
Last Minute Holiday Entertaining Tips With Recipe

cookie cheesecake bars

The holidays are here. Can you believe that? I can hardly grasp the idea that we are already into November.

While you Typically think of a planned out Thanksgiving dinner when you hear the word November, there are often times outside of the planned dinner parties when your husband calls home and says he invited a few co workers over, or a friend calls up and wants to stop by.

Do you panic when this happens to you?

While I much rather plan a get together in advance, a last minute get together is actually really easy to do.

One of my favorite recipes to whip up when guests are coming over is a Cheesecake bar with cookie topping and graham cracker crust. This is so easy to make and looks like a lot of time was spent on it. This recipe does require a few hours of refrigeration, unless you are lucky enough to have the LG Blast Chiller 3 Door Refrigerator! And if that’s the case, then I’m totally jealous.

cookie cheesecake bars

Not too long ago we were sitting around on a Friday night, so I called up a friend and we decided on a last minute Game Night! We always have snacks during our game nights so this really threw me off track. I decided to make these cookie cheesecake bars and they were an absolute hit.

Here are a few other helpful ideas to help you entertain last minute:

  • Drinks – Serve up some easy drinks. Fill a pitcher with some iced tea, grab a wine bottle from your pantry and chill it in that fancy LG Blast Chiller refrigerator, brew a pot of coffee, or even steam some hot water to offer hot chocolate.
  • Appetizers – Crackers and spreads. These can make the easiest snacks for last minute guests. We often keep a bag of Chex mix in our pantry and pour it into a nice bowl. Sided with some diced up fruit that you already have on hand, maybe some cheese spreads, and crackers. I’ve done this a number of times for last minute entertaining!
  • Desserts – If you don’t have a lot of ingredients on hand, then you might consider buying a box of cake mix, brownie mix, or cookie mix when it’s on sale. I always have seem to have a box of something on hand and it’s so easy to whip up a box of brownies last minute.

It should be fun and exciting to have guests come over, don’t make it stressful! You’re guests will know that they are last minute and won’t be expecting a four course meal. Prepare a few simple snacks with items that you already have on hand and enjoy your company.

Visit LG on Facebook for more entertaining blast and chill ideas!


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 The LG Blast Chiller, available in the 3-Door Super Capacity French-Door refrigerator (LFX31935), can chill a room temperature, 12oz beverage in five minutes or a bottle of wine in just eight minutes. By comparison, a typical refrigerator takes about 40 minutes to accomplish this task – even in the freezer. This refrigerator is also among the largest capacity 36-inch refrigerators currently on the market, offering almost 20 percent more space and the ability to store over 50 gallons of milk.


Disclosure: Compensation was provided by LG via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of LG

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

18 thoughts on “Last Minute Holiday Entertaining Tips With Recipe

  • oh my , do those cheesecake bars look delish or what?

  • Good recipe for christmas !!looks delicious

  • This looks delicious. I’m saving this recipe to make for a New Years Eve party.

  • That dessert looks so good! I’m going to try it, thanks :)

  • crackers are always a good idea for entertaining!

  • Pingback: Mommy Blogger Holiday Roundup | Real Kids Shades

  • This dessert looks soooo yummy! I am going to make this for Christmas!

  • I would love all new kitchen appliances!

  • I tend to stress out over holiday entertaining… but I think that has more to do with the cleaning involved than the meal planning. I always stick with tried and true recipes that I can make in my sleep. I should get a little more experimental with my treats though. These look yummy.

  • This recipe looks so yummy, I’m going to make this for snacks for the kids!

  • I am a visual person. Seeing pictures of food helps sell me on trying the recipe and those cheesecake bars look divine!

  • Those bars look really good and easy to make. Thanks.

  • I do get stressed out about last-minute entertaining, so I appreciate the tips. You’re right, we should focus on spending time with our guests!

  • The cookie cheesecake bars look insanely delicious! Great idea!

  • yummy!! Thank you for posting this! I love cheese cake and cc cookies yes…i can now try this awesome reciepe and put them together!!! i will let you know how it goes!! thanks again.

  • Oh wow those cheesecake bars look delicious!

  • New appliances are so exciting. But it is crazy about all of the new features that many of them offer. My husband and I were washer and dryer shopping the other day and couldn’t believe how many bells and whistles some of them had compared to what we got about 5 years ago.

  • The cookie bars look really good, I am a huge fan of cheesecake and cookie dough.  I think within the next year or so we will be in the market for new appliances.  Some of the options they have these days is quite astounding.  My “stuff” is 10 years old and still in working order but I feel they will need replaced soon, especially the washer and dryer.

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