
Join Me in the #SocialBlackOut on Mothers Day and Reconnect with your Family

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for MetLife.
I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

 Life online, as a blogger, can often lead to a family disconnect.

But not just as a blogger, many of us can raise their hands to being “plugged in” more often than they should. Social Media sucks us in and sometimes it feels like an addiction. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, games, cell phones, everyone in my family often has a hard time stepping away from the devices and keeping the communication going as a family.

We’ve made rules in our house to leave the blogging for when kids are napping or are in bed, limit the kid’s iPad use during the day and I’m still trying to get my husband away from his laptop. When we get connected to our “friends” online it’s easy to forget about the life that is happening right in front of you.

socialblackout Mother's Day

This is what we should be doing more of, spending time outside with our kids. Playing with them and connecting with them, these are moments that we will never get back.

Mother’s Day is one of those holidays that I love. It’s a holiday about family and appreciation for us moms who do so much to keep our families moving along.

This Mother’s Day I’m joining a movement that was created by MetLife. The #SocialBlackout movement.

The #SocialBlackout movement was put together to challenge everyone to log off of social media on Mother’s Day. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagramming or Pinterest. Disconnect yourself from technology and spend some time with your Mother and give her the attention she deserves.

socialblackout Mother's Day

This Mother’s Day I will be spending time with my Mother in the morning. Then the afternoon will be spent with my husband and children, at the park, in the driveway, out to lunch and anywhere they want to be. When you take that moment to step away from social media, memories will be made like the one I experienced above with my children. These are the moments that are worth SO much more than a few chats or games going on Facebook.

On Sunday May 12th, I will be away from my social media accounts and will return on Monday.

I hope that you all will join me in this #SocialBlackout movement and take the day to spend time with your mother, children or family. This is the perfect push to help you reconnect with those that you appreciate and love.

socialblackout Mother's Day

RSVP for the #SocialBlackout Movement from MetLife. I WONT see you there :)

RSVP Here : http://on.fb.me/ZHDxFu

#SocialBlackout Badge

For More information about the #SocialBlackout, visit MetLife on Facebook


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

5 thoughts on “Join Me in the #SocialBlackOut on Mothers Day and Reconnect with your Family

  • I can’t think of a better day of the year to do a black out. I’m pretty good about it on most weekends anyhow, but Mother’s Day. Indeed!

  • This will be a super challenge, but we are doing it, too!

  • That’s a great idea to cut down on the “excessive” social media. Good luck to everyone participating!

  • We have a social black out almost every Sunday and it really helps!That extra time together instead of plugged into technology is very important and the kids love the attention too. It makes a big difference on the weekends when we all unplug and spend that needed quality time together.

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