person.

VetGuard Plus - A Cost Saving Pet Medication #dogs #pets #vetguardplus

Upon first glance of the Wal-Mart Pet Medication display, I was a little overwhelmed. There seemed to be a lot of options to choose from. I decided to compare the three major brands that were displayed, VetGuard Plus, Frontline Plus and PetArmor.

VetGuard Plus - A Cost Saving Pet Medication #dogs #pets #vetguardplus

VetGuard had the best display, with bright packaging to make the selection easy. Offering 3 options of treatment, VetGuard makes it easy to find the right solution for either a small, medium or large dog.

PetArmor was situated on the shelf directly above VetGuard and the price comparison was very similar to that of VetGuard.

Frontline Plus had it’s own display, hanging up top and stood out with almost a $15 increase from the other two options.

VetGuard Plus - A Cost Saving Pet Medication #dogs #pets #vetguardplus

When comparing the top brands of Flea and Tick medication for dogs, VetGuard stood out above the rest with not only a killing agent against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, mites, lice and fleas, it also provided a repellant agent to keep the bugs away.

I’m not quite sure why Frontline Plus was almost $15 more than VetGuard, with not even half of the protection. PetAmor and VetGuard were very close in price, but VetGuard still offered the better option.

So we brought VetGuard home to give it a go on little Miss Lola.

VetGuard Plus - A Cost Saving Pet Medication #dogs #pets #vetguardplus

Each box comes with a 4 month supply of VetGuard Plus applicators and a sticker sheet to use for your monthly reminders.

What’s even better, you can sign up for monthly reminders online through vetguardplus.com. I love how effortless it is to remember when it’s time for a new VetGuard Plus application!

VetGuard Plus - A Cost Saving Pet Medication #dogs #pets #vetguardplus

Lola is about a 13 pound Shih Tzu, so we used the VetGuard Plus for small dogs.

To apply VetGuard Plus, start by using the applicator’s cap to twist and break the seal off of the tube. Place the tube over the dog’s neck and squeeze, spread the application out by squeezing it onto the skin in 3 different areas between the neck and the base of the tail.

VetGuard Plus - A Cost Saving Pet Medication #dogs #pets #vetguardplus

Sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up into one brand of product. I do this all of the time. But lately, I’ve come to see that great products are all around us and by taking the time to look into other products, like VetGuard Plus, you can save money and even gain benefit by trying something new.

Are you interested in trying VetGuard Plus? Stay tuned later this week, I will be giving one lucky reader a chance to win an awesome VetGuard Plus prize pack!

VetGuard Plus is available nationwide, check out the VetIQ website for listings of a store near you.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

45 thoughts on “How Changing to VetGuard Plus Saved Me Money

  • Not available in Walmart anymore and the website is shut down. Why. I’ve been using vetguard on my dog for 5 years with no issues. Why not available. Because it works and it’s cheap? Haven’t heard any recalls.

  • Can this be given along with Sentinel? I’ve been looking for something to add on for ticks for my sons dog that stays outside alot. She also isn’t getting total protection from fleas from the Sentinel but still needs it for heartworm prevention.

  • No pets right now, but this looks like a good option when I get some.

  • This is much less expensive. WIll be checking into it and sharing with my brother in law who has indoor outdoor dogs

  • Sentinel does nothing to kill fleas. It stops the fleas from reproducing. It is also a heartworm medication besides being a flea medication. Usually owners also have to use a medication to also kill the fleas if using Sentinel.

  • Thanks for the review. I just worry about adverse reactions to over the counter flea medications. I use to work at a vet’s office years ago & will always remember the pets coming in with neurological & skin problems.

  • We are in the process of buying our first dog. This product information is useful and gives us one more thing to add to our list of things we’ll need to purchase.

  • I don’t have a pet, but will pass this along :) Thank you for the info!!

  • Thanks for the information! We never used any flea and tick prevention on our dogs but started this summer when we found two ticks in one of our dogs ears (yuck!). I never really looked at the difference between brands and am happy to see the cheaper version is even better than the name brands! Thanks so much for the complete review!

  • I will definitely be checking into Vetguard Plus.
    With two dogs and three cats it would definitely save us a lot of money over Frontline which we currently use.


  • Competition is what brings prices down. I think it’s great that we have a choice.

  • I have used this product one time and had great results! It saved me money over other brands, that is why I chose it.

  • I like that you compared the pricing. I had never heard of VetGuard Plus until your review. I think Frontline heavily advertises in my area and it is at all the Vet’s and groomers. That is why I think they have cornered the market here. I am going to search for this product as it does more than the other’s and at a considerable savings. Thank you

  • Our Vet has her own pet meds that she consistently ‘suggests’ using. Implying almost that anything else would not be good for Max. This certainly would save us money … and I’d never looked at Walmart before

  • VetGuard Plus looks so easy to apply, certainly would save us some money if we did this ourselves :)

  • VetGuard looks very useful. Thanks for sharing!

  • I will have to try this; I spend a fortune treating the cats for fleas but it’s better than ever having fleas!

  • We have used Frontline for years, I’ll have to check out VetGuard Plus.

  • We definitely need to try this on our dog (a beagle) she loves lying out in the grass but I worry what she’s bringing in with her.

  • I am so glad you made the change… people underestimate health products for our pets.

  • This is alot better than the spray I use, easy to apply and the price is the same but does more. I’ll be checking this out. Thank you for sharing.

  • I live in the northeast where ticks and fleas are abundant. With one dog and five cats, we’re always on the lookout for a cheaper way to deal! Thanks so much for the heads up!!

  • What cute doggies! We currently use Trifexis, but I’m totally on board with trying this next time! Thanks for the heads up!

  • we use frontline plus. i think next time i buy some i will try this.

  • I have used this brand and love it! Great prices

  • I didn’t even know this was a thing. Texas is notorious for fleas/ticks/nasty bugs, I’m always looking for something to help with the problem!

  • I want to investigate this product with my vet, but it sounds promising! Does it have a nasty odor?

  • I agree we need to try VetGuard as lots of the expensive name brands did do well. We live in the country with lots of trees and grass . The dog loves to run there. So the dog gets full of them . Surely will try this brand. thanks for the comparisons chart

  • If I had pets, I’d totally do it!

  • You know, I’ve never seen a side-by-side comparison of Frontline against other products. I didn’t realize Vetguard Plus provided so much more protection. I will definitely check into this. The potential savings is significant, especially considering that we have three pets to protect!

  • The vet med section always confuses me! I’m going to try vet guard with our dog this next year–wasn’t happy with the collar my husband picked out.
    And you’re right–this year has been HORRIBLE in the Midwest (WI here).

  • Sounds good!! I need to try this out!

  • Thanks for the information…I’ll be looking into trying this out!!!

  • Thanks for this! We’ve had horrible luck with our pets and fleas (yay for living in the country) and some of the ‘tride and true’ products just doesn’t seem to work like they used to so we’ve been hunting for a better solution.

  • Interesting to know, thanks for the review!

  • Interesting that they have you apply to 3 areas of pets body. I am not keen on any of these because they do get absorbed into the skin and I just think that is weird. There is a vast difference in cost between frontline plus and vetguard..the latter came out when the copyright or patent expired for Frontline.
    I choose to stay with Frontline because I feel safe applying it. We have never had adverse reactions and though not reported by vetguard, there have been several knockoffs since expiration that have caused severe skin reactions at application site.
    P.S. cute dog.

  • I don’t have pets, so this doesn’t apply to me. I will pass along to those that do, however.

  • What a cute dog! This sounds like the perfect product, from being customer friendly to being better yet less expensive! Great product!

  • I would like to get VetGuard for my dog

  • I’ll have to try this because the Sentinel we’ve been giving our dog just doesn’t seem to be working.

  • This is actually the brand I currently use! Based on the same ingredients in this and other name brand products I’m getting a better deal with this price of this!!

  • Aw, cute animals. It’s always a challenge keeping pets safe and healthy. It looks like a great product.

  • I will have to let my daughter know about this product. She has had a terrible time with fleas and has spent so much money for her animals trying to get rid of them. I don’t believe this was a product she has tried yet

  • What a sweet puppy! I used Frontline with my dogs and I wish I would have known about Vet Guard. It’s crazy that Frontline is so much more expensive without as many protections in place.

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