
Its a New Year! Are You Ready For a New You?

We are a few days away from 2013 and it’s time to make our New Years Resolutions.

This has been a rough year for me, my family and my waist line. My husband has been through a lot with possible layoffs at his work, I had a job loss of my own, and with the added holiday stress my weight has gone a little crazy. My clothes are getting tight, my energy level stinks, and I really think my scale hates me because it keeps adding digits to my weight.


In 2013, one of my goals is to inspire someone in some way. I’m going to also work on losing some of this holiday bulge, along the way hoping to inspire someone else to take control of their health as well.

Losing weight isn’t easy and it seems to be on a lot of people’s New Years Resolution list. It’s been on my list for many years! I’m not giving up.. it will never happen if we give up so each year we need to keep on trying until our goals are reached.

Alli has debuted a program called Let’s Fight Holiday Fat, it is FREE and offers tools to help with your success and some great recipes to help you reach your goals.

I’m excited about the Let’s Fight Holiday Fat program and hope that you will join me in reaching our weight loss goals. Together we can use Alli’s fitness videos, expert tips and advice, and their food/activity trackers to become successful in reaching our New Years Resolutions.

chocolate pudding dessert

My biggest problem when it comes to weight loss is my sweet tooth. I love to grab something sweet after dinner time and it’s hard to make good decisions.

I previously shared with you one of my favorite treats to make without using up a ton of calories:

Chocolate Pudding Crunch Explosion

This came from the Hungry Girl Cook Book and it has become a staple when trying to lose weight. This would be a great little snack to make with your little ones on New Years, my 5 year old is begging for us to make this treat for him!

I’m jumping on board for 2013.. Are you?

If you are ready to join me in a healthier you in 2013, head over to the Let’s Fight Holiday Fat website to get familiar with it and leave me a comment below.

I will be checking it out myself this weekend and can’t wait to get started with you.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for alli. I received a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

10 thoughts on “Its a New Year! Are You Ready For a New You?

  • Im planning on losing weight this year. Ive gained more & more due to stress & bad health. Thanks for this info Im looking for any help I can get.

  • Losing weight is one of my resolutions every year and I am hoping one day to reach my goal. I signed up for the Let’s Fight Holiday Fat program. I really like the daily schedule and calendar that has different exercises for you to do each day, daily recipes, and healthy tips. Thank you for sharing! I hope you reach your goals in 2013 and Happy New Year!

  • I will definitely head over to the Let’s Fight Holiday Fat website. I need all the tips they are willing to provide!

  • Those are great resolutions and I wish you the best with them. I do a lot of baking at home and while pople expect this to be really unhealthy I think the opposite is true. Anyone wanting to control their weight should make more food at home because then they know exactly what is going into what they eat.

  • I inspired my wife to run a marathon, we signed up for the Pittsuburgh Marathon in May. I have run a handful, this will be her first. I will be running alongside her for support. The biggest thing to accomplishing something is believing in yourself. While a long distance run may not be in reach for everyone there are plenty of 5K’s and many training programs online to get you to the starting line in a condition to finish. I advise friends and family to sign up for a race and tell everyone you did, then there is plenty of motivation to do it. Good luck with whatever you do and Happy New Year!
    I have an insatiable sweet tooth and found that a small piece of dark chocolate is quick to satify it. I usually have a square after dinner and I’m good. Plus, dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you!!

  • I, too, need to lose a few pounds in my stomach area. I will check this out!

  • I also need to lose a few pounds.My Son is getting married in June and I want to be a little smaller!!

  • i’m jumping on Board need to lose 20 pounds by June!

  • I am planning on getting my weight back in track this year :)

  • My goal is to swim 3 times a week.
    Thanks for the contest.

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