
Why We Choose Li’l Critter Gummy Vitamins For Kids

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for L’il Critters. I received a product sample and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

My children are picky eaters. As young babies, they ate everything. Since the age of 6 months, both of my children have been eating table food. We didn’t do much of processed baby food as my children were perfectly happy and preferred to be gnawing on a piece of steamed broccoli or sliced pear.

Now at the ages of 5 and 3, they both have picky diets consisting of 5 main meal items, a variety of fruit, one or two vegetables and I’m lucky if those fruits and vegetables make it into each and every meal.

I don’t know what causes children to be picky eaters and honestly, I try not to stress about it. When a day comes along and my children are battling certain nutrients, I give them a gummy vitamin for kids, like L’il Critters Gummy Vites, to help fill in the gaps. Then we go on our way and hope that the next day is a better one.

L’il Critters Gummy Vites

We have to be careful when selecting a multi vitamin for both kids. My 5 year old battles a severe peanut allergy and little did I know, many of the vitamins available are manufactured in a plant with nuts. We resorted to a single brand of children vitamins for a long time, I felt bad because my kids just didn’t like them.

L’il Critters Gummy Vites allergy warning

When we received a package of L’il Critters Gummy Vites for review, the first thing I checked for was any sign of peanut contamination. I was very surprised to see a clear written statement on the bottle clearing the Li’l Critters of not only peanuts, but of many other allergens as well.

*Update 3/18/15 – This product now contains a warning that it is contaminated with tree nuts.

Both of my children have been enjoying their new gummy vitamins, my oldest told me that they tasted really yummy and didn’t leave a bad after taste like the other ones did. My 3 year old laughs at them and thinks that it is fun to eat the gummy bear shapes.

L’il Critters Gummy Vites are made with natural flavors, right here in the USA. They offer kids a blend of essential vitamins, minerals and supplements to help deliver nutrition that supports overall good health.

We had the opportunity to try one of the Li’l Critters products, it’s great to see my food allergy child love a gummy vitamin for kids that is safe for him. When these are gone, we will definitely be checking out the other Li’l Critters products at our local retailer.


For more product information and to find a retailer near you, visit the L’il Critter’s website

Join the conversation for fun and savings, visit the L’il Critters Facebook page

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

25 thoughts on “Why We Choose Li’l Critter Gummy Vitamins For Kids

  • Hi MK! Thank you for the heads up this. We haven’t used Lil’ Critters in a while. I do see the warning on their website and I will make a proper update on this article. Thanks again!

  • I believe they have changed their practices and have warnings regarding nut and other allergens in the facility……

  • These look great! My kids would like that they are Gummy like candy.

  • these seem like they’d be great for adults too!

  • I remember hating my vitamins as a kid, if they were gummy I would have eaten them no problem! I think it was that aftertaste thing your oldest mentioned because I notice that now with adult vitamins :-).

  • Love these in our household!

  • I wouldn’t think. To look at the back of vitamins for allergins. Glad you are able to give your children vitamins that are fun and typical for their age, despite the necessity to be nut free. You have raised my awareness

  • These would be great for my grandson. Not only is he one of the pickiest eaters ever he’s also not easy to take a vitamin. I’m going to ask my daughter if she has tried these yet. If the kids like them that’s a good thing. :)
    Carol L

  • I would feel confident giving these to my kids.

  • If this shape, flavor & texture helps the child to want to take his/her vitamin then it’s perfect!

  • I havent started giving my sons vitamins but I think I will start. My older son eats everything but the younger is pickier and does not eat enough.

  • grummy vitamins are the only kind I can get my kids to take. and they like them so much that they will take them without me having to remind them

  • Serving size is 2 gummy bears. Does it bother anyone else that they chose an actual candy to model their vitamin on? And they are age rated down to 2 to 4 years old who cannot comprehend that one gummy bear is candy while another is medicine.

  • I also buy vitamins for my grandson to make sure he get everything he needs vitamin wise. He also likes the gummie ones. I like that these are natural sourced flavors and gluten free . thanks for the info on them

  • We need to try these for my grandson. He just started preschool and got sick after Day #2! He needs an extra supplement like this.

  • My kids would think these were the awesome and like candy!

  • We have tried these and my grandson likes them a lot

  • My son would love these.

  • Finding a vitamin that they’ll take, as well as being free of allergy inducing ingredients can be a challenge…these look like they’d be perfect for my house!

  • Lil Critter Gummy vitamins are my kids FAVORITES I buy them at Sam’s Club so I never run out lol

  • I buy these for my kids too – they love them! They always ask for more than 1 ha and I have to keep reminding them its vitamins, not candy! :)

  • I like the fact that they offer kids a blend of essential vitamins, minerals and supplements to help deliver nutrition that supports overall good health.

  • They look yummy…I would even take them :)

  • These are the vitamins I give my children. I had a hard time finding a children’s vitamin that they liked that did not contain aspertame. My youngest cannot have aspertame. I was excited when I found this vitamin. I also liked this one because it contained more vitamin D than other children’s vitamins; my daughter was on medicine that depleted her vitamin D levels.

  • I don’t know how I feel about the vitamins just yet.

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