
Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

As a Springfree Trampoline Ambassador, we received a trampoline and other promotional items. All thoughts are my own.

Winter is upon us and the entire household is feeling it. Lack of energy from the parents and an abundance of energy from the kids. These cold winter days are making it hard for our kids to get outside and enjoy hours and hours of play. End result? Cabin fever.

Then we have our little Andrea. She is is our sensory seeker and thrives from the feeling of jumping on a trampoline. The pressure from jumping up and down gives her input into the joints, this is kind of like her “reset” button. Without it, she would be bouncing off the walls crazy!

During the winter months, we try and improvise with a small indoor trampoline. It gets us by most of the time, but there really isn’t a replacement to the Springfree Trampoline in our backyard. Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

Luckily, the Midwest winters are very unpredictable and often times we will find a day here and there with 45+ degree weather. Our Springfree Trampoline is still getting plenty of use, even during the cold winter months.Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

My kids have no problems with putting a coat on and going out to jump. It’s a great energy burner! And it’s a quick resource to get the job done in a short amount of time.

The kids are both in school and their rule for recess is 40+ degrees and they go outside. We try and implement the same rule here and when possible, send them outside to jump for 15 minutes here and there.

This winter has been a bit crazy for us, snowfall has been minimal. We had considered winterizing the Springfree Trampoline with the All Weather Cover, but there is so much use during the Winter months that we decided against it.

Today is going to be a different story. First “real” snowfall and we are expecting 8+” of snow!Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

Fortunately, the Springfree Trampoline is made with all-weather parts. And even though the Springfree Trampoline mat and net are both rust-free, we are taking precautions with these steps to keep our Springfree Trampoline protected.

• With heavy snow accumulations, be sure to brush off the top of your trampoline with a soft bristle brush or broom.

• Do not use tools like a shovel because it can damage the mat and/or net

• Remove the snow from your Springfree Trampoline by reaching into the center of the mat with a soft brush and pulling the snow off of the trampoline.

Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

If you live in an area that sees consistent snow during the winter months, Springfree Trampoline does offer an All Weather Cover to protect the life of your trampoline and make snow removal easier.

To learn more about the All Weather Cover, visit the Springfree Trampoline online store.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

12 thoughts on “Keeping Your Kids Active During the Winter Months with Springfree Trampoline

  • This directed to Jen life with Levi.

  • Hello, I see you are in Minnesota. We are new from Texas and don’t have these winters. We want a trampoline but can you tell me how it does when there is an accumlation of snow? Can the tramp handle all that snow on it as far as weight and what about any damage to it?
    Thank you

  • We have a trampoline like this in our back yard and the kids use it all the time.

  • We are in Missouri, some years a cover is warranted. This year, not so much right now. I’m sure after brushing the snow off 4-5 times, we will think differently and want a cover asap.

  • Something about the “bigger” trampoline, my kids much rather jump on our Springfree Trampoline then inside on the smaller one.

  • Thankfully, my kids aren’t old enough to worry about that yet… Not sure either my husband or I could teach them to flip, though their friends probably will. It’s a great tool for Andrea’s sensory needs and definitely helps to send them outside for 15 minutes when it’s cold outside.

  • You are super brave…we had one but after Chris taught Charlotte to flip, I was afraid..even though she was a gymnast. I nixed it.

  • Living in MN, an all-weather cover is definitely a must-have. Thanks so much for sharing that this trampoline has one available.

  • I’ve not seen a spring free trampoline but my husband and I did have a trampoline in our backyard for years. My kids loved it and it was such a great investment.

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