
The Best Laundry Room Life Hacks & Organization Tips

If there’s one household chore that ranks pretty high on my list of undesirables, it’s laundry. The never ending task! It seriously amazes me how much laundry my family can go through in a small period of time. Then there’s the whole ordeal of sorting, pre-treating when necessary, washing, drying, folding, putting away… repeat. No matter how much you stay on top of laundry, you’ll never have it ALL done either. Unless you’ve found a way to literally take the clothes of everyone’s back so that you can launder them… there’s always going to be a dirty article of clothing or linen lingering around somewhere.

Over the years, I’ve found a few tips and tricks to help keep things running smoothly, however.

Community Laundry Baskets

We used to just have everyone use their own laundry baskets. When it was time to wash, I’d gather the baskets and sort. I’ve learned instead, however, that the power comes in sorting! Have your family immediately discard their soiled clothing into color categorized baskets, then keep one separate basket for linens and bath towels. Now there is no need to sort when it’s time to do laundry. Simply grab a presorted basket and begin!

Set a Schedule

This makes things the easiest. I used to do all of my laundry on one day, but I found that doing a load a day or every couple of days makes life much easier! Just choose a day of the week for each color of clothing, or type (like linen) and knock that load out on its designated day!

Laundry Hacks to Make Things Easier

  • Super Fluffy Towels – Instead of using fabric softener, throw a cupful of white vinegar into the wash!
  • Storing Bed Sheets – To keep bed sheets stored nicely, fold all of the matching sheets and put them into a pillow case for a neat and tidy shelf.
  • Nasty Yellow Stains – Try this! Combine 3 tsp of Dawn dish soap, 2 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp of baking soda. Mix together and rub into the stain.
  • Stubborn Missing Socks – Missing socks after going through the wash? Wash all of your socks in a lingerie bag, keeps all of your socks in one place
  • Quick Wash Setting – Did you know that most washing machines have a quick wash setting? If your clothes aren’t that soiled, use it this setting to get the job done. It works!

Enlist Help

Once the laundry is all done, don’t be afraid to enlist help! My kids love to help fold clothes, and everyone can be responsible for putting their own clothes away. A little bit of team work goes a long way in making the process quick and easy!

Do you have a hack for getting the laundry done? Comment below!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

21 thoughts on “The Best Laundry Room Life Hacks & Organization Tips

  • Love these tips! I honestly never thought of having my oldest put her own clothes away. Not sure she’d get them right, but it’s worth a try and getting her used to it!

  • Good tips for laundry. I like anything with oxyclean added. A great product.

  • I love that my kids are old enough to help with the laundry. I do multiple loads a week and it makes it easier and faster for me too.

  • ery since Arm and Hammer put Oxi in, I don’t like to use anything else. I just love it!

  • These are great hacks for laundry. I will have to try color categorized baskets. I hate sorting all the clothes so this is perfect for me.

  • We sort as we put laundry in baskets as well. It doesn’t make sense to have to do it later!

  • I have a fairly strict laundry schedule that allows us to avoid huge overwhelming piles. Now that the kids are older, they are beginning to take a more active role, which helps a ton too.

  • I’m all about making life easy. I’ll have to try out your suggestions and hopefully save some time.

  • These are great tips. We’ve tried making designated days, but something always happens and it seems we aren’t able to stick to a weekly schedule. We do try though!

  • I’ve started using Oxi Clean on my kids school uniform shirts. They are white, and oxi seems to be the only thing keeping them white!

  • I agree… the most important thing for me is to NOT let it all go too long. Doing a load here and there is what works for me. Thankfully our kids can now help a little so I make them put their own stuff away.

  • It can be overwhelming if you don’t stay on top of it. A schedule helps me feel like I can manage laundry for five.

  • I wouldn’t say my kids love to help with laundry, but they do fold & put away clothes. It isn’t my absolute favorite chore either, but these tips will make it easier.

  • Thanks for these tips. I am not a fan of laundry, but since we used the konmari method and got rid of a lot of our clothes, it has been easier to keep on top of.

  • I use those power paks too! They save me some time when I need to put in some clothes and get back to work.

  • I only do laundry on Sundays, that’s my rule. I don’t have kids so it’s easy to only have to do it once a week :)

  • I find that having a schedule really does help! In fact, I need to go fold a load right now!

  • These are great tips. My husband does the laundry for the most part and I do the dishes.

  • I literally HAVE to do laundry every day. If I don’t, there is a mountain waiting for me the next day.

  • I don’t know why, but laundry is one of my least favorite chores. Thanks for sharing these tips to help it go faster and more smoothly.

  • Thanks for sharing these tips. I hate doing laundry, so anything that can make that go more smoothly is always welcome.

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