
H&R Block At Home Dreamfund Sweepstakes

Tax season is approaching and I’m thinking about the fun that will be had with our tax refund received by H&R Block At Home.

Decor for our bathroom that is being redesigned, some new camera equipment and perhaps something fun for my husband and kids. This might even include a road trip theme park vacation sometime this summer.


Getting the tax return is fun, filing the taxes themselves is not. So much time is taken just for the preparation, then making an appointment and sitting there with our tax professional.

To save a little time along with your money, the people at H&R Block At Home have a tax software that will allow you to do your taxes faster. In addition to the software, you will also receive live expert advice and a guarantee of getting the best refund.

Who wouldn’t like to save a little time and money?


H&R Block At home wants to know, “What you would do with a little extra money in your pocket?” And to make things fun, H&R Block At Home is giving away $20,000 each week for five weeks! Plus, every day, there are chances to instantly win $100.

How to Enter

To get yourself entered, all you have to do is stop by the Dreamfund App on the H&R Block Facebook page and tell them what you might do with a little extra money and time. The H&R Block At Home Sweepstakes ends on February 6th and you can enter to win once a day, so head over there now for your chance to win!


We want to hear your fun responses in the H&R Block At Home Sweepstakes!

Visit the Dreamfund App to enter and then come back to enter our giveaway.


One Mommy of Two Little Monkeys reader is going to win a $100 American Express Gift Card

How To Enter

Complete your entries in the Rafflecopter form below

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway Rules: Contest will end at 11:01pm CST on February 7th, 2012

US Only please. 18 + . No purchase necessary to win.

Please leave your email address along with your comment if it is not located within your profile. Your email address will only be used to notify you if you won the giveaway. I will notify the winner via email and on my blog of their winnings and they will have 48 hours to respond.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  The above mentioned product was received for free in hopes that I would mention it on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment and will be shipping the winner(s) their prize(s). For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

280 thoughts on “H&R Block At Home Dreamfund Sweepstakes

  • Be able to have a nice night out with my husband

  • I want to get new furniture.

  • I would go out to eat.

  • I’d go buy some new shoes!

  • A trip to Vegas

  • I would go on a trip to NYC.

  • If I got a really good refund I’d like to be able to take a vacation to Washington DC to do the tourist thing.

  • I’d take a vacation to the beach with my family!
    Thank You!

  • I’d like to take my family out for a nice family dinner

  • I’d use it towards a plane ticket

  • I would go on a fabulous trip to the Amalfi coast in Italy.

  • I would visit my daughters that live in other states. Thanks for this contest!

  • i would love to take my kiddos to disney world but we will unfortunately be using it towards bills :(

  • I’d take a trip

  • I would go shopping.

  • Spend it at the Mall of America

  • We’d probably go sightseeing in CO. We just moved here and there’s lots to see.

  • I’d buy clothes

  • I would use it to go on vacation.

  • Put it in the savings for buying a new house–might be work but believe me it would be fun!

  • i would take the whole family to disney world if we got a refund this year!

  • Will buy Kindle!

  • I would take the hubby and kids on a mini-vacation snowboarding/sledding.

  • We are using ours for a down payment on a house.

  • I would spend it on my vacation this year!

  • Get some clothes

  • We would take a beach vacation! thank you

  • If we got obe we’d visit friends.

  • I would like to take my boyfriend out to eat somewhere fancy~!

  • Go to a movie.

  • I’d use the money to help fund my trip to NYC

  • I’d put half towards bills and half towards fun with my kids!

  • Take my kids to a local amusement park

  • Not sure it is fun, but since we had to gut our main bathroom, I think it would be pretty fun to have money to get the project done. I am sick of having kiddos making a mess of my bathroom.

  • pay for part of our vacation

  • I’d get a new roof and a family vacation. A new roof may not sound like “fun”, but it would sure make me happy!

  • Go out to dinner :)

  • I would love to take the family on a great vacation this year.

  • I’d use it for our family vacation

  • Take a family vacation to Florida

  • Would love to win!!!

  • I’ve already got my federal refund…just waiting on my state!

  • would get something for my anniversary
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  • A family vacation!
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  • i’d go on a summer vacation this year instead of just staying at home

  • I would buy a new car.

  • I’d take the family on a weekend vacation :)

  • We plan to take a family vacation.

  • I would buy a new ceiling fan before the summer heat!

  • I would buy a new TV for my grandson.

  • I would put it toward summer camp cost for my kids. They really want to go this year.

  • go on a vacation with my husband!

  • We would go on a weekend getaway with our kids. Visit a them park, go to a movie, go cart rides etc.


  • I’d pay off my credit cards

  • I would probably save it to get a new used car so my husband and I wouldn’t have to share one car.

  • i would put it towards a semester in italy.

  • get some computer parts, my system is falling behind

  • I am going on vacation to colorado!

  • get a massage!

  • I would get some repairs on my car and pay off some bills

  • Spend it on a special mommy/daughters day with my girls. Being a working mom, I don’t do it enough.

  • Dinner and a movie is what I’d do

  • I’d get something nice for my mom.

  • Catch up on bills and things needed for the house
    annabella @ centurytel dot net

  • I would pay down some bills

  • Go on a great vacation to another country with my family!

  • Nice dinner out with family

  • Stay at a really nice RV resort for a week.

  • Would pay for my cats annual checkup- long overdue.

  • Go out to a nice restaurant.

  • I’d like to take a nice trip for a couple of days

  • buy a bike cruiser.

  • Paying off all our debt except for our house!

  • I’m saving my money!

  • buy a pair of Frye boots I’ve had my eye on!

  • Paying off my last credit cards bill

  • I will take a weekend vacation

  • we always have to pay but if i didn’t i would take our 4 year old grandson and let him pick out some toys

  • I’m unfortunately not getting a refund this year, but if I did, I would save it for a cruise

  • medical and credit card bills!

  • I’d go on a fun vacation!!

  • Take a little vacation.

  • My husband and I are thinking about doing a little weekend getaway!

  • Use it toward a new TV, ours is seriously old!

  • Get a new pair of shoes!

  • I plan to put my refund toward credit card bills!

  • Something fun we would do is buy some new furniture or some decorations for my girls for their new rooms since we just moved. Most of it will have to go towards bills though since we did just move. =)

  • I would put it in savings. =)

  • Put it towards our honeymoon!

  • I would save some of it, but I would use the rest to get a little jump on my regular bills so I could take part of the summer off!

  • I would save it.

  • I would spend it on gifts

  • vacation and early christmas shopping

  • I would plan a nice summer vacation!

  • I’m getting new hardwood floors, not really fun

  • I’d take my kids out of this winter weather for a long weekend!!

  • I would send my daughter to visit colleges

  • I would buy a kindle and some books

  • Most of ours has to go into savings since we needed to dip into it to fix some major car problems earlier this year. A vacation would be nice though!

  • Putting some on my student loans sounds fun!

  • I’d buy an ipad mini :)

  • We just built a new house. You know, one of those cookie-cutter houses everyone complains about? But it’s wonderful to me. And it will be more wonderful the more I get to customize it. It’s a lot of work and it takes a lot of money. I would love to be able to purchase the supplies and tools I need to do the rest of the projects on my list.

  • I would buy a new car

  • i would do a dance then go on vacation

  • My Son is getting married and it would help the extra expenses

  • Boring but we are using it on home repairs

  • I would buy a new kitchen table

  • pay off my visa bill! or at least, put it towards it!

  • I’d take a really long overseas vacation!

  • I’d go shopping and buy some kid shoes for my children.

  • I’m such a tight wad with money, I’m not sure what I would do. Maybe take my family out to dinner, a movie, and bowling? :-)

  • go to IKEA and redecorate my house

  • I’d buy a DSLR camera!

  • We’d go to the new Lego Land. Been wanting to bring the kids!

  • I would go on a cruise with my husband! :) We are saving up for one and this will go into that fund! :)

  • I plan to go meet my cousin in MD for the first time!

  • I would buy the kitchen table I’ve been looking at. It’s overpriced… but beautiful… and I totally need it :)

  • Buy a new living room set

  • I would go visit relatives in Pennsylvania.

  • go for a roadtrip

  • I would take a family vacation to Maui.

  • I’d like to use my refund to go camping this summer. Thanks for the chance.

  • we’re using ours to go on a cruise

  • I would love to take a little vacation with my family. Even a staycation would be great!

  • paying off bills and using towards our fam vacation.

  • I would like to go on vacation with my family.
    Thanks for the chance!

  • i would put it towards a new car

  • I would use it to fund my emergency savings so it’ll be able to cover any unexpected expenses that come up.

  • Our refund is so earmarked for other things that fun doesn’t really figure much into it. I think we’ll go a little crazy for our kids’ birthday parties this year though.

  • If I get a refund this year I will use it to get new flooring installed in the bathroom and kitchen.

  • I would go on a cruise with my hubby


  • I would love to put my refund towards a deck in the backyard.

  • With a baby on the way, I’d use it to have a retreat with my husband.

  • I would love to spend a refund on a family vacation. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  • I know we will be paying off bills with ours but if I could spend it for fun we would go on vacation!

  • I would like to take a nice mini vacation

  • I would like to go to a waterpark with my family.

  • Put it towards savings!
    Entered the Rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  • I would take my husband on a real date

  • i would pay bills debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  • Go to the beach.

  • We usually have to pay, so any refund would be great!!! I want to buy a camera for underwater shots.

  • I would love to go to an all-inclusive resort on a toasty beach someplace. However, we NEVER get a refund!

  • i would go shopping

  • This year if we get a refund, I was wishing to use it on a new stove, as ours is short circuiting. Not the funnest thing for most but since I love to bake I was hoping for the double oven type. Baking IS fun for me, IF my oven works!
    But, we just had a water heater leak onto our carpet in basement and NOW we have to replace the water heater AND clean up the carpet. So, our refund is already spent.

  • I’m going to use it towards a fun family vacation!

  • Go on a family trip
    pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com

  • I’ve been wanting to buy a new living room couch and I’ve also had my eye on a twin bed for the guest room in the house. Those two things are really what i would likely buy with my refund.

  • We already have a vacation planned, but I would like to do some extra camping

  • Movie night out with friends.

  • It would go for bills.

  • I would pay bills and enjoy a special treat

  • I would take the family to Disney!

  • We’re saving up for a family vacation this summer to the West Coast.. so the money would go toward that!

    Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie)

  • Pay off some bills and do a big shopping trip at BJ’s

  • I’d get a new roof.

  • disney trip

  • Travel to all the Disney parks in the world.
    Thanks for the change.

  • I’d love to take a fabulous trip to Europe

  • I would put it towards relocating

  • put it towards our house

  • We would use our refund toward a summer vacation

  • depends on how much I will get back. likely to put it away for my newborn baby boy for the future

  • Disneyland!

  • I would go out to dinner and a theme park if I get a refund.

  • take a vacation or buy some furniture

  • Go on a trip

  • i would put the money towards my wedding

  • I would get a hotel on the beach.

  • We’re going to plant a garden.

  • I’d buy a new car

  • Pay some bills, remodel a little.

  • take a vacation with my daughter

  • Plan a vacation

  • I would go to the beach for vacation.

  • I would buy a new laptop.

  • I’d purchase memberships at the fitness center so me and my husband could keep going there. Thanks.

  • Take a well needed road trip.

  • I would go clothes shopping, the baby loves going shopping and we’d probably go to Disney on Ice.

  • Put it towards a vacation.

  • I would love to take my family to Branson and Silver Dollar City.

  • We’d remodel our 70s bathrooms and get dh a more economical vehicle!

  • A night out.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • Go on a vacation.

  • pay bills get out of debt

  • i would buy a pair of shoes

  • get a sitter and have date night!!

  • get a new roof for our house
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  • Planning on going on vacation with some of my refund money !

  • A Target trip!

  • go on a cruise

  • We’ll go to the movies!

  • I’d take a trip to see/swim in an ocean – so on my bucket list!
    Thank you.

  • holiday in Venice, Italy

  • Get a few new outfits

  • I would get a really nice laptop

  • I would get a hotel night at one of the fun ones with water park inside! Little Carter would have so much fun!

  • I will buy some clothes

  • I would use the refund to pay off debt.

  • Would put it towards a nice vacation!

  • put it towards a disney trip

  • I would buy something for my sweet little dog! ;) and maybe the kitties too.

  • I would take a long vacation to somewhere warm!

  • If we got a big refund we would use it for a fun weekend trip this spring!!

  • I would use it to buy baby gear for the new baby

  • pay off some debt

  • A little weekend vacation! :)

  • go on a second honeymoon

  • Vacation and pay down debt!

  • Take my family on a much needed vacation

  • a trip to San Francisco!

  • go on a mini vacation

  • I would travel to Europe

  • I’d maybe go out for a date dinner with my refund but spend anything else on bills.

  • Try to get my family a second car!

  • I would take a vacation

  • I would get dentistry done, wouldn’t be fun doing it but would feel better and have fun afterward

  • I would go to DisneyWorld!

  • take my kids on an orlando vacation

  • go on vacation

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  • A small vacation would be nice :)

  • I would do shopping for my husband. It’s been a long time he bought something.

  • id use it toward our next family vacation

  • I’d probably go out shopping for myself, which I never do!

  • I would love to go on cruise….even just a weekend one!

  • I would buy an aweaome and much needed double stroller for our daughter and son who will be born in May. I would also love to go on a cruise with the family!

  • Buy some much need clothes.

  • Pay off some debt and go to Disney!

  • i would take my daughter on a nice vacation

  • I would use it for us to go on vacation

  • If i was getting a refund i would use it to pay off some bills.. Thanks

  • Something extra special for daughters wedding

  • go to Italy

  • I’d go to disney. first trip in 7 years

  • If we get a refund, it probably won’t be used for fun. We’ll likely use it to pay some bills and/or put it in savings. So it won’t be ‘fun’ money, but the extra peace of mind will be nice.

  • buy tickets to cali to go see my husbands family

  • for fun we would go to Disney World. But most likely I would pay bills.

  • We would take a road trip to Disney World.

  • I would love to take my kids to Disney.

  • We would love to take the kids to Aruba.

  • I would love to take a trip to St Lucia

  • Unfortunately, there would be no fun this year as we have hospital bills to pay.

  • I’d go on vacation!

  • I would have to pay bills, no room for fun.

  • Abigail.dood(at)gmail(dot)com

  • Put it in savings to help pay for our adoption.

  • I would take a weekend getaway.

  • I would go on a trip with my son.

  • I’d love to go on a weekend getaway with my husband and get a babysitter to watch our kids.

  • take a vacation

  • I would save it for a rainy day!

  • Pay off cc bills

  • Would take my son out to a nice dinner.

  • Save it.

  • I would love to take my son on a road trip!

  • I would put it in my savings account for my new house that we’re buying this spring.

  • surprise my bf

  • Plan a ski trip.

  • I feel the self-employed husband=no refund. That was harsh our first married year! I want to say I would put it toward a mortgage payment, but honestly, we could really use a night out on the town!

  • I’d like to put it towards a kindle.

  • I would use it towards a holiday with my fmaily

  • I’d love to take a real honeymoon with my hubs. We’ll be celebrating our 5th anniversary this year and I’d love to be able to do it with a big trip!

  • We are using ours to take a family vacation to Wisconsin.

  • i’d use it to pay down my student loan debt

  • I would buy some paint for our new house!!!

  • We don’t get a refund since my husband is self employed. If we got a refund though, we would definitely take a vacation!

  • I Would Love To Take A International Vacation!

  • a fun night out with the family

  • Go on a road trip to the Florida Keys

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