
How Hurtful Words are Making Me a Better Mom

In 2006 I took action to my lifelong over weight problem and went on Weight Watchers. I was very successful and lost 75 pounds! That year was full of great things, I started cosmetology school and meet my husband. It was a fresh start to a new life.

Now here I am, 8 years and two children later. Between both of my pregnancies, every single pound has come back.. and then some. I sat by and let it happen, didn’t care and kept thinking that one day the problem will be fixed. The weight was lost once before and one day I will lose it again, one day.

I’ve noticed comments over the years from my friend’s children and knew that one day it would probably come from my own, but I was oblivious how quickly that time would come. I see their children make comments about over weight people, including their mothers. They don’t comment in a way that comes off purposely rude, children are just very open and maybe sometimes that’s just what we need to get our acts together.

This past week, my children saw a picture of me on my phone and it happened to be one of those pictures that you take and never intend on showing to anyone. My belly was hanging out and it was an unintentional picture that just didn’t need to be seen. I walked up to my kids, while they were looking at my phone, and they were laughing at my picture and talking about how big my belly was. Talk about a stab in the heart. 

How am I supposed to be a role model to my children, make them be healthy and exercise, but I’m not following the same example? 

Now we are dealing with Summer time. Summer time in our family brings a lot of theme parks, roller coasters and for the last couple of years I’ve kind of dreaded this. My kids are just big enough that they can fit onto the kiddie roller coasters now, but being over weight has prevented me from being able to ride with them. My husband has gotten to ride all of these roller coasters with the kids. It’s heart breaking for me to sit back and watch, I’m missing out on these memories with my kids because of my weight.

So I’m rambling now, or so it feels like it. Get to the point..

I’m taking action of my life and refuse to miss anymore memories with my kids. I refuse to be the mockery of children who laugh at over weight people.

I joined Weight Watchers, just as I did in 2006, and went to my first meeting last Thursday. I created a Tumblr blog to document my motivations, recipes to try, pictures and to connect with other women who were motivating to me in this journey. Join me there if you would like! :) http://momof2monkeys.tumblr.com/

In this past week, here are some of the things that I’ve noticed:

  • My skin is clearing up and the dark shadows are starting to go away
  • My energy level is coming back and today I’m actually going to start the Couchto5K program!
  • This weekend, I will be walking in the Color Run 5k! WOOHOO!
  • I’m feeling better in general and excited for my first weigh in

I was going to keep this my own little secret, but changed my mind. Losing weight is a big part of my life, I’m going to be experiencing new things (like the Couch25K!) and I want to share these things with you. 

Here we go!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

4 thoughts on “How Hurtful Words are Making Me a Better Mom

  • Good luck! I’m working on losing weight myself too and I find it so hard to stay motivated. Looking forward to your posts and hoping to borrow ideas and encouragement!

  • You Go Girl!!!

  • Thanks Karli! It’s something I’ve gone back and forth on for quite some time. At some point you just have to do it and get it done. Easier said then done, right?

  • Thank you for being real and for sharing something that so many of us stuggle with. I know you can do whatever you set your mind to. I’ll be following along and cheering for you (and for me too…since I’m right here with ya!)

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