
How do you put money away for rainy days?

I never thought about investing in gold or silver to save money for the future.

With the changing value of the “dollar”, this isn’t such a bad idea!

Infographic About Investing in Gold and Silver

Created by Independent Living Bullion. Also featured on A Goddess of Frugality, BBB, Online PR Media, Facebook, Manta, and Merchant Circle.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

12 thoughts on “How do you put money away for rainy days?

  • oh wow – cool graphic. Very interesting stuff. I had a savings bond a really long time ago – I wish I wouldn’t have cashed it in, I would have been curious to see what it would have turned into now.

  • Not exactly an unbiased source that produced the ad-er-infographic….

  • Pingback: How $100 in Gold Can Grow! An Independent Living Bullion Infographic

  • I have a friend that has been buying gold for a long time. I am not really into it. I think that if I would have put a bunch of money in coffee cans in my backyard about 5 years ago I would be better off right now. The stock market has been quite the roller coaster.

  • Very interesting! We try and save as much as we can!

  • Well, that’s a pretty brilliant way of investing money… I might talk to hubby about this someday. Thank you for the post. :) I wonder, though, if this is because of inflation that the number is that high… what I mean is, is that 100 dollars equal to the 1700 in the 70s? Also, the small print says it doesn’t guarantee future results. I’m not certain I’m comfortable with a no guarantees way of investing.

  • I had no idea the purchase value of the dollar had gone down THAT much!

  • I am too chicken to invest in gold, silver or other precious metals. They are too volatile for my blood especially with gold still near its highest peak ever

  • I am so bad about this. I am clueless when it comes to investing. My parents never saved for the future so unfortunately I don’t know how. I wish my husband was more money saavy but he’s not. Guess it’s time to learn.

  • Ugh, We hardly ever think about this which sucks. We aren’t savers either lol

  • Interesting concept! Probably a foolproof way of investing!

  • We invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and yes, commodities like gold and silver. Diversification is key; you never want to put all of your eggs in one basket.

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