
How to Stay Healthy During a Baby Moon Vacation

My husband and I are planning to take a baby moon before our third child is born this coming May. Traveling when you’re pregnant is a not something to take lightly.

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy during a baby moon vacation:

Check in with your doctor or midwife. Make sure that you’re cleared to travel based on the stage, progression and risk level of your pregnancy. It might be wise to get a copy of your medical records to take with you in case you need medical attention while away. Also, make sure you have all necessary phone numbers on hand, such as after-hour contacts for your physician.

Know your limits. So we had to write off zip lining. But sipping fresh orange juice on the beach and digging my toes in the sand was definitely a must. One of the biggest mistakes many couples make is feeling like they have to go all out before they go all in. Don’t push yourself physically. If touring the Smithsonian is something you want to do, but all that walking is going to cause your feet to swell to epic proportions, cross it off. The goal of a baby moon is to spend time with your partner. Don’t over think it. It’s likely not the last trip you’ll ever take, nor will it be the last alone time you’ll ever have together ever again (though the first few weeks postpartum may have you thinking so!)

 How to Stay Healthy During a Baby Moon Vacation

Stay hydrated. Low humidity on airplanes can cause you to get dehydrated much faster than a car or train ride. Keep clean water at hand and if you’re the type that doesn’t seem to be able to get those 8 glasses a day in, I like to get a water bottle that shows how many ounces it holds and make little goals for myself. Ex. Get to the 16oz line by 3pm. If the bottle stays in my site I’m less likely to chug it or neglect it.

Keep moving.  No matter what mode of travel, make sure to take a break from sitting to walk around and stretch.  That will reduce your chances of getting a dangerous blood clot and keep you as comfortable as possible by reducing swelling. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends no more than 6 hours of continuous driving or riding in a car within a day. Plan some light activities, like a walk on the beach, or a stroll around town.

Share with us where you went on your baby moon!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

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