
Operation | Learning How To Dress Yourself with Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers #FirstFit

If you have been following my blog, you might remember my post about Andrea and her challenges with speech and behavioral development. She is about to turn 3 years old in August and we are finally beginning to make strides.

One of the skills that we are newly working on is – Learning how to dress yourself. Huggies sent us their Little Movers Slip-On diapers to try out, I was excited to see how they would help us during Andrea’s learning process.

Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers

Every morning we start with the diaper, clothes and her hair bow. Our routine typically begins with the “diaper change”. Andrea is trying to figure out how to dress herself but sometimes get a little confused when I ask her to lay down for a diaper change. It’s great that the “ Learning how to dress yourself ” process can now begin with the diaper.

Huggies Little Movers Slip-On diapers are made with the newly standing toddler in mind:

  • HUGGIES® Little Movers Slip-On® Diaper Pants are made with stretchy sides and require no adjustments for a great fit – so stop changing and start dressing!
  • The diaper slips on easy leaves no red marks and comes off easy too.
  • Easy open sides and grip tabs make removal and rolling up the diaper for disposal simple and easy.
  • HUGGIES® Little Movers Slip-On® Diaper Pants come pre-fastened and require no adjustments for a quick and easy diaper changes.
  • The diaper has trusted Leak Lock® Protection. The protection and security you both need between changes. The diaper absorbs-away layers and long-lasting core lock in wetness and keep baby dry.

learning how to dress yourself

My daughter quickly noticed that the Huggies Little Movers Slip-On diapers are characterized with Tigger on front. She loved them!

I quickly noticed that the Huggies Little Movers Slip-On diapers are featured with stretchy sides and a distinct “Front and Back” marking that is printed on the diaper. For a child who can’t read, it doesn’t do a lot of good. However, for a Mommy and Daddy who often gets her diapers confused this is a great feature to help Andrea put on her diapers right the first time.

Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers

We have been using the Huggies Little Movers Slip-On diapers for a few weeks now and they have become an important part in Andrea’s daily routine. The stretchy sides make the diapers so easy to put on and the leak protection is trusted, even for overnight hours.

This is our first time to try a diaper like Huggies Little Movers Slip-On, and I’m glad we did. This is such a great tool for any child who is learning how to dress themselves, as a newly formed walker or as a developed walker with delays, like Andrea.

Try Huggies Little Movers Slip-On diapers with a money saving coupon from the Huggies website!


I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for HUGGIES. I received product samples to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

96 thoughts on “Operation | Learning How To Dress Yourself with Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers #FirstFit

  • Looks good for training.

  • I wish they would have had these years ago! Such a great idea!

  • love the tigger design!

  • Considering these for my daughter:-)

  • Do they leak at night at all?

  • These slip on Huggie diapers look so easy to use with being able to pull them up

  • These are great especially for dressing themselves and potty training.

  • This is a great concept! I wish we would have them when my kids were in diapers.

  • Diaper technology has really come a long way.

  • both my kids are wayyyyyyyyyyyy past that stage in their lives (they are 12 and 18) but we did see these at walmart last weekend in the center of the aisle and my 12 year old actually commented on the disney characters on them. I think that is a neat concept to encourage the kids to learn how to put the pull ups on and off themselves and therefore learn how to go to the bathroom!

  • I liked these when mine were in diapers

  • I love the little movers. Was really wonderful while helping training my granddaughters.

  • I love Huggies little movers! We only used them for a little while before S was potty-trained, but they are convenient :)

  • my grandson was 3 when they started using the slip on diapers, and soon, he was changing his own diapers! Soon after he potty trained. I think they are great. Thank you. Vicki

  • I will have to try these kind of diapers!

  • Huggies Little Movers slip-on diapers look very nice. Thanks for sharing!

  • I agree that Mom & Dad need the ‘front’ and ‘back’ markings… Maybe they could do pictures in addition so the kid could tell.

  • Do they have other characters on them other than Tigger?

  • I like my cloth trainers for these same reasons!

  • these would be good for night time and long trips

  • I think these would be good for night time for those transitioning into potty training. (For those who don’t use cloth diapers.)

  • We loved the Slip-Ons for just this reason! They’re a great transition between diapers and underwear.

  • My son is only five months, but when he is older I will need this.

  • I love that kids can pull them off and on like underwear.

  • I love Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diaper Pants are made with stretchy sides and require no adjustments for a great fit and they are so easy to just slip-on too.

  • We’ve used these as well in the past. It definitely helps with a feeling of independence for little ones.

  • i like that they require no adjustments and are easy to slip on.

  • These diapers sound like a great step in learning to dress and have alot of great qualities about them!

  • I like how they look – really cute. I also like that they are helping teach responsibility at such a young age :)

  • I like those diapers a lot-makes life that much easier.

  • The Pull-Ups were a huge help for us in teaching our daughter how to dress and she was so excited when she graduated to “big girl panties”, that she already knew how to wear them. They are a lifesaver in potty-training too.

  • These would be great for my son because he loves to dress himself

  • These are something that would make a child feel much more responsible.

  • These sound great, I wish they were available when my children were young. It’s another step in helping a child develop more independence

  • We were a Huggies family – now finally we are out of diapers completely. There is light at the end of the tunne.

  • These sound awesome! I love the fact that they are easy to get on/off

    thanks for sharing with us!

  • I’ve always liked Huggies and can’t wait to try these.

  • I don’t know if my son’s shape or what but these diapers do not stay on him. I’ve tried different sizes but they just fall off from the get go. They are easier to get on now that he’s older but we just can’t do it. :(

  • These sound great! another great step in helping a child develop independence :)

  • They sound good. I like Huggies.

  • i’m just glad my kids are out of diapers! ;}

  • I have always thought Huggies was far superior to other similar brands. It’s a good product!

  • love those diapers!

  • These look really great, I will remember when my little girl is ready for pull up type diapers!

  • I am a Pampers mom. Huggies seemed to leak, but I will try these!

  • I am a Pampers mom however if I would try huggies I might use these ;)

  • I really wanted to love these, but they leaked every time. :( Tried different sizes and nope. Bummer!

  • I can only put little mover slip onsmyson because he is a big wriggler

  • They didn’t have cute ones like this when my kids were young.

  • I think we will definitely switch to these when my daughter starts trying to dress herself.

  • If we used Huggies these would be neat. We are firmly in the Pampers camp though

  • I’ve always used pampers, but I wonder if we’ll end up changing to huggies when my daughter is a little older. The few times we’ve borrowed huggies they haven’t fit her well (very skinny baby), but body types change!

  • Huggies is great! I like the pull up version.

  • Looks so cute!

  • we dont use disposables but I’m hoping the cloth trainers are as simple! having more than one little guy in the house means ease is key!!

  • Huggies was all I used when my kids were babies. I wish they had had these cute designs back then!

  • I don;t have a baby, but I know Huggies is a trustworthy brand

  • I cannot wait to use these on my almost 1 year old, she already helps put her arms and legs into clothing when I am dressing her, she is almost walking now, time sure flies. I have always used huggies with all my girls, I love them, they are so leak resistant too, and I love Winnie the poo too!

  • So cute! Huggies has the best diapers.! I love how it teaches independence.

  • Huggies are the only brand of diapers we use. The slip ons are amazing! My son is potty training himself, and he loves to wear them because he feels like a big boy

  • huggies is the best

  • Huggies is a favorite brand of ours!
    Wish they would of have these when our kids were younger.

  • we just LOVE these Huggies. the little movers are great for my Isabel,who is almost about to start potty training

  • I think this is a brilliant idea! I love Huggies and can’t wait to try these.

  • We tried these when they first came out, when my son was still in diapers, they were nice and helped him learn to pull up his pants alone when potty training began

  • We recently used these as we were teaching our daughter how to pull up and down her pants. She goes to ‘school’ two days a week and just started potty training, so being able to pull her pants up by herself was the first step. One less thing for mommy to do it right?

  • These would be great for my grandson.

  • I’m glad you have found something that is helping your little angel learn!

  • My grandkids get so excited and proud when there able to dress by themselves.It makes them feel grown up.

  • I don’t have any human kids but they look cute and easy to use.

  • These are great for on the go when you don’t have a changing table handy.

  • these would be perfect for my twin nieces – they are at that age right now. i will pass the word along!

  • What a sweetie! Wishing you continued success.

  • Such a great article, I have friends that I will tell about this great product. I think they will love them.

  • These would be great for my son. He struggles with the tabs in his diapers

  • So glad these diapers are helping your little one gaining some independence! It’s amazing what a difference such a small thing as a prefastened diaper can make, isn’t it?

  • Great way to encourage and begin the independence steps of potty training.

  • I’d love for my son to become more involved in this process, so these sound great!

  • I am definitely thinking of doing this with my daughter when she gets a little older. She is very stubborn and loves to figure out things on her own so this may work well for her when the time comes to learn to dress herself!

  • That is awesome that you are having such success! I love when they can become a little more independent. I am so happy that Andrea is making great progress!

  • What a great idea to encourage independence.

  • I should send this to my brother his almost 3 yr old tell everyone his diaper is underwears lol and he is always wanting to go to the bathroom just doesnt ever use the potty he pretend goes so maybe pullups would be a little more like underwear and he would actually start using the potty when he needs to go.

  • hmm..i should give this a shot for my 3 yrs old son..who doesn’t seem interested at all :(

  • If I was still using diapers, these would be the ones!

  • We used these before switching to cloth at night – they just did not work during the day for us! Dd just didn’t get that they weren’t a diaper and she wasn’t supposed to go in them! We ended up buying Gerber trainers and she was trained in a week!

  • I’d love for my grandson to try these! Hopefully it would allow him a little more independence and he would be excited about pulling them up himself.

  • I saw a really cute commercial for,these with a dressing room set up for,the toddlers and heard great reviews from other mom bloggers.

  • We just started using these and they are AWESOME! Glad your little one is getting some independce with them!

  • I’m going to use these, when my son gets to that age…so easy!

  • These would definitely be awesome for big wiggly kids. I use cloth diapers, too, but these would be great when traveling without access to a machine.

  • I can’t recommend these enough… LOVE them

  • These really do help kids feel like “big kids” – Love them!

  • i cant wait till my daughter can dress herself :)

  • Having slip on diapers for “walkers” makes so much sense. My 2 year old nephew has so much energy he hates laying down for ANY reason, haha. But training pants are so much more expensive than regular diapers that you hate to pay the extra just because they’re pull on so I think its awesome that huggies has came out with these.

  • Thanks much! We primarily use cloth diapers but these would be great when others watch our little girl who is potty training right now!

  • I think HUGGIES® Little Movers Slip-On® Diaper Pants are awesome!
    Thanks for sharing the coupon and the fun photos and video!

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